Title: Progress of the Nonlinear Collimation System
1Progress of the Nonlinear Collimation System
T. Asaka A. Faus-Golfe J. Resta López
D. Schulte F. Zimmermann
- The CS of a LC
- Nonlinear CS for LC
- Basic scheme
- State of the art
- Scheme using 21 skew sextupoles
- A Nonlinear CS for CLIC
- Previous design Energy-Betatron Collimation
- New designs Energy Collimation
3 The Collimation System of a LC
- reduce the background in the detector by
removing particles at large betatron amplitudes
or energy offsets, which otherwise would be lost
generating muons near the IP or emit synchrotron
radiation photons in the final doublet - withstand the impact of a full bunch train in
case of machine failure - not produce intolerable wake fields that might
degrade the orbit stability or dilute the
The CS for a LC must fulfill
4 The Collimation System of a LC
only linear elements
Standard Linear System
quads and bends
5NonLinear CS for LC Basic Scheme
Deflection at the nonlinear element
6Nonlinear CS for LC Basic Scheme
- Nonlinear elements used are skew sextupoles or
- Higher-order multipoles (decapoles, dodecapoles,
) are not useful because they do not penetrate
to the small distances needed - N. Merminga et al., SLAC-PUB-5165 Rev. May
7Nonlinear CS for LC State of the art
- Scheme with skew-sextupole pairs for nonlinear
collimation only in the vertical plane - N.Merminga, J. Irwin, R. Helm and R. Ruth,
SLAC PUB 5165 Rev. (1994) - Tail folding octupoles in the NLC final focus
system - R. Brinkmann, P. Raimondi and A. Seryi,
PAC2001, PAC 2001 Chicago - A Magnetic Energy Spoiler (MES) for the TESLA
post-linac collimation system - R. Brinkmann, N. J. Walker and G. Blair,
DESY TESLA-01-12 - (2001)
- Scheme with (21) skew sextupoles for CLIC
A. Faus-Golfe and F.
Zimmermann, EPAC 2002, Paris
8Nonlinear CS for LC Scheme
using 21 skew sextupoles
Energy and Betatron collimation
Increase sx,y at spoiler
Orthogonal IP phase collimation
Cancellation of geometric aberrations
9Nonlinear CS for LC Scheme
using 21 skew sextupoles
The Hamiltonian
The deflection
10Nonlinear CS for LC Scheme
using 21 skew sextupoles
Position at the downstream spoiler
Position at the downstream spoiler w/o skew
11Nonlinear CS for LC Scheme
using 21 skew sextupoles
Beam size at the spoiler
Gaussian momentum distribution
Uniform flat momentum distribution
New Formulas!
average momentum offset
12Nonlinear CS for LC Scheme
using 21 skew sextupoles
Beam size at the spoiler for Gaussian
Beam size at the spoiler for Uniform flat
13Nonlinear CS for LC Scheme using
21 skew sextupoles
14Nonlinear CS for LC Scheme using
21 skew sextupoles
- The achievable value of Dxs is limited by the
emittance growth ?(?ex) due to SR in the dipole
1.0 x 10-19 m
f fraction of the initial emittance
I5 radiation integral
15Nonlinear CS for LC Scheme
using 21 skew sextupoles
In addition to energy collimation the sextupolar
deflection also yields a collimation for
horizontal or vertical amplitudes at collimation
depth (units of s) of
Alternatively we can collimate (in the other
betatron phase) using the linear optics
16Nonlinear CS for LC Scheme using
21 skew sextupoles
- By combining these equations we could
collimate in both betatron phases and in energy
using a single spoiler. Alternatively, we could
choose either linear or nonlinear collimation in
one phase. -
- If we opt for nonlinear betatron collimation,
the other phase could also be collimated by
installing a pre skew sextupole with a phase
advance of p/2 in front of the first skew
sextupole in a non dipersive location.
17A Nonlinear CS for Previous design
Energy-Betatron Collimation
Normal sextupoles for chromaticity correction
Tracking studies show strong residual
18A Nonlinear CS for
Energy Collimation
- Main changes compared to previous CLIC design
- collimation only in energy
- linear energy collimation in horizontal plane
- 1st skew sextupole is only to increase vertical
spot size at the spoiler - increase the overall fraction of the system
occupied by bends, decrease bending angle until
SR effect is reasonably small - keep b-functions as regular as possible to avoid
need of chromatic correction
19A Nonlinear CS for
Energy Collimation
1st optics solution
No bends between the skews
20A Nonlinear CS for Energy
Beam, optics and collimation parameters
21A Nonlinear CS for
Energy Collimation
- There is however a problem
- collimation system is not that short (2.8 km)
- To make further progress..
- fill as many of the cells with weak bends
- increase the dispersion at the spoiler
- increase the bending angle (I5 lt 1.0 x 10-19)
- increase the cell length
22A Nonlinear CS for Energy
2nd optics solution
Bends between the skews
23A Nonlinear CS for Energy
Beam, optics and collimation parameters
24A Nonlinear CS for
Energy Collimation
Goal Compare the performance and collimation
efficiency of the nonlinear system with those of
alternative linear designs for CLIC
25A Nonlinear CS for
Energy Collimation
See J. Resta López talk
- Ongoing work
- Collimation survival
- install perfect spoiler perform simulations
with MAD and PLACET - T.Asaka, J. Resta López Characterization and
Performance of the CLIC BDS with MAD, SAD and
PLACET ELAN (2005) - consider real spoiler with scattering, install
absorbers, optimize absorber locations, run BDSIM
or SIXTRACK or MARS simulations (linear system
already contains spoilers and absorbers) - Drozhdin et al, Comparison of the TESLA, NLC
and Beam Collimation system performance CLIC
Note 555 (2003) - Chromatic properties Luminosity performance
Beam size at the spoiler vs sextupole strength
average momentun off-set
26A Nonlinear CS for
Energy Collimation
Outlook Optics with bends between the skews
shows better performance from the collimation
efficiency point of view but there is no complete
cancellation of the geometric aberration and the
luminosity is very poor
Further work New optics with no bends between
the skews to avoid the luminosity degradation
keeping good collimation efficiency
27A Nonlinear CS for Energy-Betatron
A. Faus-Golfe and F. Zimmermann, EPAC 2002,
28A Nonlinear CS for
Energy-Betatron Collimation
- A weak pre-skew sextupole
- 1st skew sextupole
- Single spoiler
- 2nd skew sextupole
Does not include chromatic correction !
29A Nonlinear CS for Energy-Betatron
Old Formulas !
Beam, optics and collimation parameters
30A Nonlinear CS for Energy-Betatron
Normal sextupoles for chromaticity correction
Tracking studies show strong residual
31 A Nonlinear CS for Betatron
- The LHC momentum spread is 2 orders of magnitude
smaller than in CLIC, cannot be exploited for
widening the beam during collimation - Emittance growth from SR is insignificant, not
constrain in the design of the collimation system - The geometric vertical emittance is about 3
orders of magnitude larger than in CLIC
32 A Nonlinear CS for Betatron
Multiparticle tracking shows encouraging results
LHC Collimation group
33A Nonlinear CS for Betatron
Beam, optics and collimation parameters
34A Nonlinear CS for Betatron
- Further work
- include spoiler between two skew sextupoles
- optimize the collimators gap to reduce impedance