Title: Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
1Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Rong Zheng, Richard Barton
- University of Houston
2Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
- A WSN typically consists of one or more sinks and
many sensors acting as information sources - Data dissemination (sink ? sensors)
- Data aggregation (sensors ? sink)
- Key characteristics
- Limited energy budget
- Collective utility
- Asymmetry
- Question
- What is the asymptotically achievable data
aggregation rate at the sink in a wireless sensor
network of n nodes in a fading environment?
- Answer
- Information theoretical tight bounds in low (2 lt
? lt 4) and high (? gt 4) attenuation regime are
?(log(n)) and ?(1), respectively - Order optimal throughput can be achieved using
cooperative time-reversal communication (TRC) and
a novel hierarchical network protocol - Data aggregation using multihop relay is
suboptimal except for ? gt 4 - TRC can improve network life time by an order of
magnitude for low-duty cycle operations
- Physical layer models
- Clustering and routing
- Results
- Extensions
6Physical Layer Models
- Nodes follow Poisson point with unit density on
, Pn P n B(n) - Node are maximum power constrained Pmax
- Two modes of communication
- Naive multihop relay
- Cooperative time reversal communication
7Naive Multihop Relay
- Maximum rate for point-to-point communication
from node i to j - Maximum rate for point-to-point communication
from node i to receivers R - where
8Background on TRCForward-Channel Impulse Response
9Background on TRCTime-Reversed Channel Response
10Background on TRCMultiple Receivers
11Background on TRCCooperative Time-Reversal
12Capacity of TRC Link
13Information-theoretical Bounds
- The capacity of m-user Gaussian multiple access
channel with CSIR is characterized by
14A Tighter Bound for High Attenuation Regime
- Let P be a Poisson point process of unit density
over R2. For any rate ? gt 0, the fraction of
nodes that can receive data from all other nodes
at that rate is at most w.h.p., where - and I is defined as
- Theorem The total information-theoretic data
aggregation rate ? of an extended network of unit
density in B(n) is characterized as - For the path loss exponent a 4, ? O(logn),
and - For the path loss exponent a gt 4, ? O(1).
15Data Aggregation Using Native Multihop Relay
- Proof (sketch)
- Upper bound in extended network, nearest
neighbor to the sink is at distance ?(1) - Lower bound Using argument of percolation
theory, if the sink is part of largest connected
component then ?(1) is achievable otherwise
16Sink tree Routing
17Data Aggregation Using TRC
18Data Aggregation Using TRC
19Questions to be Addressed
- Which set of nodes should be clustered together
in a TRC link? - How should routing be done?
- How to schedule transmissions from different
20Network Organization
- Area I, nodes are too far from sink to use TRC
directly - Area III, nodes are too close to benefit from TRC
- Area I, III both use naïve multihop routing
- Area II use TRC to sink directly
Area I
Area II
Area III
21Routing on Random Networks (1)
- Partition the network into cells Vi of side
length - Designate a cell head hi
- Data from node u to sink O are first forward to
cell head and then routed among cell heads whose
cells intersect with line LuO
22Routing on Random Networks (2)
23Routing on Random Networks (3)
24Achievable Rates
- Area I, III
- Leaf nodes
- Non-leaf nodes
- Area II, using TDMA among clusters
- where m and M are size and number of clusters
- When ? lt 4
- we have
- When ? 4, let ? ? 0
- we have
- TRC provides an efficient way to communicate over
long distance - To unleash the power of TRC in a network setting,
cross-layer design of routing, scheduling and
communication protocols are required
cooperation, cooperation, cooperation!
27Questions Comments?
- Visit us at http//coco.cs.uh.edu
28Backup Slides