Title: Academic Rigor in Mathematics
1Academic Rigor in Mathematics
- Leadership Team Meeting
- January 2005
2Begin Working on the Following Task
- Turkey Task
- Several turkey dinners are being prepared for
families. Some weigh as little as 6 pounds and
others as much as 24 pounds or more. A turkey
requires 15 minutes per pound to cook. How can
we figure out the amount of time needed for any
size turkey?
- In your table group, discuss what makes this task
rigorous. (5 minutes)
4Characteristics of Academically Rigorous Tasks
- Use procedures for the purpose of developing
deeper levels of understanding.
- Suggest broad general procedures (multiple
solution pathways)
- Begin with where students are. Have multiple
entry points.
- Allow for multiple representations
- Are complex and non-algorithmic thinking (there
is not a predictable, well-rehearsed approach or
pathway explicitly suggested by the task)
5Characteristics of Academically Rigorous Tasks
- Allow for exploration of mathematics to build
- Demand self monitoring of ones own cognitive
- Require appropriate use of students relevant
- Require students to analyze the task and evaluate
the reasonableness of answers.
- Require considerable cognitive effort
6Categories of Mathematical Tasks
- Memorization Tasks
- Procedures Without Connections Tasks
- Procedures With Connections Tasks
- Doing Mathematics Tasks
7Planning for Learning(Standards-Based
8The Mathematical Tasks Framework
Student Learning
TASKS as they appear in curricular/ Instructi
TASKS as set up by the teachers
TASKS as implemented by students
9Linking To Research Why Academic Rigor?
- Set Up Implementation Learning
- High High High
- Low Low Low
- High Low Moderate
10Session Objectives
- Reviewing the general features of academic rigor
in a standards-based mathematics curriculum
- Discuss how culturally relevant and responsive
teaching supports academic rigor for all
- Identify teacher moves that maintain academic
rigor by using the Thinking Through A Lesson
- Plan the next steps for your school in
implementing an academically rigorous mathematics
115 Principles of Culturally Relevant and
Responsive Teaching
- Principle I Learning is optimized when students
are able to make connections between what they
already know and what they are expected to
learn. - Principle II The meaning or significance that
learners impose on an experience shapes how and
whether knowledge is stored long term memory.
- Principle III. Learners can demonstrate
competence in non-traditional ways.
- Principle IV Ability is not static or finite,
as human beings we build our brains through our
engagement with experience.
- Principle V Through effort, monitoring and
adjusting our strategies when we do not
understand, we exert influence over what and how
we learn These strategies and habits of mind
are teachable.
12Professional Literature
- Steins Chapter 2, Using Cognitively Complex
Tasks in the Classroom and Chapters 1-4 of
- Work in pairs to prepare the response to one of
the 5 questions at your tables. (10
- Each pair shares their response to the rest of
the table group. (2 minutes per pair)
- Whole group wrap-up. (5 minutes)
13Making Sense Teaching and Learning Mathematics
With Understanding (James Hiebert,
T. Carpenter, et. al)
- We understand something if we see how it is
related or connected to other things we
knowReflection and communication play an
important role in making connections - Dimensions of Classrooms That Promote
- Nature of Classroom Tasks
- Role of the Teacher
- Social Culture of the Classroom
- Mathematical Tools as Learning Supports
- Equity and Accessibility
14The Turkey Task
- 4th Grade Class at Hooper Avenue Elementary
- Standards
- Algebra and Functions 1.0 Students use and
interpret variables, mathematical symbols, and
properties to write and simplify expressions and
sentences - AF1.1 Use letters, boxes, or other symbols to
stand for any number in simple expressions or
- Number Sense 3.0 Students solve problems
involving addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division of whole numbers and understand the
relationships among the operations. - Mathematical Reasoning 1.0 Students make
decisions about how to approach problems.
- Mathematical Reasoning 2.3 Use a variety of
methods, such as words, numbers, symbols, charts,
graphs, tables, diagrams, and models to explain
mathematical reasoning.
15Video Vignette
- Write down what you expect to see in the video
with regards to teacher moves and the role of the
students (3 minutes)
- Use the graphic organizer to take note of
observable teacher moves and student actions that
maintain rigor and/or are culturally relevant and
responsive. (12 minutes) - Table discussion Share your observations. Take
note of 3 moves that all or the majority of your
table observed and finds significant. (10
minutes) - Whole group wrap-up. (5 minutes)
16The StaircaseToothpick Lesson
- From LUCIMath
- 4th Grade Standards
- AF 1.1 Use letters, boxes, or other symbols to
stand for any number in simple expressions or
- AF 1.4 Use and interpret formulas to answer
questions about quantities and their
- AF1.5 Understand than an equation such as
y3x5 is a prescription for determining a second
number when a first number is given.
- MG 2.1 Draw the points corresponding to linear
relationships on graph paper.
- MR 1.0 Students make decisions about how to
approach problems.
- MR 2.3 Use a variety of methods, such as words,
numbers, symbols, charts, graphs, tables,
diagrams, and models to explain mathematical
17Enacting a Rigorous LessonThe
StaircaseToothpick Lesson
- Use the graphic organizer to describe the teacher
moves that would maintain the rigor in this task
and the expected student actions/responses. 20
minutes - Divide into 2 groups at your table
- Each group will describe the enactment of the
entire lesson Opening, work period, closing
- Incorporate culturally relevant and responsive
teaching strategies.
- Use the Teaching Through A Lesson Protocol in
planning the enactment.
- The groups at each table will share with each
other. (3 min each)
- Whole group wrap-up
18Final Reflection
- In your leadership team meeting, review your
Three Commitments.
- Turn in the form. We will send a copy to your