High Energy High Intensity Hadron Beams - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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High Energy High Intensity Hadron Beams


Network coordinated by F. Ruggiero and W. Scandale F. Zimmermann stepping in for F. Ruggiero With input from H. Schmickler, W. Scandale, and S. Peggs – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: High Energy High Intensity Hadron Beams

High EnergyHigh IntensityHadron Beams
coordinated by F. Ruggiero and W. Scandale F.
Zimmermann stepping in for F. Ruggiero
With input from H. Schmickler, W. Scandale, and
S. Peggs
  • http//care-hhh.web.cern.ch/care-hhh/

  • Coordinate and integrate the activities of the
    accelerator and particle physics communities in a
    worldwide context, towards achieving superior
    High-Energy High-Intensity Hadron Beam facilities
    for Europe
  • road map for the upgrade of the European
    accelerator infrastructure (LHC and GSI
    accelerator complex)
  • coordinate activities and foster future
  • dissemination and outreach

3 Work Packages
  • WP1 Advancements in Accelerator Magnet
    Technologies (AMT)
  • WP2 Novel Methods for Accelerator Beam
    Instrumentation (ABI)
  • WP3 Accelerator Physics and synchrotron Design

Participating Institutes
Participating institutes CEA, CERN,
WUT Associated institutes CRPP, ENEA, TUBE,
collaborations Texas AM U., U. Geneva, U.
Activities in 2006
  • Events
  • 5 workshops in 2006 CARE-HHH GSI-CERN meeting
  • detector upgrade studies machine-experiment
    interface WG
  • LHC crab cavities WG
  • Dissemination and outreach
  • numerous presentations at workshops
  • 21 new HHH publications, 4 workshop proceedings
    (2 to come)
  • HHH web sites maintained developed
  • Exchanges and education
  • 3 US accelerator physicists supported for HHH
  • 1 EU junior scientist
  • 2 EU summer students, 1 master student, 5
    doctoral students
  • 1 US-LARP Toohig fellow

2006 HHH Publications
1 CARE-Report-06-008-HHH Annual Report 2005 of the HHH Collaboration Editors F. Ruggiero, W. Scandale January 2006
2 CARE-Conf-06-014-HHH Proceedings of the LHC-LUMI-05 Workshop Editors F. Ruggiero, W. Scandale, F. Zimmermann July 2006
3 CARE-Conf-06-036-HHH Proceedings of the AMT ECOMAG Workshop L. Bottura et al June 2006
4 CARE-Conf-06-049-HHH Proceedings of the AMT WAMDO Workshop T. Taylor et al November 2006
5 CARE-Conf-06-010-HHH Non-linear Collimation in Linear and Circular Colliders A. Faus-Golfe, J. Resta-López, F. Zimmermann June 2006
6 CARE-Conf-06-020-HHH LHC Upgrade Options and CARE-HHH Activities F. Zimmermann June 2006
7 CARE-Conf-06-021-HHH Electron-Cloud Benchmarking and CARE-HHH Codes F. Zimmermann June 2006
8 CARE-Conf-06-022-HHH LHC Luminosity and Energy Upgrades W. Scandale June 2006
9 CARE-Conf-06-023-HHH Accelerator Physics Code Web Repository F. Zimmermann et al June 2006
10 CARE-Conf-06-024-HHH Possible Uses of Rapid Switching Devices and Induction RF for an LHC Upgrade F. Zimmermann March 2006
11 CARE-Conf-06-025-HHH Assessment of the Wire Lens at LHC from the current Pulse Power Technology Point of View F. Zimmermann, U. Dorda et al March 2006
12 CARE-Conf-06-026-HHH Simulation of LHC Long-Range Beam-Beam Compensation with DC and Pulsed Wires U. Dorda, F. Zimmermann March 2006
13 CARE-Conf-06-027-HHH Simulation Study on the Energy Dependence of the TMCI Threshold in the CERN-SPS G. Rumolo, E. Métral, E.N. Shaposhnikova / June 2006
14 CARE-Conf-06-028-HHH Benchmarking Electron Cloud Data with Computer Simulation Codes U. Iriso, G. Rumolo June 0206
2006 Publications contd
15 CARE-Conf-06-029-HHH Maps for Electron Clouds Application to LHC T. Demma et al June 2006
16 CARE-Conf-06-030-HHH Observation of the Long-range Beam-beam Effect in RHIC and Plans for Compensation W. Fischer et al June 2006
17 CARE-Conf-06-031-HHH Resonance Trapping, Halo Formation and Incoherent Emittance Growth due to Electron Cloud E. Benedetto , G. Franchetti , G. Rumolo, F. Zimmermann June 2006
18 CARE-Conf-06-032-HHH Alternative Nonlinear Collimation System for LHC J. Resta Lopez et al / June 2006
19 CARE-Conf-06-033-HHH An Early Beam Separation Scheme for the LHC J.-P. Koutchouk, G. Sterbini June 2006
20 CARE-Conf-06-034-HHH Investigations of the Parameter Space for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade J.-P. Koutchouk June 2006
21 CARE-Conf-06-035-HHH Interaction Region with Slim Quadrupoles E. Laface, R. Ostojic et al June 2006
22 CARE-Conf-06-045-HHH LHC IR Upgrade A Dipole First Option with Local Chromaticity Correction R. de Maria, O.S. Brüning, P. Raimondi June 2006
23 CARE-Conf-06-046-HHH A Low Gradient Triplet Quadrupole Layout Compatible with NbTi Technology Beta0.25m R. de Maria, O.S. Brüning, June 2006
24 CARE-Note-2006-013-HHH Main Outlines of Workshop on Beam Generated Heat Deposition Quench Levels for LHC Magnets R. Assmann et al. September 2006
25 CARE-Note-2006-014-HHH A Possible Upgrade of the LHC Injection Lines to 900 GeV using HERA Dipoles K.-H. Mess D. Smekens September 2006
26 CARE-Note-2006-018-HHH Database Design for Superconducting Magnets E. Laface, T.-J. Cho Nov. 2006
27 CARE-pub-06-002 Electromagnetic Design of S.C Quadrupoles L. Rossi, E. Todesco Nov. 2006
28 CARE-pub-06-003 Parametric Analysis of Forces and Stresses in Superconducting Quadrupole Sector Windings P. Fessia, F. Regis, E. Todesco Nov. 2006
29 CARE-pub-06-004 An Estimate of the Maximum Gradients in Superconducting Quadrupoles, E. Todesco, L. Rossi Nov. 2006
Major Invited Talks
  • Advanced ICFA Workshop on High Brightness Hadron
    Beams (HB2006)
  • - LHC Upgrade Options and CARE-HHH Activities
    F. Zimmermann
  • Electron-Cloud Benchmarking CARE-HHH Codes F.
  • EPAC'06
  • - LHC Luminosity and Energy Upgrades W.
  • - Non-linear Collimation in Linear and Circular
    Colliders A. Faus-Golfe
  • International Conference on Charged and Neutral
    Particles Channeling Phenomena Channeling 2006
  • Perspectives for Crystal Collimation W.
  • ATLAS Upgrade Workshop
  • - Machine Plans for the LHC Upgrade F.

  • progress on s.c. conductor performance,
    stability, protection
  • scaling laws for gradient stress
  • slim s.c. dipoles quadrupoles inside detector
    (D0, Q0)
  • progress on database for sc cable and magnets
  • pulsed magnet working group slowed down
  • low-field super-ferric injector ring in LHC
    tunnel concluded
  • synergy w HHH-APD, HHH-ABI, NED, fusion, US-LARP
  • two workshops in 2006

AMT workshop (130 participants) on Accelerator
Magnet Design and Optimization WAMDO, CERN, 2-6
April 2006
Key topics High Field Superconductors, High
Field magnets, Main design issues of cycled
(Hz range) magnets
Outcome technological basis for IR injector
AMT workshop (34 participants) on the Low Energy
Ring a pre-accelerator in the LHC tunnelCERN,
11 October 2006
Gains higher injection energy doubling of bunch
intensity Drawbacks SafeBeam missing
distributed beam dump experimental
protection Spin off switching dipoles
alternative SPS upgrade
  • Active collaboration coordination w US-LARP on
  • - luminosity monitors tune, chromaticity
  • monitors feedback loops for orbit, coupling
    and chromaticity
  • control Schottky monitors non-saturating beam
  • transformers halo monitors
  • DESY-CERN collaboration on machine protection
    issues - CERN visit by M. Werner DESY Fast
    Magnet Current Monitor
  • produced for LHC (20 units) HERA quench
  • Spin off 3rd HHH-ABI workshop on remote
  • - remote communication test at DESY LHC _at_ FNAL
  • room new initiative "LAFS" (LHC application
  • software) ? esssential add-ons, e.g., RBAC
    Role Based access
  • future study instrumentation upgrade for LHC
  • 4th HHH-ABI workshop on modern design tools

4th CARE-HHH-ABI workshop on Simulation of BPM
Front-End Electronics and Special Mechanical
DesignsLüneburg (Germany), 30 November 1
December 2006about 15 participants expected
  • BPM sensor technology simulation tools and
  • BPM technology- electronics simulations,
  • cold BPM technology
  • discussions

  • progress on alternative IR designs, beam dynamics
    studies and tests to validate different options
  • - crystal collimation tests at SPS
  • - RHIC beam-beam experiments w w/o wires
  • - paper study on LHC crab cavities
  • - CERN-GSI collaboration on intensity limits
  • progress on code web repository benchmarking
  • 1st optics solutions for pulsed PS2
  • machine-detector interface
  • synergy w HHH-AMT, US-LARP, MW proton driver
  • 3 workshops in 2006, 7 mini-workshops for 2007

spin-off from HHH-2004 workshop 06 CERN-GSI
installed last week
courtesy W. Fischer
APD CERN-GSI meeting (30 participants) on
Collective EffectsCoordination of Theory and
Experiments, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, 3031 March
improved collaboration - resistive-wall
kicker impedance - space charge -
electron-cloud effects - machine experiments
2nd APD mini-workshop (25 participants) on
Crystal Channeling CERN, 9-10 March 2006
jointly supported by CARE-HHH and INTAS
proposed experimental test in SPS North Area
decided layout goals for this experiment
International Conference (77 participants) on
Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling
Phenomena Channeling 06, Frascati, 3-7 July
co-sponsored by CARE-HHH
crystal reflection crystal assisted collimation
in hadron colliders
HHH networking resultSPS crystal collimation
  • ? HHH highlight talk W. Scandale

APD workshop LUMI 06 (70 participants) Towards
a Roadmap for the Upgrade of the LHC and GSI
Accelerator Complex IFIC, Valencia (Spain),
16-20 October 2006? strong synergy with US-LARP
mini collaboration meeting 25-27 Oct. 2006
  • IR scheme, beam parameters, injector upgrade

LUMI06 Conclusions
  • IR upgrade beam parameters
  • quadrupole 1st preferred over dipole 1st
  • pushed NbTi or Nb3Sn still pursued, or hybrid
    solution - new
  • slim magnets inside detector (D0 and Q0) new
  • wire compensation almost established, electron
    lens new
  • crab cavities large angle rejected small-angle
  • 12.5 ns strongly deprecated
  • e-cloud/pile-up compromise 25-ns w b10
    cm, or 50-ns spacing long bunches new
  • injector upgrade
  • linac4/SPL n.c. PS2 endorsed
  • SPS enhancements
  • s.c. PS2 challenged e.g., e-cloud could be
    serious problem for injectors - new

Example IR Layouts
D0 dipole deep inside detector (e.g., 3 m from
triplet magnets
D0 dipole
small-angle crab cavity
less LR collisions. no geometric lumi. loss
not so short bunches near head-on collision
Q0 doublet deep inside detector (7.5 or 13 m
from IP)
triplet magnets
wire compensator
Q0 doublet
triplet quads much easier, less Q, could be
combined with D0
short bunches minimum crossing angle wire
parameter symbol nominal ultimate 12.5 ns spac., short 75 ns spacing, long
transverse emittance e mm 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75
protons per bunch Nb 1011 1.15 1.7 1.7 6
bunch spacing Dt ns 25 25 12.5 75
beam current I A 0.58 0.86 1.72 1
longitudinal profile Gauss Gauss Gauss flat
rms bunch length sz cm 7.55 7.55 3.78 14.4
beta at IP15 b m 0.55 0.5 0.25 0.25
full crossing angle qc murad 285 315 445 430
Piwinski parameter qcsz/(2sx) 0.64 0.75 0.75 2.8
peak luminosity L 1034 cm-2s-1 1 2.3 9.2 8.9
events per crossing 19 44 88 510
initial lumi lifetime tL h 22 14 7.2 4.5
effective luminosity (Tturnaround10 h) Leff 1034 cm-2s-1 0.46 0.91 2.7 2.1
effective luminosity (Tturnaround10 h) Trun,opt h 21.2 17.0 12.0 9.4
effective luminosity (Tturnaround5 h) Leff 1034 cm-2s-1 0.56 1.15 3.6 2.9
effective luminosity (Tturnaround5 h) Trun,opt h 15.0 12.0 8.5 6.6
e-c heat SEY1.4(1.3) P W/m 1.07 (0.44) 1.04 (0.6) 13.34 (7.85) 0.26
SR heat load 4.6-20 K PSR W/m 0.17 0.25 0.5 0.29
image current heat PIC W/m 0.15 0.33 1.87 0.96
gas-s. 100 h (10 h) tb Pgas W/m 0.04 (0.38) 0.06 (0.6) 0.113 (1.13) 0.07 (0.7)
partial wire c. partial wire c.
LUMI05 parameters
old upgrade parameters
parameter symbol ultimate 25 ns, smaller b 25 ns, large e 50 ns, long
transverse emittance e mm 3.75 3.75 7.5 3.75
protons per bunch Nb 1011 1.7 1.7 3.4 4.9
bunch spacing Dt ns 25 25 25 50
beam current I A 0.86 0.86 1.72 1.22
longitudinal profile Gauss Gauss Gauss Flat
rms bunch length sz cm 7.55 7.55 3.78 14.4
beta at IP15 b m 0.5 0.08 0.25 0.25
full crossing angle qc murad 315 100 539 381
Piwinski parameter qcsz/(2sx) 0.75 0.60 0.64 2.5
peak luminosity L 1034 cm-2s-1 2.3 15.5 9.7 8.9
events per crossing 44 296 185 340
initial lumi lifetime tL h 14 2.1 6.8 5.3
effective luminosity (Tturnaround10 h) Leff 1034 cm-2s-1 0.91 2.4 2.7 2.3
effective luminosity (Tturnaround10 h) Trun,opt h 17.0 6.5 12.0 10.3
effective luminosity (Tturnaround5 h) Leff 1034 cm-2s-1 1.15 3.6 3.6 3.1
effective luminosity (Tturnaround5 h) Trun,opt h 12.0 4.6 8.5 7.3
e-c heat SEY1.4(1.3) P W/m 1.04 (0.59) 1.04 (0.59) 2.56 (2.1) 0.36 (0.1)
SR heat load 4.6-20 K PSR W/m 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.36
image current heat PIC W/m 0.33 0.33 3.74 0.78
gas-s. 100 h (10 h) tb Pgas W/m 0.06 (0.56) 0.06 (0.56) 0.11 (1.13) 0.09 (0.9)
D0 crab wire comp. wire comp.
LUMI06 parameters
new upgrade parameters
HHH networking resultenergy deposition in LHC
? HHH highlight talk F. Broggi
peak power deposition almost constant D0 heat
load challenging
work packages milestones
on track!
2008 LHC Upgrade Conceptual Design Report 2010
LHC Upgrade Technical Design Report 2015 New IR,
Beam-Beam Compensation gt2015 Luminosity 5x1034
Francesco Ruggiero CARE05 plan
deliverables milestones compared with original
Stones (MS) and Intermediate Deliverables (ID).
2004 HHH HHH-APD web site gt OK 2005 creation
of first web-based beam dynamics code repository
gt OK http//oraweb.cern.ch9000/pls/hhh/code_we
bsite.startup 2006 web based database for s.c.
cables and magnets gt OK, 40 complete
http//sdb.web.cern.ch/sdb milestones web
reference for IR optics gt OK http//care-hhh.web
booster synchrotron optics gt delayed to
2007 structured list of intensity limits gt
nearing completion scaling laws for magnet and
cryogenic cost gt 2007
The workshop on Coil Manufacturing Optimization
was postponed to
s.c. cable magnet db
40 complete, http//sdb.web.cern.ch/sdb 2
milestone meetings 2 reports
future workshops
APD mini-Workshop on Electron Cloud Clearing
AMT Workshop on Heat Removal from s.c. Pulsed
Magnets AMT Workshop on High Field Magnets ABI
Workshop on Advanced Beam Instrumentation three
APD mini-Workshops on Crystal Collimation APD
mini-Workshop on Slim Magnets Detector
Integration APD mini-Workshop on Crab Cavities,
Wires and e-Lenses APD GSI-CERN mtg. on
Space-Charge Impedance APD mini-Workshop on
Filling Patterns Beam Density APD contributions
support for Channeling 07 St. Petersburg
e- Cloud Clearing WS
APD mini-Workshop on Electron Cloud Clearing
ECL2 Electron Cloud Effects and Technological
Consequences larger Geneva area, 1-2 March
2006 Topics continuous clearing electrodes based
on enamel coating other types of clearing
electrodes NEG coating grooved surfaces
clearing efficiency impedance issues
1st prototype courtesy F. Caspers
  • enhanced coordination of HHH and US-LARP
  • focused activities in many cutting-edge areas
  • - crystals, slim magnets, e-cloud killer,
    low-angle crabs
  • results benefit global accelerator community
  • HHH is high-return investment for Europe
  • ambitious 2007/08 programme

  • appendix
  • updated HHH gantt charts

gantt chart 1
heat removal from pulsed magnets
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