Title: Hemangi Joshi-Deodhar
1- Hemangi Joshi-Deodhar
- Melissa Stucki-Stevens
- Michael Wormke
2Women Co. Business Model Overview
- 19 employee unit of Citigroup
- Varied financial and non-financial products and
services - Women Co educational programming
- Citigroup discounts on CitiCards, CitiMortgages,
etc. - External EY Tax Planning, 4Nannies.com referral
- 1 goal increase Citigroups bottom line
- Cross-selling is key to its success!
3Women Co.s 4-person call center needs to grow
- Women Co.s mini call center
- Handles membership openings and renewals
- Provides product information Women Co.
Citigroup and Women Co.s partners) - Helps members find a financial consultant
- But the call center will soon reach capacity!
4Women Co. has a lot of work ahead!
- Challenges
- Scalability
- Demand forecasting
- Time (until model is proven successful)
- Recommendations
- Prepare to implement an IVR
- Partner with other financial services providers
- Enhance product line
- Become a registered investment advisor