Title: Everybodys Got the Right
1Everybodys Got the Right
By Steve Moore
Music Everybodys Got the Right By Stephen
2Napoleon Beazley was executed in 2002 in Texas
for a murder committed eight years earlier when
he was 17 years old.
At the trial, the white prosecutor described him
as an animal in front of the all white jury.
Witnesses at the trial cited his potential for
rehabilitation. He was a model prisoner.
3Mu'eyna Muhammad Yusef Sa'adu has spent more
than a month in incommunicado detention in Syria,
and is believed to be at serious risk of torture
or ill-treatment.
Her husband is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood
organization, who renounced the armed struggle .
The Muslim Brotherhood and those affiliated to
them are subject to the death penalty under
Syrian Law 49.
Mueyna is a mother of nine.
Family members of prisoners on death row in
Uzbekistan often wait months, sometimes years,
before they know if their relative has been
The family never knows where theyre buried.
5Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide
movement of people who
campaign for internationally
recognized human rights.
EVERYBODYS got the RIGHT to be happy.
6AI's vision is of a world in which every person
enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other
international human rights standards.
7Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 1 All human beings are born free and
equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed
with reason and conscience and should act towards
one another in a spirit of
Article 3 Everyone has the right to life,
liberty and security of person.
8Everybodys got the right to be different
if you want to be different.
9No one can be put in jail for their dreams.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought,
conscience and religion including the right to
change religion or belief, and freedom to
manifest religion or belief.
Article 18
10Free Country--
11be a scholar,
make a dollar--
Means that you got the choice
12Free Country--
13scream and holler--
Means that you get a voice
grab em by the collar
14Free Country--
15means you get to connect.
means the right to expect--
that youll have an effect--
16 That youre gonna
20Everybodys got the right to some sunshine.
Not the sun, but maybe one of its beams
21everybody gets a bite
rich man
poor man
22everybody just hold tight to your dreams
23everybodys got the right
24to their dreams
25you can make a difference.