Title: PAS
- the Pharmacists Association of Saskatchewan
- November 2010
2PAS What We Do
- Advocacy
- Economic Development
- Professional Practice
- Direct to Member Services
3PAS Board, Staff Committees
- Board
- 10 members who represent SK Pharmacists and
Pharmacy Owners including 1 student - Gives strategic direction to organization
- Staff
- Executive Director
- Director of Professional Practice
- Membership Services Coordinator
- Executive Coordinator
- Administrative Assistant (part-time temporary)
- Committees
- Governance
- Audit and Finance
- Compensation
- Economics
- Professional Practice
- Conference
- Member Services
4PAS Major Roles
- Economic Negotiations
- Anticipation/react to provincial and nation
trends - Collaboration with stakeholders
- Continuing education development facilitation
5PAS Major Roles Contd
- Practice Change RD and Pharmacist Preparedness
- Media Relations promoting pharmacists
- One on one support assistance to member
pharmacists - Member services
- Providers of Malpractice Insurance
6Current Issues and Trends
- Prescriptive Authority
- Professional Service Development
- Healthcare Provider and Stakeholder Collaboration
- Education and Workflow Management
- Generic Drug Pricing
- Dispensing Fee
- Drug Shortages
- Technology Utilization
- Inducements
- Technician Regulation
- National Issues Trends
- Remote Dispensing
7Prescriptive Authority
- Update
- PAS role
- Professional practice committee/economics
committee - with SCP
- with Ministry of Health
- Drug Plan
- with SMA, CPS
- Manual for pharmacists
8Professional Services Development
- Reliance on drug distribution revenue may not be
viable in the future - Patient demand
- Utilize the Blueprint For Pharmacy
- SK government interested in services which
enhance patient outcomes
9Professional Services Development Cont
- Medication Assessment Compliance Packaging
- New Program Research
- Very early stages
- PPC collecting existing program models
considering new development - Collaboration with SCP and Ministry of Health
10National Issues Trends
- World, national and specific provincial trends
and standards impact Saskatchewan pharmacy
practice, legislation and remuneration for
dispensing and prescribing - Generic pricing
- Community pharmacy rebate programs
- Prescriptive authority
- Development
- Remuneration
11Remote Dispensing
- Automated prescription dispensing machines
- Live skype type interaction with pharmacist
- Inevitable here in Saskatchewan
- Some argue this automation force/allow more
cognitive services - Others argue it will only eliminate many
12Student Membership Benefits
- reduced rate conference registrations and 10 free
volunteer registrations - Access to PAS It On Bulletins keeping connected
with issues and opportunities within your
profession - Opportunity to participate in PAS activities
(e.g. recent lawyer presentation re employment
contracts) - PAS on the Benefits Discount Club
- Opportunity to participate in Regional Meetings
- Communications on pharmacy practice issues
- Networking, professional contacts
13New Website Coming Soon