Title: Comprehension Strategies K5
- Jill Sunwold
- Literacy Facilitator
- Mountain View Elementary,
- Quincy School District
- Do you know that great readers think
- and read at the same time?
- (better yet, do your students know?!)
23-D Comp
- Comprehension is three dimensional
- Purpose Why do readers read?
- Process What mental activities must the reader
engage in? - Consequence What is the reader learning or
experiencing as a result of reading? Sweet and
3Proficient Readers Research
- Activating relevant, prior knowledge (schema)
before, during, and after reading. (Anderson and
Pearson 1984) - Creating visual and other sensory images from
text during and after reading. (Pressley 1976) - Drawing inferences from text to form conclusions,
make critical judgments and unique
interpretations. (Hansen 1981) - Asking questions of themselves, the authors, and
the text. (Raphael 1984) - Determining the most important ideas and themes
in a text. (Palinscar Brown 1984) - Synthesizing what has been read.
4Before Reading Strategies
- Purpose Setting
- Text Walks
- Text Format/Features
- Predicting
- Activating Prior Knowledge
5Setting a Purpose
- Purpose setting helps readers focus by allowing
opportunities to discover that reading serves
many purposes - for pleasure
- for specific information
- to learn how to do something
- to satisfy curiosity
6Setting a Purpose
- What is important?
- Books contain many interesting things from
illustrations, interesting words, funny
characters to interesting facts. - We set a purpose to narrow a students focus from
a book full of sea creatures to specifically
looking for sharks. - Teachers may set the purpose but also allow our
student to set their own after sufficient
modeling. - In setting the purpose, teachers need to be
concise and model the reasoning behind it.
7Purpose Setting
- Steve Moline writes in his book, I See What you
Mean, - If we teach children that all reading is
reading for story we may overlook many key
strategies that we employ when reading
selectively. Some of these strategies include
skimming, accessing the test through index, using
headings and signposts to the information we want
or just strolling through pictures in order to
orientate ourselves in the text.
8Text Walks
- Text walks are another tool used before reading
to aide in predicting and inferring. - Purpose of Text Walks
- To give students familiarity with what they are
about to read, along with the language and
vocabulary they may encounter. - Students turn through the pages making
predictions and inferences based on pictures,
narratives and text format. - Students predict key words they think might be
found in a passage based upon title or pictures.
(A-Z Organizer)
9Text Format
- Nonfiction is often organized in terms of
- Description
- Cause and Effect
- Comparison
- Time Order
- Problem Resolution
Graphic organizers support organizing these ideas.
10Text Features
- Text Features also help children make decisions
about what is important. Authors often signal us
with - Headings
- Fonts
- Graphic illustrations
- Summary statements
- Marginal notes
- Cue words (first, next, in conclusion, most
important) - When children learn these strategies their
reading - becomes focused and efficient.
11Predicting Helps
- There are many different helps students can use
to aide in prediction - Personal Experience
- World Knowledge
- Genre Knowledge
- Story Sequence
- Illustrations
- Cover Features
- Character and Setting Knowledge
- Text Features
- Prediction is a piece of the puzzle for inference
- Pressley (2002) suggest predicting as one of
five major comprehension strategies. - Predicting helps readers connect what they are
reading with what they already know. (Text to
Self) - Predicting helps bring meaning to text in order
to get meaning from text. - Teacher asks students to discuss possibilities
for content based on title, author, cover picture
- In choosing text for younger students it is
helpful to start with books that lend themselves
to to clear-cut predictions that can be confirmed
or contradicted. - Anchor Charts
- Teacher writes down student predictions noting
initials or name beside prediction. - Teaching the skill of rereading, the students
predictions can be C confirmed or checked for
contradicted. - With the use of two column notes the students can
make further predictions.
14Predicting with Fiction
- Looking at the predictable characteristics or
organization of fiction is helpful in making
predictions. - Beginning, Middle, End
- Character, Setting, Problem, Solution
- Throughout a text, readers should continually
generate new predictions.
15Predicting with Non-Fiction
- Looking at the predictable characteristics or
organization of non-fiction is helpful in making
predictions in specific topics. - Main ideas
- Teaching information
- What do you expect to learn?
- Table of contents
- Headings
- Index
16Activating Prior Knowledge
- Proficient readers construct meaning using prior
knowledge (schema) before, during, after
reading Anderson Pearson (1984) - The teachers goal is to build a framework of
thinking. Asking children to recall words or or
point out the picture keeps their connection text
based and gives others a point of reference as we
listen and learn from their thinking. Miller
17During Reading Strategies
- Thinking Through the Text Together
- Anchor Charts
- Schema
- Inference
- Connections
- Questioning
- QtA Questioning the Author
- Visualization
- Reciprocal Teaching
- Monitoring
18Thinking Through the Text Together
- Thinking through the text (Anderson et.al. 1992)
is asking our students to share connections
(mental images, inferences, questions) in order
to become aware of what is going on inside of
their heads. - TTT gives students a framework for thinking as
well a a common language for talking about books,
allowing students opportunities to construct
meaning, reflection and insight. - The teacher must instill a common language that
can be used throughout the year.
19Anchor Charts
- Debbie Miller encourages the creation of anchor
charts during and after lessons in order for
children (and teachers!) to remember specific
strategies or concepts. - Anchor Charts
- make thinking permanent and visible
- allowing connections from one strategy to another
- clarify a point
- build on earlier learning
- remember a specific lesson
20Schema Anchor Charts
- In Debbie Millers Reading with Meaning, she
displays three charts in her classroom to enhance
becoming familiar or building schema with the - Author Becoming familiar with different authors
- Text Types Different types of text
- Text Characteristics Different characteristics
and features unique to Poetry, Narrative and
Expository Text - Students add to these charts as they encounter
new information.
21Building Schema
- Thinking about what you already know is using
your schema. Schema can be explained to students
stating - Schema is what is already in your head about
that particular thing, or - the places youve been,
- the things youve done, and
- books you have read.
22Text to Self Connections
- Text to Self is using ones schema to make
connections from our reading to ourselves. - Anchor charts
- Debbie Miller encourages a charting of student
connections along with noting the students name
to show importance of thoughts and to help
students figure out which kinds of connections
help us most. - Following day reread story and revisit chart
marking 1 beside responses that helped build
connections, 2 beside comments that didnt.
23Text to Text Connections
- Making connections from one book to another can
help students understand the new story and make
predictions about what may happen based on what
is known from another story.
24Text to World Connections
- Young students can grapple with complex issues at
times with clearer heads than some adults! - Searching for the just right book to go along
with the just right local situation will help in
this endeavor.
- Inferring is related to predicting. The reader
uses background knowledge to make
decisions/predictions. - Prediction is a smart guess.
- Inference is an assumption, a supplying of
information that is not explicitly stated.
Reading between the lines.
- There are many helps students can use to aid in
inferring - Personal experience
- World knowledge
- Illustrations
- Title
- Characters
- Themes
- Events
27Word Level Inference
- What components or skills would need to be in a
lesson in order to convey inference? - Rereading
- Paying attention to the words
- Looking closely at pictures
- Using schema
- Taking the time to allow students to process
- Thinking aloudmodel, model, model
- Questions help children activate what they
already know. - Questions can open the mental file and add
information, revise or even delete - Hearing others questions often generates your own
- Readers ask questions for many reasons
- Clarify meaning
- Speculation about text
- To determine the authors style, intent, content,
or format - Focus attention
- Locate a specific answer
30QuestioningBefore, During and After
- We must model when to ask questions about the
authors goals, intent and meaningso our students
becoming proficient questioners. - Anchor Charts
- Noting questions that students have generated
before, during and after reading the text.
31QuestioningBefore, During and After
- Questioning Webs
- Useful in poetry and nonfiction text.
- Partner Talk with Anchor Charts
- Teacher lists questions students would like to
talk about regarding a text. Names are noted
beside question, Partners get One , two, three,
get eye to eye, knee to knee for discussions. - As a class choose one burning question to
answer on the next read.
32QuestioningBefore, During and After
- Narrative and Expository Comprehension Cards
- Students respond orally to cue cards used before,
during, and after read alouds, in reading group,
and with independent or partner reads.
33QuestioningBefore, During and After
- Concept Ladders
- An advanced organizer to help students develop
questions that will guide understanding of the
text. - Students develop questions for each rung of the
ladder based on background knowledge and common
reading experience around a concept. - These questions establish a purpose for reading.
34WASL Stems
- Using a common language with our students can
only benefit their verbalization of comprehension
35Questioning the Author
- QtA assists students in building understanding
through - text interaction
- queries
- discussion
- Students and teacher collaboratively construct
ideas through the segmentation of text. - Students take on text little by little, idea by
idea, in order to understand what ideas are there
and how they connect. Beck, McKeown, Hamilton
Kucan 2003
36QtA Queries
- Queries are
- General probes used to initiate discussion used
during initial read - Prompting of students to consider meaning and
develop ideas. Teachers response always turns
responsibility toward thinking to the students - Open-ended What is the author telling us?
Why did he say that? - Used with expository or narrative text
- Teacher controlled with selected points of
- Three Types of Queries
- Initiating Query
- Follow-up Query
- Narrative Query
- Traditional questioning
- Retrieve or report information and state ideas
from the text. - Assign material to be read and then pose
questions to evaluate comprehension after the
fact. - Beck, McKeown, Hamilton Kucan 2003
38QtA Key Components
- Segmenting Text
- Determining where to stop reading to initiate and
develop discussion toward constructing meaning. - Teachers Role
- Helping students develop ideas rather than
managing thinking and explaining ideas - Student Contribution
- Collaborating with one another to construct ideas
39Reciprocal Teaching
- Brown and Palincsar (1984) developed this
instructional strategy to teach poor
comprehenders how to approach text the way
successful readers do. - This strategy involves
- Dividing text into smaller chunks
- Works well with Expository Text Brown and
Palincsar (1984)
40Reciprocal Teaching
- Reciprocal Teaching provides practice in four
comprehension strategies - Questioning the teacher poses questions that
direct students attention to the main idea of the
text. These may include higher level inferential
and evaluative questions. - Student answers help monitor comprehension
41Reciprocal Teaching
- Clarifying students can identify anything that
puzzles them and the group can work to clarify
these issues. Clarifications can be anything
from unfamiliar vocabulary to concepts. - In clarifying students gain control of monitoring
their comprehension.
42Reciprocal Teaching
- Summarizing Students are required to synthesize
information and determine what is important to
43Reciprocal Teaching
- Predicting Students and teachers can predict
what the next portion of text will be about based
on what has been read. The teacher can also lead
with the visual clues provided on the pages. - This process encourages students to review what
they have learned and use it as a springboard to
what will happen next, thus setting a purpose for
- Proficient readers create visual and other
sensory images from text during and after
reading. (Pressley 1976)
- When children visualize they make picture in
their heads of what they have experiences with in
the world. - Mental imaging involves
- Sights
- Sounds
- Smells
- Tastes
- Physical sensations
- Emotionsall evoked by the reading.
- Drawing to aide comprehension students draw what
they see in their minds. By giving students a
goal, they can listen in a way that will help
them meet that goal. - Have text available to reread several times and
use prompts.
- Monitoring is when the reader actively considers
the meaning of what has been read. - When something doesnt make sense, the reader
recognizes it and revises thinking by using a
fix-up strategy to get back on track.
48After Reading Strategies
- Question-Answer Relationship (QAR)
- Summarizing/Synthesis
- Literature Responses (four types)
- Research Charts
- Retelling
- Evaluating
49Question-Answer Relationship
- Part of children becoming proficient questioners
involves helping them learn to consider where the
answers to different questions might be found
focusing on four different sources of
information - Right There
- Think and Search
- On My Own
- Author and Me
- Anchor Charts
- An alternative for record keeping with coding of
the text - RT, TS, O, AM
- Keene and Zimmermans Mosaic of Thought make the
distinction between these two skills - Summary is a succinct retelling of key points in
the text. - Synthesis is a more personal composite of what
the piece is about-a description of the gist of
the piece. - Developing competencies in both is a goal.
51Definition of Synthesis
- Simple elements of thoughts transformed into a
complex wholelike throwing a rock into a pond
first there is a splash, and the waves ripple
out, making little waves get bigger and bigger. - Your thinking evolves as you encounter new
information, and the meaning gets bigger and
bigger. (Debbie Miller, 2002) - Colored circles example of student talk
- Synthesis is your experience tied to the text.
52Practice of Synthesis
- Take TIME
- While reading STOP, allow students to get, eye
to eye, knee to knee and synthesize. - Synthesis happens throughout a story-allow
students to convey with pictures, words stopping
3-4 times as you read. - Chart the thoughts of the group.
- Allow independent reading and synthesis time.
53Fictional Summary
- Summary aides in retelling. Here are the big
concepts to focus on - Tell whats important
- In a way that makes sense
- Without telling too much
- Model using familiar picture books, fairy tales,
and fables - Students know how story is organized with
setting, character, problem, resolution - Can move from literal (fable) to inferential
54Non-fiction Summary
- Framework remains the same as fictional, but a
different focus - Focus on what is learned, not story elements
- Students can take notes or draw pictures of
important words or parts - Share what has been learned orally or with
55Practice of Summary
- Take TIME
- Ask children reading same text to compare their
thinking. - Allow students to advertise a book by
synthesizing it aloud to the class - Allow students to act out synthesis by creating
scenes/event with blocks, Legos, Beanie Babies
56Encouraging Types of Literature Response
- A response is any kind of thinking or activity
that involves taking a closer look at, or
rethinking about the text. - Fours Types
- Visual
- Written
- Dramatic
- Oral
57Four Types of Response
- Visual Response gives students opportunity to
communicate their thinking at any stage of
knowing symbolically by - Drawing
- Painting
- Modeling
- Sculpting
- Visualizing
- Retelling with props
58Fours Types of Response
- Written response compels students to revisit text
about personal connections. It can include - Creating maps/graphic organizers for retelling
- Jotting down questions
- Listing important ideas
- Writing evaluations and critiques
59Four Types of Response
- Dramatic response allows younger students to
share without writing and older students to
create from written script and includes - Reenacting scenes or characters
- Puppetry
60Four Types of Response
- Oral response involves any kind of talk about the
text. It allows children to - Articulate impressions
- Clarify what they have understood
- Interact with others thoughts
- In order to recreate a story, a flurry of
comprehension must first take place - Which parts of the story are important enough to
retell? - Retelling forces focus and sorting of what their
purpose in reading was. - Careful listening must take place in order to
retell in logical sequence. - Children must monitor their comprehension in
order that important parts are not skipped,
repeated or misunderstood. - These skills are especially important in
non-fiction as - they aid in understanding.
62Visual Retells
- Revisit a piece of test through
- Drawing
- Painting
- Coloring
- Sculpting
- Captions or narratives may be added in partners
or teams. - Retelling Web
63Dramatic Retells
- Dramatic Retells
- Characters (puppets)
- Personalities-As you model the use of props,
think aloud what characters or personalities
would say. - Settings (props)
- Problem solution sequence (self-stick Velcro or
magnetic strips) - Reenactments are typically brief without a great
deal of planning!
- Evaluating involves
- Critiquing
- Establishing opinions
- Considering the authors intent and viewpoint
- Preparing to use and apply new information gained
from the reading (Owocki 2003) - To be used with Narrative and Expository text.
- It takes time to become proficient at
comprehension. Not one of these strategies will
be easily accomplished by all of the students in
your classroom. - Remember to introduce and master one skill at a
time and most important - MODEL,MODEL,MODEL,MODEL