Title: Midterm Exam: Tuesday, September 28
1Midterm Exam Tuesday, September 28
- Covers all course material through todays
lecture - Homeworks 1 - 5 Problem 1 of Homework 6
- All lectures
- All handouts
- Readings from Stair and Reynolds and Rob and
Coronel - Will be pencil-and-paper
- No computers or calculators are necessary
- Will include
- Relational database design (about 60)
- Short answer/True-False (about 30/10)
- Review sessions will be held
- Wednesday 9/29, 530 PM - 7 PM, Room 255 Baker
Hall - Saturday 10/2, 1 PM - 4 PM, Room 1003 HbH
- Homework 6 (Queries) due Tuesday, October 12
2Query Logic and Design
- Queries are sequences of commands used to extract
and combine data. Using the department store
example, what are typical questions that could be
answered via queries? -
- While tables store data, and relationships encode
business rules that link data in multiple tables,
only queries assist in the transformation of data
into information
3Design and Use of Queries
- In Access, queries are designed and executed
using three views - Design view
- Datasheet view
- SQL view
- Queries are used
- to perform ad-hoc data analysis
- to populate recordsets used in forms
- to populate controls such as combo boxes and text
boxes - to organize data for reports
- as part of macros and code for custom processing
4Structured Query Language
- Queries are executed using Structured Query
Language (SQL). - SQL has a number of advantages compared to
sequential programs implemented in
third-generation languages such as C or Pascal - SQL is simple there are only thirty or so
commands - SQL is nonprocedural data storage details are
shielded from the user - SQL is platform-independent queries can be
represented identically on different platforms - SQL is GUI-compatible queries can be written in
Access and other languages with a GUI alone.
You may eventually find that some queries are
more easily expressed using SQL than via an
- Many queries are based on the command which
extracts a set of records from a table for
further analysis SELECT
SQL View ?
? Datasheet View
? Design View
6SQL SELECT (contd)
- The general SELECT command uses many clauses
- SELECT ltset of columns, string or arithmetic
combination of column(s) or rows, joins on
columns in different tablesgt - INTO ltnew tablegt
- FROM lttable name(s)gt
- WHERE ltlogical conditions holdgt
- GROUP BY ltcolumn(s)gt
- The SELECT command can extract a set of columns
from one table, or a set of columns from
different tables for which pairs of tables have
Foreign Key relationships. - The INTO clause specifies a table which will
store results of this query. - The FROM clause lists the table(s) used in the
query - The WHERE clause lists logical conditions that
must be satisfied. - The GROUP BY clause lists the attributes by which
rows will be aggregated.
7SQL SELECT- Using String Expressions
- New columns in queries may be assigned values
using a variety of string expressions - ColName1 ColName2 (concatenation) appends
one string field to another. - Ex SName - Sex applied to Richards
- M yields Richards - M - Left(ColName, N) extracts first N characters
of column ColName. Similarly Right(ColName, N) - Ex Left(SName, 1) applied to Richards yields
R - Mid(ColName, N, M) extracts M characters of
column ColName starting at character N - Ex Mid(CrsNbr,4,1) applied to ACC610 yields
6 - Len(ColName) returns the length of column
ColName - Ex Len(SID) applied to 218 yields 3.
8SQL SELECT- Using Arithmetic Expressions
- New columns in queries may also be assigned
values using a variety of arithmetic expressions - ColName1 ColName2 (addition) add the
contents of two columns. Similarly for -
(subtraction) - ColName1 ColName2 (multiplication)
subtracts the contents of one column from
another. Similarly for / (division) - ColNameN (exponentiation) computes the value
of a column to the power N (N can be any real
number) - Abs(ColName) (absolute value) computes the
absolute value of a column - ex. Abs(Temperature) applied to -32 gives
32 - Int(ColName) returns the integer portion of a
real number - ex. Int(InterestRate) applied to 8.325 gives
9SQL WHERE Criteria for Selecting Rows
- Logical expressions can determine rows to appear
in query output - WHERE LogicalExpression(ColName)
- Ex WHERE Left(Sname,1) lt S chooses all rows
where the first initial of the last name is lower
than S - Ex WHERE Major Is Null selects all rows where
the value of the field Major is Null (empty) - Other operators BETWEEN, LIKE, IN, EXISTS
- WHERE LogicalExpression1(ColName1) OR
LogicalExpression2(ColName2) (Logical OR) - Ex (Left(SName,1)lt"P") OR (GPA)gt2.5) chooses
all rows where the first initial of the last name
is lower than P OR the GPA exceeds 2.5 - WHERE LogicalExpression1(ColName1) AND
LogicalExpression2(ColName2) (Logical AND) - Ex (Left(SName,1)lt"P") AND (GPA)gt2.5)
chooses all rows where the first initial of the
last name is lower than P AND the GPA exceeds
10SQL GROUP BY Aggregate Records
- The GROUP BY clause divides records into groups
based on the value of a criterion. New fields may
be created using summarized values of fields in
each category. Example - SELECT Major, Avg(GPA) AS AvgOfGPA
Other summary calculations Sum, Min, Max, Count,
StDev, Var, First, Last
11Access Variations on SELECT Queries
- UPDATE Calculates a new value for an existing
column using arithmetic/string expressions for
rows satisfying certain criteria. For example - UPDATE FACULTY
- SET FACULTY.FName "Kennedy-Jenkins"
- WHERE ((FName"Kennedy"))
12Access Variations on SELECT Queries (contd)
- APPEND Adds records from the current query to
another table with identical format. For example - INSERT INTO FACULTY4
13Access Variations on SELECT Queries (contd)
- MAKE TABLE Creates a new table based on results
from the current query. For example - SELECT FACULTY3.FID, FACULTY3.FName
14Access Variations on SELECT Queries (contd)
- DELETE deletes all records satisfying certain
criteria. Example - DELETE STUDENT2., STUDENT2.GPA
- WHERE (((STUDENT2.GPA)lt2.5))
15Access Variations on SELECT Queries (contd)
- CROSSTAB creates a two-dimensional table in
which a value field is summarized according to
row and column field(s). Example - TRANSFORM Avg(STUDENT.GPA) AS AvgOfGPA
16Parameter Queries
- Parameter Queries Select records that match a
user-defined criterion based on a particular
field. Example - SELECT COURSE.
- WHERE (((COURSE.CrsNbr)Select a course
17Other Query Applications
- Views Select a row driver, and add one or more
tables, each pair of which is linked by a Foreign
key relationship. Select columns of interest for
Find Duplicate Records Find the records in a
table that have identical values for all
columns Find Unmatched Records Find the records
in one table without records in another table
according to a common field
Archive Select records according to given
criteria (SELECT query) create a new table based
on query results (MAKE TABLE query), delete
selected records from original table (DELETE
query) Select Top X Records Select the top X
(X) records according to given criteria
18Data Analysis Applications of Queries
- Suppose you have a number of fields that could
serve as indexes or foreign keys, but with
inconsistent information - Degree attained Bachelors, B.A., A.B,
MPM, M.S. - How could you derive a consistent set of values?
- Now suppose you have a dataset describing
customers with a number of candidate keys - Last name, Phone number, Street address
- How could you determine a primary key (if one
exists)? - Finally, you want to determine the distribution
of family income by marital status and gender - Marital Status Married, Separated,
Divorced, - How would you calculate this distribution?