Title: www.field.org.uk
1 2- Ways for Indigenous Peoples groups to advance
adaptation concerns and solutions through
international fora - August 2008
- Prepared for the Inuit Circumpolar Council
- With support from The Christensen Fund
3International law
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7Germany - List of ParticipantsCBD SBSTTA-12
- 156. Mrs. Nicola Breier
- Head of Unit
- International Nature Conservation Activities
- Federal Ministry for the Environment
- Godesberger Allee 90/Bundesministerium fur
Umwelt, - Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Robert Schuman
Platz 3 - Tel 49 228 99 305 2619
- Fax 49 228 99 305 2684
- E-Mail nicola.breier_at_bmu.bund.de
- 157. Dr. Horst Korn
- 158. Dr. Mariam Akhtar-Schuster
- 159. Dr. Christoph Eichen
- 160. Ms. Cordula Epple
- 161. Mr. Uwe Fritsche
- 162. Dr. Christoph Görg
- 163. Ms. Sylvia Kürpick
- 164. Dr. Cornelia Löhne
- 165. Dr. Carsten Loose
- 166. Dr. Swen C. Renner
- 167. Dr. Uwe Schippmann
- 168. Prof. Dr. Stefan Schrader
- 169. Ms. Jutta Stadler
- 170. Dr. Konrad Uebelhör
- United Nations Framework Convention Climate
Change (UNFCCC) its Kyoto Protocol - Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
- World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage
- Objectives and overview
- Structure and institutions
- Subject areas
- Observer status
- Avenue for inputs
- Considerations
- Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting
of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol - Subsidiary Body for Science and Technical Advice
- Subsidiary Body for Implementation
- Ad hoc Working Groups for Long Term Cooperative
Action - Ad hoc Working Group on further commitments for
Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol
- To enable organisations to follow discussions in
their area of interest and expertise - Formal accreditation process
- Conform to specific criteria e.g. legally
constituted not-for-profit entities competent in
matters related to the Convention - Parties may object to admission
- Allowed to attend meetings and make oral
interventions - Network and lobby
- No right to vote
- Represent business and industrial interests,
local governments, research and academic
institutes, religious bodies, labour
organizations, indigenous peoples, campaigning
NGOs etc.
12Main areas
- Adaptation (AWG-LCA)
- Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest
degradation in developing countries (REDD) - UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples (UNDRIP)
- Priority of the most vulnerable developing
countries - At least 86 billion USD required by 2015 to
accommodate the most pressing adaptation needs of
developing countries (UNDP Human Development
Report 2007-08) - Adaptation funding
- Additionality of funding
- Public finance and markets
- Technology transfer
- Intellectual property rights
- Mechanisms to deal with risk
14Bonn adaptation focus
- II. Enhanced action on adaptation
- A. Elaboration of a comprehensive framework for
adaptation action and resilience - Formulating and implementing adaptation plans
- 2. Building resilience, creating enabling
environments and sharing knowledge - Design of and international support for potential
schemes to insure against climate-related risks
and other arrangements for risk management - B. Matching enhanced action on adaptation with
financial and technological support -
15Bonn outcomes
- Annex I country commitments?
- G77 China positions?
- Text?
- USA?
- Funding for LDCs?
- Various activities and initiatives e.g. V8
meeting? - Additional meetings!
- Paying developing countries and landholders for
the reduction of forest clearance rates - UNFCCC mitigation issue
- Secretariat paper on the cost of implementing
methodologies and monitoring systems and expert
meeting - SBSTA invited Parties and accredited observers to
submit to the secretariat by 15 February 2009,
their views on issues relating to indigenous
people and local communities for the development
and application of methodologies. - SBSTA meeting in Bonn in June 2009
17International REDD framework
- Safeguard rights to land and resources
- Effective participation in decision making
- Prior informed consent
- Conflict between customary and state law
- Transparent, inclusive, and accountable forest
governance - Recipients and non-recipients of funds
- Effective grievance and redress mechanisms
- Totality of ecosystem services
- Drivers of deforestation outside the forests
18Article 18 UNDRIP
- Indigenous peoples have the right to
participate in decision-making in matters which
would affect their rights, through
representatives chosen by themselves in
accordance with their own procedures,....
19Article 19 UNDRIP
- States shall consult and cooperate in good
faith with the indigenous peoples concerned
through their own representative institutions in
order to obtain their free, prior and informed
consent before adopting and implementing
legislative or administrative measures that may
affect them.
20Principle 10 Rio Declaration
- Environmental issues are best handled with
participation of all concerned citizens, at the
relevant level. At the national level, each
individual shall have appropriate access to
information concerning the environment that is
held by public authorities, including information
on hazardous materials and activities in their
communities, and the opportunity to participate
in decision-making processes....
21Mechanisms for participation
- International institution or forum
- Integration in structures
- e.g. CDM board, 3 tier ILO system
- Verifying compliance
- Complaint mechanisms
- National institutions and stakeholder fora
22Other issues
- Mechanism for redress Articles 8, 11, 20
- Involve, consult, participate, decide
- Language v. rights Distribution of benefits
- Designated funding for support, capacity building
etc. - Engagement with new agreement (drafting,
monitoring etc.)
23Art. 8 Biodiversity Convention
- Each contracting Party shall, as far as
possible and as appropriate... - (j) Subject to its national legislation,
respect, preserve and maintain knowledge,
innovations and practices of indigenous and local
communities embodying traditional lifestyles
relevant for the conservation and sustainable use
of biological diversity and promote their wider
application with the approval and involvement of
the holders of such knowledge, innovations and
practices and encourage the equitable sharing of
the benefits arising from the utilization of such
knowledge innovations and practices
24Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Article 8(j)
and Related Provisions
- advice on the application and development of
legal and other appropriate forms of protection
for the knowledge, innovations and practices of
indigenous and local communities embodying
traditional lifestyles - development and implementation of a programme of
work - identification of opportunities for collaboration
and coordination with other international bodies - advice on measures to strengthen cooperation at
the international level among indigenous and
local communities embodying traditional
lifestyles relevant to the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity (IV/9) - in collaboration with the Ad Hoc Open-ended
Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing
elaboration and negotiation of an international
regime on access to genetic resources and
benefit-sharing (VII/19)
25Entry points?
- Seventh meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working
Group on Access and Benefit-sharing, 2 - 8 April
2009, Paris - Collation of text submitted by parties,
governments, international organisations,
indigenous and local communities and relevant
stakeholders - Sixth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working
Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions, 2 -
6 November 2009, Montreal - Call for input
266th meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working
Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions
- In order to assist with the preparation of
documentation Parties, other governments,
indigenous peoples and local communities, and
other relevant organizations, are invited to
provide submissions on the following issues by 30
April 2009 - development of mechanisms, legislation or other
appropriate initiatives to ensure (i) that
indigenous and local communities obtain a fair
and equitable share of benefits arising from the
use and application of their knowledge,
innovations and practices (ii) that private and
public institutions interested in using such
knowledge, practices and innovations obtain the
prior informed approval of the indigenous and
local communities (iii) advancement of the
identification of the obligations of countries of
origin, as well as Parties and Governments where
such knowledge, innovations and practices and the
associated genetic resources are used - develop standards and guidelines for the
reporting and prevention of unlawful
appropriation of traditional knowledge - to develop guidelines that will assist Parties
and Governments in the development of legislation
or other mechanisms, as appropriate, to implement
Article 8(j) and its related provisions (which
could include sui generis systems), and
definitions of relevant key terms and concepts in
Article 8(j) and related provisions at
international, regional and national levels, that
recognize, safeguard and fully guarantee the
rights of indigenous and local communities over
their traditional knowledge, innovations and
practices - the desirability and the potential elements of a
strategy for conservation and sustainable use,
including customary use, of biodiversity by
indigenous and local communities aimed at
empowering and strengthening - to share their experience in the development,
adoption or recognition of sui generis systems,
and to submit to the Executive Secretary concise
case-studies and other experiences
27Agenda item 3
- Mechanisms to promote the effective
participation of indigenous and local communities
in matters related to the objectives of Article
8(j) and related provisions of the Convention on
Biological Diversity
28World Intellectual Property Organisation
- 20 treaties on the registration, classification
and protection of intellectual property - Decision making bodies meet in Geneva in
September/October of each year - Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual
Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional
Knowledge and Folklore
29Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual
Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional
Knowledge and Folklore
- Discussions on formats (additional meetings,
working groups) - Analysing gaps in legal framework
- Development of draft objectives and principles
for the protection of traditional cultural
expressions and knowledge
30UNESCO World Heritage Convention
- Protection of sites of outstanding universal
value - Annual meeting of the World Heritage Committee
- Task force on climate change
- Idea of a World Heritage Indigenous Peoples
Council of Experts