Title: Diapositivo 1
1 Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later
Life 1st - 3rd April 2009 Lancaster University,
UK Mature Learners The Portuguese Scenario
Teresa Almeida Pinto Joaquim Luís Alcoforado
Email tpinto_at_byweb.pt
2Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
- Lifelong learning in Portugal
- Who are the mature learners ?
- What motivating factors encourage people over
45 years old to take up education and training
opportunities? - What are most relevant skills of trainers when
addressing these age group?
3OCDE (2005) Population that has attained at least
upper secondary education. Percentage, by age
Source OCDE, Education at a Glance 2007
4Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
Qualifications of Portuguese population, ()
Source INE, GIASE, Estatísticas da Educação, 2001
5Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
Qualifications of Portuguese population (25-65
years), 2003
Source INE, Inquérito à aprendizagem ao longo da
6Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
Educational Attainment of the Adult Population
Source Eurostat.
7Integrated Approach
Priority policy action within LLL Strategy, aims
to strongly increase qualification levels of
Portuguese population both young and adults.
- Apprenticeship System (mostly aged between 15-25
) - Adult Education and Training
- Skills Recognition and Certification (mostly gt 35
years old )
Qualify 1 million adults, through RVCC System and
double certification training (vocational and
8Participation in non-formal education activities,
Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
2008 Survey 62,7 did not participate, nor
wanted to participate
9Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
Lifelong learning after 45 years old
European Quest Information and knowledge society
National Priorities
Individual Motivation/situation
When there's a will, there's a way
10 Who are the mature learners ?
Manuel de Oliveira 100 years
Sean Connery 78
Madonna, 50 years
11Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
Who are the mature learners ?
- Chronological
- Legal limits
- Social markers
- Religious/Cultural believes
- Biological ageing
- Mental ageing
- Individual ageing
12Chronological . Legal limits . Social marker .
Religious/Cultural believes . Biological ageing .
Mental ageing . Individual ageing
Work situation Unemployed, employed, retired,
inactive Family status Married, divorced,
single Social involvement Active, passive,
volunteer... Economic situation Aloud access
to education or not
Life style Entrepreneur, motivated to continuous
improvement Political environment Drive
citizens to continuous learning or not Learning
Market Services provided, accessibility,
13Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
What motivating factors encourage people over
45 years old to take up education and training
14Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
Participation of low-skilled and older persons
(50-64) in lifelong learning, 2007 ()
Source Eurostat, EU labour force survey (LFS),
2007, date of extraction May 2008
15Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
Reasons of participation in non-formal education
and training (Portugal, 2008)
16Reasons of participation in non-formal education
and training UK, SE and HU (2008) 35 and 54 years
Source Eurostat AES, 2008
17Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
Obstacles to participation in non-formal
education and training (Portugal, 2008)
18Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
What are most relevant skills of trainers when
addressing these age group?
19Website www.trainingolderpeople.eu
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
- Aims
- Analyze the needs of older adults trainers
- Define a vocational expert profile to older
adults trainers - Design and develop a vocational training Model to
older adults teachers and trainers.
20Training Older People Pioneer Model Usable for
Older Adult Trainers
Leonardo da Vinci Project 11 institutions from
10 countries PT, NO, RO, D, CY, S, PL, EL, IT,
21Goal Guide of Ideas to Plane and Implement
Intergenerational Projects Website
Co-financed by Grundtvig actions - Accompanying
22Mainstreaming Intergenerational Solidarity
23Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
What are the perceived contributors to success?
What are the perceived barriers? Which practices
are most successful in assisting learners aged 45
and over to engage in the learning process, to
persist and achieve effective outcomes?
24Reaffirming Teaching and Learning in Later Life
The Portuguese Scenario
Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt
What are the perceived contributors to success?
What are the perceived barriers? Which practices
are most successful in assisting learners aged 45
and over to engage in the learning process, to
persist and achieve effective outcomes?
Teresa Almeida Pinto Contact tpinto_at_byweb.pt