Title: Palestinian Refugees and IDPs
1Palestinian Refugees and IDPs
- Al Nakba and Ongoing Nakba
2Al Nakba is Ongoing NakbaThe Necessity to Review
Israel Nature, the Root causes and International
- Israel is a regime of a colonizing power under
the guise of occupation which includes many of
the worst features of apartheid, - UN Special Rapporteur, Prof. John Dugard Human
Rights Situation in Palestine and other Occupied
Arab Territories
3Historic Palestine
- 1917 Jewish- owned land 3-4
- Jews were 7 of the entire population
- Creation of the Protracted Conflict
- 1- Establishment of Zionist movement as part of
the international colonial movement - 2- The Western Colonial Movement in the Middle
East - - Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916
- - Balfour Declaration (1917)
- - British Mandate
(1917-1948) - 3- UN General Assembly Resolution 181 Partition
Plan - 4- Creation of the state of Israel
4The Roots of The Conflict
- Palestine from 1917- 1947
- British Mandate policy 1917-1948
- Facilitating Jewish immigration and settlement in
Palestine (denationalize Palestinians and
legalize Jewish immigrants), - - Facilitating land transfer to Jewish/ Zionist
Agencies, - - Oppressing Palestinians uprising and closing
eyes or encouraging undergrounds Zionist Militia
Urgon, Haganah and others - Early Withdrawal
- 1947 Jewish owned- land was 8
- Jews became 32 of the entire population.
5Partition Plan
Division of Mandate/ Historic Palestine 56 for
a Jewish State although they owned only 8 and
were approximately one third of the entire
population. 43 for Arab State 1 for
Jerusalem and Bethlehem to be managed and
administered by special international system
6Creation of the state of Israel AL NAKBA
- 1948 war 78 under the Israeli Control
- 22 divided into West Bank controlled by Jordan,
and Gaza Strip administered by Egypt. - More than 750,000 Palestinians were displaced and
became Refugees - More than 35,000 Palestinians Became internally
Displaced persons in Israel. - 532 Villages and towns were destroyed partially
or entirely.
7Lands Occupied by Israel in1967 War
- Israel occupied Sinai, Golan Heights and entire
Palestine (OPT), - New wave of Palestinian refugees, about 400,000
Refugees, - Israel announced United Jerusalem as its Capital
- Israel controlled over nature resources and
imposed Restrictions on economic development
8Ongoing Nakba
- Construction of Israeli Jewish Settlements
- Control over all resource
- Enacting of Laws enabling it to confiscate
Palestinian owned land 3,250 km out of 5,800 km
in West Bank, - Demolition of more than 18,000 houses from
1967-2007 - 25 of Palestinians living in Palestine were
arrested - Discriminatory policies against Palestinians
living inside Israel, and those in West Bank - Examples
- prevention of Refugees and IDPs from return,
restitution, compensation, (laws and Judgments) - Unrecognized villages
- The Wall and its Associated regime (segregation),
- Permits work permits, housing permits, traveling
permits, cultivation permitsetc) - Checkpoints and Closure areas and measures,
restriction on movements - Denial of Family Reunification,
- Arbitrary torture and arrests, demolition of
houses, assassination, or extrajudicial killing
and The list is long - Ongoing Nakba is an institutionalized Nakb a
completion of what started in 1948 the ethnic
cleansing process / displacement and
dispossession of Palestinians, depopulation of
the Palestinian communities, confiscation of Land
and prevention Palestinians from exercising their
9Bypass Roads
- Israeli Bypass roads is about 800 Km about 3 of
historic Palestine - To ease the construction of Settlements
- The Israeli bypass roads in the Palestinian
Territory were erected to ease the construction
of the illegal Israeli settlements of the West
Bank - To limit the development of Palestine
- was planned and paid by the Israeli Governorate,
aiming to limit any kind of construction and
development in the Palestinian communities - To Prevent the establishment of Palestinian state
- bypass roads in the occupied Palestinian
territory as a part of its policy to coerce facts
on the ground ultimately affecting the outcome
of negotiation with the Palestinians including
the establishment of a viable contiguous
Palestinian State
10Future Palestinian promised State
- The best Israeli offer was
- 93 of the West Bank cut off by settlements and
bypass roads - Excluding Jerusalem (Israeli sovereignty)
- 87 settlements with 35 of settlers (there are
about 250,000 settlers in West Bank and 200.000
in Jerusalem) - 3 in exchange of the 7
11The Wall
- More than 700 Km in length
- 54 of the West Bank will remain after the wall
(Less than 12 of Historic Palestine - 85 of the Water wells and resources are
controlled by Israel - Palestinian affected directly by the wall
- More than 160,000 of Palestinians are Isolated in
cantons behind the wall - About 200,000 are separated from the cultivated
land - 115,000 Palestinians have been displaced as a
result of the wall
12Refugees and IDP Population in 2006-07
- All Palestinians (10.1 millions) are stateless.
70 of the Palestinian population is either
refugee or IDP. - In 2007, there are 7 millions Palestinian
refugees (6 millions 1948 Palestinian refugees
and 1 million 1967 Palestinian refugees). - In 2006, there were 450,000 Palestinian IDPs
(325,000 IDPs in Israel and 115,000 IDPs in the
occupied Palestinian territory).
13Protection gap
- There is no UN Agency currently providing
protection, in particular, searching for durable
solutions for Palestinian refugees and IDPs. - UN Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) ? mandate to
provide assistance to Palestinian refugees in its
area of operations (OPT, Syria, Jordan and
Lebanon). - UN Conciliation Commission for Palestine (UNCCP)
? mandate to protect Palestinian refugees but
Agency is no longer active. - UNHCR ? mandate to protect and assist Palestinian
refugees outside UNRWA's areas of operations. Not
actively searching for durable solutions however.
14Review of Israel Nature
- Israels Regime over Palestinians is Unique it
is a combination of Apartheid, colonialism and
occupation - As Occupying Power Israel has been transferring
indigenous people to settle Jewish Zionists - As colonial state Israel has been working on
changing the demographic nature of the land for
the benefit of Jewish communities - As apartheid Israel has institutionalized
discrimination and segregation, (Laws, policies
and practices).
15The Best Solution
- Ending the occupation,
- Ending the discriminatory policies against
Palestinians - Enabling refugees to exercise their right to
return, restitution, and compensation based on GA
Resolution 194 and SC Resolution 237. - The two State solution is not viable anymore
- The best way is
- The establishment of the one democratic secular
state for entire its people irrespective of their
religion, race, ethnic...or any basis of