Title: Quality, equality and creative leadership
1Quality, equality
and creative leadership
Louise Stoll Visiting Professor London Centre
for Leadership in Learning Institute of
Education, University of London louise_at_louisestoll
ICSEI 2009 Vancouver, British Columbia
2- Outline
- Summary of historical perspectives on school
effectiveness and improvement - Challenges for school effectiveness and
improvement - A response creative leadership
3The purpose of ICSEI is to enhance the quality
and equity of education for all students in
elementary (primary) and secondary schools. .
. . achieved through the acquisition and
dissemination of information in a co-ordinated
effort amongst policy makers, practitioners and
scholars, using the Annual Conference, the
Congresss related journals, the website and any
other appropriate methods. . . . efforts to
achieve this purpose are made in diverse settings
by many individuals and organisations employing a
variety of perspectives.
4- School Effectiveness
- focus on students progress and development
value added - progress for all students, not just a few
differential effectiveness - contextual differences
- nested levels
- effect sizes
- added value sustained over time stability
of effects - factors within control of leaders and teachers
identified as statistically related to greater
student progress, summarised in lists
of effective schools characteristics - orientation to quantitative methodology
5- School improvement
- focus on process (journey) as well as outcomes
- identifying necessary teaching and learning and
other conditions to support successful change - considering capacity to engage in and implement
significant change - increasing interest in sustainability
- contextually differences one size doesnt fit
all - initially qualitative methodologies, increasing
use of mixed methodological approaches - RD projects
6Challenges Quality and equality Global and
local Now and the future
7Relationship above OECD average impact
Relationship not different from OECD average
Relationship below OECD average impact
PISA 2006 Performance in science at age 15
and impact of
socio-economic background
8UNICEF child well-being in rich countries
(2007) Average rankings on 6 dimensions Av
ranking Av ranking 1. Netherlands 4.2 12.
Canada 11.8 2. Sweden 5.0 12. Greece
11.8 3. Denmark 7.2 14. Poland 12.3
4. Finland 7.5 15. Czech Republic 12.5 5.
Spain 8.0 16. France 13.0 6.
Switzerland 8.3 17. Portugal 13.7 7.
Norway 8.7 18. Austria 13.8 8. Italy
10.0 19. Hungary 14.5 9. Ireland
10.2 20. USA 18.0 10. Belgium
10.7 21. UK 18.2 11. Germany
9United Nations Education for All UNESCO 2000 6
goals 1. Expand improve comprehensive early
childhood care education 2. Ensure by 2015
all children have access to complete free,
compulsory, high quality education 3. Ensure
learning needs of all young people adults met
through equitable access to learning
life-skills programs 4. Achieve 50 improvement
in adult literacy levels equitable access to
basic and continuing education 5. Eliminate
gender disparities in primary secondary
education by 2005 achieve gender equality by
2015 6. Improve all aspects of quality of
education ensure excellence of all to achieve
learning outcomes, especially literacy, numeracy
essential life skills
10National Council for Curriculum and Assessment,
Ireland Key Skills
11The four pillars of learning Learning to
know Learning to do Learning to live
together Learning to be
UNESCO (1996)
12A response
Creative leadership
13- Four characteristics of
creative processes - They all involve thinking or
behaving imaginatively - Overall, this imaginative activity is
purposeful - These processes must generate something original
- The outcomes must be of value in relation to the
objective - K Robinson et al for DfESS (1999)
All Our
Futures Creativity, Culture Education
14Creative leadership
- . . . collaborative, imaginative and
thought through responses to
opportunities and challenging issues that inhibit
learning at all levels. Its about seeing,
thinking and doing things differently in order to
improve the life chances of all students. - Creative leadership is both
- being creative leaders yourselves
- providing the conditions and opportunities
for others to be creative
Stoll and Temperley (2009)
15Given what you have heard at this conference
about new departures for a learning world, does
the concept of creative leadership resonate with
16Promoting creative leadership Providing time and
physical and emotional
External challenge and
stimulation Taking people out
of their
comfort zones Promoting risk
taking Regular experience
Locating within a
supportive learning
17When adult relationships in schools are
characterized by trust, the stories about change
shift from indifference or negativity to
possibility and hope.
Kaser and Halbert (2009, in press)
18- Demonstrating creative leadership in action
school and district projects - Curriculum innovation
- Internal and/or external
capacity building - Extending the use of
data and evidence -
19- Demonstrating creative leadership
Three examples - Capacity building
- 2. Methodologies
- 3. Knowledge animation
Capacity . . . allows people, organisations or
entire systems routinely to learn from the world
around them and apply their learning to new . . .
situations so that they continue on a path toward
their goals, even though the context is
ever-changing. Stoll and
Earl (2003)
21Capacity building
Before Now the future
Differentiated and contextualised
One size fits all
Instructional improvement
Authentic and deep learning
Creativity, innovation and next practice
Current best practice
Lateral networked, international
Habit of mind
Leadership capacity, including students
Individual school
Systemic capacity, including family and wider
22Harts ladder of participation
8. Child initiated, shared decisions with adults
7. Child initiated and directed
Degrees of participation
6. Adult initiated, shared decisions with children
5. Consulted and informed
4. Assigned but informed
Non participation
3. Tokenism
2. Decoration
1. Manipulation
23Austrian Leadership Academy (LEA)
Involves all
types of schools and all levels of the system
(connect horizontal and vertical system levels)
traditional system
dynamic system
dynamic system
hierarchical system
Schratz and Schley (2007)
24- New Methodologies
- Robust measures of 21st Century outcomes
- Extending development of
- multi-level analyses to include different
parts of the system - methodologies to explore intercultural
similarities and differences - methodologies to assess processes of
improvement - school, district and system
self-evaluation - participatory evaluation methodologies
- Methodologies to capture innovation
- Accountability systems and methodologies to
capture new ways of working eg networking and
Knowledge Animation Ways of making knowledge
accessible and mobile to fuel dialogue that
promotes learning connections and use
26Bridging research and practice is harder than it
looks. Simply communicating information may help
to raise awareness but it is unlikely to
stimulate behaviour change. The mediation
infrastructure . . . Involves a raft of
resources that are crafted with as much attention
to pedagogy to the needs of the professional
learner as to the quality and relevance of the
research CUREE (2007) Mediation infrastructure
Hillage et al (1998)
27Which of these strategies have you found most
powerful in helping promote learning connections
and use of external research findings?
self-evaluation instrument
trainer of trainer
web resource
keynote speech
professional article
higher degree teaching
learning conversation
audio resource
guide to practice
Research and development project
28Which 2 of the following strategies have you
found most powerful in helping teachers share
their knowledge and ideas? Please rank your top 2
in order of priority Learning
conversation 36 Coaching/mentoring 31 Netw
orking 12 Videos of practice/audio
examples 7 Verbal presentations
6 Teacher designed materials 4 Written
stories and reflections 2 Web
resources 2
Responses from GTC Teacher Learning Academy March
. . . knowledge is created through dialogue or
conversations that make presuppositions, ideas,
beliefs and feelings explicit and available for
exploration. It is in these conversations
new ideas, tools, and practices are created, and
the initial knowledge is either substantially
enriched or transformed during the process. Earl
and Timperley (2008)
30Three fields of knowledge
NCSL Networked Learning Communities (2003)
31In what ways could you and your
colleagues/peers powerfully demonstrate
creative leadership to respond to the improvement
and effectiveness opportunities challenges facing
your system?