Unreal Game Types - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Unreal Game Types


You can add ammo for your weapon from the Actor class browser PickupAmmoUTAmmoPickup ... Add this actor in front of the computer terminal to the right of the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: actor | game | types | unreal


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Unreal Game Types

Unreal Game Types
  • CIS 488/588
  • Bruce R. Maxim
  • UM-Dearborn

Game Types
  • Map types are determined by its file name and the
    value of its DefaultGameType property
  • UT2004 browser will look for filenames prefixes
  • DM Deathmatch,Last Man Standing, Mutant,Invasion
  • CTF Capture the Flag
  • DOM Double Domination
  • BR Bombing Run
  • ONS Onslaught
  • AS Assualt

Gametype Classes
  • There are UT2004 eleven game type setups, six of
    which are discussed in the text
  • Deathmatch xGame.xDeathMatch
  • Capture the Flag xGame.xCTFGame
  • Double Domination xGame.xDoubleDOM
  • Bombing Run xGame.xBombingRun
  • Onslaught Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame
  • Assault UT2KAssault.ASGameInfo

Death Match Games - 1Tutorial 16.1
  • Start with CD map Tutorial16_01_Start.ut2
  • Best to ensure that the DefaultGameType property
    of the LevelInfo category is set to
  • To open the Level Properties menu click in any of
    the viewport panes and type F6
  • After you close the Level Properties menu you can
    get rid of the net display by typing F6 again

Death Match Games - 2Tutorial 16.1
  • For death match games you need to add several
    PlayerStart actors, weapons bases and pickups
  • To add a weapons base, open the Actor class
    browser, select xPickUpBasegtxWeaponBase
  • Use your RMB to add xWeaponBase to the 3D
  • Open the weapon base property class and set the
    weapon type of the xWeaponBase property using the
    pull down menu

Death Match Games - 3Tutorial 16.1
  • Similarly for shield and health chargers
  • You can add ammo for your weapon from the Actor
    class browser PickupgtAmmogtUTAmmoPickup
  • Use RMB to add ammo to 3D viewport
  • Adrenline and health vials can also be added from
    the Pickup category
  • You may need to check the these items are not
    floating or embedded in the floor (adjust
    position using the perspective viewports)

Wildcard BaseTutorial 16.2
  • Wildcard base can also be added from the Actor
    browser xPickupBase category
  • Use the RMB to place it on the floor in the 3D
    view and open its property list
  • In bSequential attribute of Wildcard property the
    can be set to False to randomize generation of
  • The PickupClasses property contains the list of
    items that are stored at the Wildcard base

Death Match Design
  • Segment the arena so players cannot see too many
    opponents at the same time (graphis rendering
    performance issue)
  • Make sure powerful weapons and ammo are not
    placed too close to one another (game balance
  • Place Player Starts in interesting places to
    avoid nests of NPCs that cause instant death on
    spawning (game play/funnativity issue)

Capture the FlagTutorial 16.3
  • You can use te Tutorial16_03_Stat.ut2 map and set
    the DefaultGameType property to xGame.xCTFGame
  • You need to add to red and blue flag bases to the
    map (on each side of the glass wall) from the
    Actor browser NavigationPointgtJumpDestgt
    GameObjectivegtCTFBasegtRealCTFBasegt xRedFalgBase
    or xBlueFlagBase
  • Rebuild as save map as CTF-Ring13.ut2

Capture the FlagTutorial 16.4
  • First remove all existing PlayerStarts from the
    level (right click one, choose Select All
    PlayerStart, and press the Delete key)
  • Place a new PlayerStart by the blue flag, open
    its properties window, and set the TeamNumber
    property to 1 (0 is red team) under the
    PlayerStart category
  • Duplicate 2 or 3 more blue players and add the
    similar number of red players near the red flag
    (default TeamNumber should be 0)

Capture the FlagTutorial 16.5
  • You can add monitors that display team colors and
    logos (replacing the monitors over the glass wall
    near each base)
  • Select a Monitor (note the values of x, y, z in
    the Drawscale) and use the Delete key
  • Open the Actor class browser and select
    DecorationgtxMonitorgtxMonitorC and add it to the
    3D view using RMB
  • Rotate the new Monitor, scale it, and set the
    Team property to 1 or 0 in the xMonitor category

Capture the Flag Design
  • The map should have distinct red and blue areas
    containing each flag (use team colors in the
    decoration and lighting)
  • Make the two teams as close as possible in
    resources (you could mirror the two bases, but
    dont make them blind copies boring)
  • Balance is the key issue in this type of game

Double Domination 1Tutorial 16.6
  • Players divided into two teams
  • The goal of each team is to simultaneously
    overrun and control two specific locations of the
    map fo 10 seconds
  • After scoring, both domination goals become
    neutral and the process continues
  • Start with Tutorial16_06_Start.ut2 and set the
    DefaultGameType to xGame.xDoubleDOM from Level
    Properties window (F6)

Double Domination 2Tutorial 16.6
  • Open the Actor browser and expand
    NavigationPointgtJumpDestgtJumpSpotgt GameObjectivegt
  • Place DomPointA and DomPointB on opposite sides
    of the glass wall
  • Place two groups (designated red and blue) of
    PlayerStarts in each half of the map
  • Rebuild the level and save the map as

Double DominationTutorial 16.7
  • You can add monitors that indicate the color (red
    or blue) of the team is in control of each point
    (A or B)
  • Use the Actor class browser to expand
    DecorationgtxMonitorgtxDOMMonitor to find
    xDOMMonitorA and xDOMMonitorB
  • Place copies on each side of each door throughout
    the level
  • Rebuild and save the level

Double Domination Design
  • Dont place clusters of PlayerStarts too close to
    the domination points (this makes it a little
    harder to control domination points)
  • Avoid placing too many powerful weapons, ammo, or
    health near the domination points (makes it
    harder to camp and defend a domination point)

Bombing Run
  • Team-based game, having a ball and two delivery
  • Object is to take a ball and throw it into the
    enemy hoop
  • Holding the ball and jumping through the hoop is
    7 points
  • Tossing the ball through the hoop is 3 points

Bombing Run - 1Tutorial 16.8
  • Open Tutorial16_08_Start.ut2, use F6 to open the
    Level properties and change the DefaultGameType
    to xGame.xBombingRun
  • Use the Actor class browser and select
    GameObjectivegtxBombDelivery and add one goal to
    each side of the glass wall
  • Open the properties window goal of the blue team
    goal and set the Team property of the Team
    category to 1

Bombing Run - 2Tutorial 16.8
  • Select the middle group of doors and delete them
    along with the trigger
  • Use the Actor class browser and select
    GameObjectivegtxBombSpawn and add with in this
  • Add two group of PlayerStarts, rebuild the level,
    and save the map as BR-Ring13.ut2

Bombing Run Design
  • Dont put the player starts too far away from a
    goal and dont put them too close either
  • Preventing the goal from being visible from long
    distances to avoid Hail Mary shots anytime a
    player gets the ball

  • The players task is to initialize power nodes in
    a connect the dot manner to link the players
    base with the enemy team power core to make it
    vulnerable to attack
  • Object is to destroy the enemy Power Core
  • The map has five main components Power Cores,
    Power Nodes, Vehicles, Teleport Pads, and Weapon

Onslaught - 1Tutorial 16.9
  • Load the file Tutorial16_09_Start.ut2 and use F6
    to open the Level Properties window
  • Set DefaultGameType to Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame
    and save the map as ONS-Ring13.ut2
  • Add the ONSPowerCoreRed and ONSPowerCoreBlue to
    the map from the Actor class browser
    NavigationPointgt JumpDestgtJumpSpotgtGameObjectivegt

Onslaught - 2Tutorial 16.9
  • Add several ONSPowerNodeNeutral nodes to the map
    from the Actor class browser NavigationPointgtJumpD
    estgtJumpSpotgt GameObjectivegtDestroyableObjectivegtO
  • Place two groups PlayerStarts (red and blue) near
    their respective power cores

Onslaught - 1Tutorial 16.10
  • To establish the links between nodes and cores
    you need to open Unreal using the test icon in
  • Press the Esc key to open a pop-up window and
    select the Map button in the upper left corner
  • In the Map window press the Link Designer button
    on the lower left hand corner

Onslaught - 2Tutorial 16.10
  • To establish the links between nodes and cores
    you use the LMB to click the beginning and ending
    node of each link
  • When finished, click the Export to UnrealEd
    button to put the links on the clipboard
  • Use to bring up the console and type exit
  • In UnrealEd use the RMB any where in the level
    and choose EditgtPastegtHere
  • Verify that the Eagle icon properties say

OnslaughtTutorial 16.11
  • Repeat the process to create alternate link setup
    in the level
  • You need to clear existing links from inside the
    Link Designer window
  • Once you return to UnrealEd use RMB to open
    property window of the new Eagle icon
  • Under LinkSetup category and change the SetupName
    property to AlternateSetup1
  • Game is now playable from UT2004

Placing VehiclesTutorial 16.12
  • In the Actor class browse SVehicleFactorygt
    ONSVehicleFactory to find the list of available
  • Add to the 3D view using the RBM like usual
    (vehicles will be associated with the owner of
    the nearest Power Node or Core)
  • Vehicles are used by getting real close them and
    pressing E key during game play
  • Vehicle use ends when E is pressed again

Adding TurretsTutorial 16.13
  • Turrets work similar to vehicles (they can only
    be used by team owning closest power node or
  • Expand PawngtVehiclegtONSWeaponPawngt
    ONSStationaryWeaponPawn and select the
    ONSManualGunPawn from the Actor class browser and
    add using the RMB
  • Turrets are activated and deactivated using the E
    key once close enough

Adding Weapons LockersTutorial 16.14
  • Adding weapons lockers is similar to adding
    Wildcard bases (they need to be stocked after
    they are added to the level)
  • Open the Actor class browser expand the Pickup
    category and select WeaponLocker
  • Use the RMB to add the locker to the level then
    open its properties window and start adding
    WeaponClass items to the Weapons property

Adding Teleport PadsTutorial 16.14
  • You can add additional teleport pads (beyond the
    node and cores) that are usable by the team
    controlling nearest node or core
  • Select ONSTeleportPad from the Actor class
    browser and use the RMB to add it some where in
    the 3D viewport
  • The E key is used to activate the teleport pads
    and bring up a destination menu

Onslaught Design
  • Careful placement of the nodes and links
  • Place power cores in well defended locations that
    are not visible at long distances
  • Balance the resources and geography available to
    each team
  • Level symmetry is important since teams swap
    locations from one round to another
  • Include link guns to allow repairs and speed up
    construction of power nodes

  • A times objective-based team game
  • Attacker objectives include destroy objects, hold
    positions, or activate switches and defenders try
    to prevent them
  • Attackers and defenders switch roles after each
    round ends
  • Set-up process includes setting objectives,
    setting up player spawn management, and creating
    Matinee intro and ending sequences

Assault (Triggered Objective) - 1Tutorial 16.17
  • Open Tutorial16_17_Start.ut2
  • Use F6 to open the Level Properties window and
    then set the DefaultGameType to
  • To set the first objective open the Actor browser
    and expand NavigationPointgt JumpDestgtJumpSpotgtGame
    Objective and select TriggeredObjective
  • Add this actor in front of the computer terminal
    to the right of the first closed door

Assault - 2Tutorial 16.17
  • Use the RMB to open TiggeredObjective properties
  • Under the Events category set the Tag property to
    OBJswitch (this makes the actor listen for the
    OBJswitch event)
  • Under the Events category set the Event property
    to OBJswitch_complete (this makes the actor
    broadcast the OBJswitch_complete event)

Assault - 3Tutorial 16.17
  • Open class browser and expand the Triggers
    category and select the UseTrigger actor
  • Add it to the level really close to the
    TriggeredObjective actor
  • Open the UseTrigger properties window and expand
    the Collision category and set the
    CollisionRadius property to 70
  • Have the UseTrigger broadcast OBJswitch when
    activated, set the Event property in the Events
    category to OBJswitch

Assault - 4Tutorial 16.17
  • You need to delete the Trigger between first two
    doors (select the doors, open them, select the
    Trigger, press the Delete key, close doors)
  • Select both doors and use the RMB to open the
    Properties window and set the Events category Tag
    property to OBJswitch_complete (this causes the
    doors to close when they hear the event after
    use key E is pressed)
  • Save the map as AS-Ring13.ut2

Assault (Hold Objective) - 1Tutorial 16.18
  • To set the second objective open the Actor
    browser and expand NavigationPointgt
    ProximityObjective and select HoldObjective
  • Add this actor to the left of the second closed
    in front of the computer terminal
  • Use the RMB to open the HoldObjective properties

Assault - 2Tutorial 16.18
  • Under the Events category set the Tag property to
    OBJhold (this makes the actor listen for the
    OBJhold event)
  • Under the Events category set the Event property
    to OBJhold_complete (broadcast message)
  • In the HoldObjective category set the MoverTag
    property to Doors2 (which is tha name of the
    nearby doors)

Assault - 3Tutorial 16.18
  • Delete the Trigger between the two doors
  • Select both doors and use the RMB to open the
    Properties window and set the Events category
    Event property to OBJhold (which is the open door
    broadcast message)
  • Under the Mover category set the MoveTime
    property to 5 (which indicates that a player
    needs to hold that position for 5 seconds)
  • Rebuild, save, and test the map

Assault (Destroyable Objective)-1Tutorial 16.19
  • To set the third objective, navigate to the third
    set of doors, and select the static mesh centered
    over the door
  • Use the RMB to open the properties window, expand
    the Display category, and click the StaticMesh
  • Copy this value of the StaticMesh property to the
    clipboard by typing Ctrl-C
  • Use the Delete key to delete the static mesh (but
    first note the DrawScale3D values)

Assault - 2Tutorial 16.19
  • Open the Actor browser and expand
    GameObjectivegtDestroyableObjective and select
  • Add this actor in the level (it looks like a
  • Use the RMB to open the properties window for the
    cube, expand the Display category, select the
    StaticMesh property, and use Ctrl-V to paste the
    image form the clipboard

Assault - 3Tutorial 16.19
  • You may need to adjust the DrawScale3D values to
    match the original static mesh
  • Rotate the destroyable object so it can fit in
    the position of the original static mesh
  • Use the RMB to open the property window for the
    destroyable object and the Event property to
  • Open the Static Mesh browser and load the package
    Chapter16_SM and select the smashMesh model

Assault - 4Tutorial 16.19
  • Use the RMB to open the properties window of the
    destroyable object, expand its DestroyableObjectiv
    e_SM category and select DestroyedStaticMesh
    property and click the Use button to paste the
    destroyed mesh model
  • Delete the trigger between the doors
  • Select both doors and set the Tag property of the
    Events category to OBJdestroy_complete

Assault 5Tutorial 16.19
  • Under the Mover category set the MoveTime
    property to 2 (slows down door movement)
  • The doors will only open when the lock is
  • Rebuild, save, and test the level

Assault (Proximity Objective) - 1Tutorial 16.20
  • To set the fourth objective, navigate to the
    north side of the glass wall
  • Open the Actor browser and expand
    NavigationPointgtJumpDestgtJumpSpotgt GameObjective
    and select ProximityObjective
  • Use the RMB to place the actor in front to the
    computer near the north wall
  • Use the RMB button to open its property window
    and set the Event property to OBJfinal_complete

Assault - 2Tutorial 16.20
  • Under the Collision category set the
    CollisionRadius property to 70
  • Open the Actor class browser, expand Triggers,
    and select Trigger_ASRoundEnd
  • Place this actor somewhere in the map
  • Use the RMB to open the triggers property window
    and set the Events category Tag property to
  • Rebuild the level, save it, and test it

Assault (Objective Order) - 1Tutorial 16.21
  • You can force the completion of the objectives in
    a fixed order
  • Use the RMB to open the property window of the
    PxomityObjective actor
  • Expand its GameObjective category and set its
    DefensePriority to 0 (meaning it is the last
    objective to be completed)
  • Begin working backwards through the other

Assault 2Tutorial 16.21
  • Set DefensePriority to 1 for the
  • Set DefensePriority to 2 for HoldObjective
  • Set DefensePriority to 3 for TriggerObjective
  • Rebuild, save, and test the map

Assault (Player Spawn Points) - 1Tutorial 16.22
  • Begin by using the RMB to bring up the context
    menu to select all PlayerStarts and delete them
    by typing the Delete key
  • You then need to create clusters 4 attackers
    (placed after each objective) and 4 defenders
    (place before each objective)
  • Select the 4 PlayerStarts in first group of
  • Use the PMB to open the Properties window

Assault - 2Tutorial 16.22
  • Expand the PlayerStarts category and set the
    TeamNumber property to 1
  • Repeat this process setting the TeamNumber to 2,
    3, and 4 for each successive groups of defenders
  • Save your work

Assault (Spawn Point Manager) - 1Tutorial 16.23
  • Open the Actor Class browser expand the Info
    category and select PlayerSpawnManager
  • Use the RMB to place a spawn manager just outside
    the first group of attacker PlayerStarts
    (TeamNumber 0)
  • Open the Properties window, expand the Events
    category and set the Tag property to PSM_Att1
  • Repeat this process with each group of attackers

Assault - 2Tutorial 16.23
  • Set the Tag property of the second group of
    attackers to PSM_Att2
  • Set the Tag property of the third group of
    attackers to PSM_Att3
  • Set the Tag property of the fourth group of
    attackers to PSM_Att4
  • Use the RMB to place a spawn manager just outside
    the first group of defender PlayerStarts
    (TeamNumber 1)

Assault - 3Tutorial 16.23
  • Set the Tag property of the first group of
    defenders to PSM_Def1
  • Set the Tag property of the second group of
    defenders to PSM_Def2
  • Set the Tag property of the third group of
    defenders to PSM_Def3
  • Set the Tag property of the fourth group of
    Defenders to PSM_Def4

Assault - 4Tutorial 16.23
  • You will need to move to the second group of
    PlayerStarts (PSM_Def1 and PSM_Att2)
  • Use the RMB to open the properties window for the
    PlayerSpawnManager for PSM_Def1 and set this as
    its Tag value
  • Expand the PlayerSpawnManager category and set
    the AssaultTeam property to ESPM_Defenders and
    the PlayerStartTeam property to 1

Assault - 5Tutorial 16.23
  • Use the RMB to open the properties window for the
    PlayerSpawnManager for PSM_Att2 and set this as
    its Tag value
  • Expand the PlayerSpawnManager category and set
    the bEnabled property to False and the
    PlayerStartTeam property to 1
  • Repeat this for the next two objectives groups
    of PlayerStarts incrementing the Tag values and
    PlayerStartTeam values appropriately

Assault - 6Tutorial 16.23
  • You will need to move to the final group of
    PlayerStarts (PSM_Def4)
  • Use the RMB to open the properties window for the
    PlayerSpawnManager for PSM_Def4 and set this as
    its Tag value
  • Expand the PlayerSpawnManager category and set
    the AssaultTeam property to ESPM_Defenders and
    the PlayerStartTeam property to 4 and save your

Assault (Scripted Trigger) - 1Tutorial 16.24
  • Open the Actor Class browser, expand
    KeypointgtAIScriptgtScriptedSequence and the select
  • Place the actor at any convenient location in the
    level map
  • Use the RMB to expand the AIScript category and
    select the Action property
  • The action list will make up the program that
    controls the triggers behavior

Action List for Scripted Trigger 1
Assault - 2Tutorial 16.24
  • Index0 wait until the trigger receives the
    OBJswitch_complete message
  • Index1 Disables first group of attacking spawn
  • Index2 Disables second group of attacking
    spawn points
  • Index3 Disables third group of defending spawn
  • Index4 Disables fourth group of defending
    spawn points

Assault 3Tutorial 16.24
  • Add two more ScriptedTriggers some where in the
  • Create action lists similar to the first trigger
    (to make sure that players are on ly spawning
    near the next objective)
  • Rebuild the level (esp. the paths), save, and
    test it

Action List for Scripted Trigger 2
Action List for Scripted Trigger 3
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