Title: Acoustical Classification and Conformity Checking of Road Surfaces
1Acoustical Classification and Conformity Checking
of Road Surfaces
The European Road Federation Point of View
Stakeholder workshop on 1 August 2006 Mr. Antonio
Hidalgo, Mr. Brendan Halleman Brussels
2- The European Union Road Federation (ERF) is
- the Brussels Programme Centre of the
International Road Federation. ERF acts as a
European platform for dialogue, condenses the
road sector's input on mobility issues and
promotes research leading to a more sustainable
road transport.
- Priority areas
- The socio-economic benefits of roads to society,
- Engineering Safer Roads ,
- The environmental challenge ,
- Building financing our road network.
- Intelligent roads
3- Foundation in Transport and Energy Research
Development (CIDAUT) is - a non-profit corporation with the objective of
actively contributing to the needs of companies
in the Transport and Energy sector, thus
enhancing both their competitiveness and
industrial development.
- Priority areas
- Road Car Safety,
- Energy and Environment ,
- Materials Products process,
- Acoustic Vibration.
4- ERF Environment Position Papers
- Road Traffic Noise - The ERF Perspective
- ERF Position Paper on Road Transport and Energy
Saving - ERF Position on Road-related Exhaust Emissions
5The Europes road sector have a problem
- Who? Lots actors involves the acoustic road
scheme - State administration, local administration,
regional administration - Noise consultants
- Road constructors
- Engineering offices
- The frame Environmental Noise Directive
(2002/49/EC) - Noise maps to assess environmental noise covering
all major roads (by 2007) - Information on noise exposure and its effects
made available to the public - Action plans to reduce noise where necessary (by
6At now Strategic Noise Maps
- In Spain
- 5.000 km State Roads
- 1.000 km Private highways
- 2.600 km Regional Roads
Actual project Strategic Noise Maps Spanish
State Roads. Principado de Asturias. MINISTERIO
7Strategic Noise Maps
- In Spain
- 20 consultant works
- 18.000 Noise Maps
- Huge Data
- Expectation
- Millions affected people
Actual project Strategic Noise Maps Spanish
State Roads. Principado de Asturias. MINISTERIO
8Strategic Noise Maps Surface Road correction
concerning the guidelines on the revised interim
computation methods for industrial noise,
aircraft noise, road traffic noise and railway
noise, and related emission data. (C(2003) 2807))
9- And them Action Plans
- Road Acoustic Solutions
- Traffic Management Strategies
- Acoustic barriers (NRD)
- Road Surfaces
- Acoustic isolation affected façades
10- Action Plans
- Actors need talk in the same idiom about
- Quantify the acoustic benefit of the solutions
- Quantify the cost
- How many gain decibels?
- How much less people affected?
- Cost/benefit?
11- Action Plans
- Needed guidelines standard in order to
- Choose the best solution in the action plan
project - Choose the appropriate product available in the
market (CE marking) - Apply and check the installed solutions
- Maintenance and long performance behaviour
12- One example
- Noise Acoustic Devices (CEN TC 226 WG6)
- Recently approved EN 14388 Road traffic noise
reducing devices. Specifications. - Currently promoting a research project in order
to - establish guidelines to optimal NRD design and
installation by improving the State of the Art
through real life data consolidation, round robin
tests and a collaborative research programme
involving acousticians, test houses and
13ADRIENNE 2 Simplified project methodology
WP 2 Improvement of the methods for Absorption,
Insulation, Diffraction
WP 3 Relationship Lab test / in-situ test
WP 1 Coordination
WP 6 Dissemination
WP 4 Relationship near-field / far field
WP 5 Guidelines to NRD optimization
36 months
Guidelines to improve EN1793
Guidelines to NRD optimisation
Final workshop for stakeholders
14- Asphalt Acoustic improvement efforts
- The Road Constructors and local administrations
are doing many research projects in order to
evaluate and improve the road noise in new
applications. For instance, in Spain it has been
made with the collaboration of Cidaut. - Statistical Pass By method (SPB)
- Close Proximity method (CPX)
- Sound absorption properties in situ of road
surfaces - Combine effect NRD Road Surface
15- Conclusions
- The problem of Road Noise involves a lots
different actors - The action plans could be a very difficult
problem - They need some Guidelines Standards to do the
action plans - This Standard is being made and improve about the
Noise Reduction Devices by the CEN TC 226 WG 6
(ADRIENNE 2) - The same effort should be made in the road
surfaces Standards
16Thank you for your attention! Foundation
CIDAUT Parque Tecnológico de Boecillo P209.
E-47151 Boecillo. Valladolid. SPAIN. Tel.
34 983 54 80 35 Fax 34 983 54 80 62
http // www.cidaut.es E-mail
anthid_at_cidaut.es ERF President Building. 106
Avenue Louise B-1050 Brussels. Tel. 32 2 644
58 77 Fax 32 2 647 59 34 http //
www.irfnet.eu E-mail info_at_erf.be