Title: Chapters 11,14, and 15
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2Amniote mesodermal derivatives
Page 191, 11.15 M
heart, blood
amnion chorion yolk sac allantois
blood vessels
- A to P segmentation of the segmental plate
- determine the migration path of NC cells
- differentiate
- dermis (dermatome)
- vertebrae and ribs (scleretome)
- muscles of back and ribs (myotome)
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5Cells transfected with Xenopus Noggin gene
transplanted to chick lateral plate
6 back dermis
back, rib, and limb muscles
vertebrae and ribs
Page 199, 11.25 P
7Somites are formed periodically from A to P
What would happen if segmental plate were
inverted along A-P axis?
segmental (paraxial) plate
8Notch juxtacrine signaling
Notch Delta juxtacrine signaling (Fig. 6.26)
quail protein
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11 Control Delta-like 3 knock out mouse
12The Notch autonomous segmentation clock
From regressing Hensens node
Feedback loops establish periodicity
Retinoic acid keeps L and R clocks synchronized
13Somite epithelialization mesenchyme to
epithelium transformation
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15Segmental plate is specified before the somites
16Somite patterning
17How are multinucleate skeletal muscle cells
(myotubes) formed?
18Use of chimeric mice
19Intermediate induced by paraxial mesoderm
8 day mouse. Lim1
Pax2 and Lim1 are kidney specific TFs
20Kidneys and gonads the urogenital system
13-day mouse
21Reciprocal M-E inductionureteric bud
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