Title: TRC%20
1TRC The portuguese Cosmic Rays Telescope
2nd Workshop on Cosmic Rays in Schools
Projects September 9th, 2006, Lisboa, Portugal
a brief status report
Pedro Abreu
Reaching Schools w/ Detectors!
- Project Ciência Viva, ready to acquire data.
- Objectives place cosmic rays detectors
in the roofs of high-schools. - Promote the outreach of high energy physics
through the use of a real detection station, with
the help of the teachers and students using it. - IST 10 High Schools in the game at the moment
8 in the district of Lisboa, 2 in Beja (9
installed) Study of Time Correlations at Large
Distances ?
3Long Distante Time Correlations
- Schools in Lisboa and Beja,
- Plan to repeat/extend the measurement of
Observation of Time Correlations
in Cosmic Rays O. Carrell e M.
Martin Dep. Ph. Nuc. Corpusc.
Univ. Genebra, SuÃça,
an excess of quadruple hits, within ?t0.62ms,
was observed w/ S4.8?
- Can we set-up an International Collaborative
effort towards a scientific goal ? - - share data, e-mail reports, news alarms
4The .pt Detector Stations
10 stations in high-schools (E ), 1 central at
6 stations inside Lisboa,
E 6
E 2
E 5
E 4
E 3
12 Km
12 Km
3 in suburbs of Lisboa....
150 Km
...and 2 in the south centre of the country (Beja)
E 9
E3 (Lisboa)
E 10
5Station of 3 detectors
- Three detector units (with GPS time-tag) are
placed at vertexes of a triangle, in the roof of
the high-schools.
(IST roof)
(Amadora roof)
6A detector consists of
- Plastic scintillator, with 1m x 0.5 m and 10 cm
of depth, wrapped in aluminium foil and black
tape - A trapezoidal light-guide, wrapped as above
- A single photomultiplier (made by Hamamatsu)
- A power box specially developped to drive the
HV converter from H., controlled by a PC
running LABView. - Detector inside an acrylic box, wrappedin
reflective tape
7Data Acquisition
- Developped Data Acquisition Board, 100 MHz, 6
channels input, able to handle signals from the
photomultipliers and from the GPS - I2C Protocol implemented via parallel port to
drive the commands to the HV power box, and
received read values and temperature - 4 Triggers implemented inLIP-PAD, via the
programmableALTERA, and can be changed - Data Acquisition controlled via LABView (1
station with full license, 10 stations
withruntime licenses).
8DAQ ROOT Interface
- Developped an interface from the LABView program
to write all the relevant data (signals and
header information e.g, GPS registers) - Time tag of a station at a resolution of 100 ns,
achieved by saving twonumbers, obtained from
a50 MHz clock-counter atthe times of arrival of - PPS signal from GPS
- Triggered event
- Complemented by the GPS Info second(recd
through RS232 port)
9Status report
- Detectors installed in the roof of 9 schools,
incl. Beja !, after 1 year Pedagogical Operation
(10th School stalled for works) - GPS circuit designed, prototype constructed and
tested -gt already installed in the 9 schools - Few loose ends to tie up
- Strategies for Data Analysis, Simulation and
Recons-truction started to be tested -gt talk by
Lina Moniz - Readout of time/GPS info implemented in the
acquisition - ROOT Interface implemented in DAQ -gt Data Analysis
- Start to take data in the TRC stations
- Prepare update courses for teachers
- Build and responsabilize local scientific teams
- Prepare standard experiments and regular
calibration procedures - Collect the data, analyse it in 1 station
- Analyse the data from different stations
- Search for long-distance time correlations
- Start to prepare for another proposal of further
10-20 schools (50??)