Locate the Download Morpho section and click on the link Windows' under the ... Browse through folders from desktop' to my computer' to local disk' to downloads' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Create one data package using Morpho and one of the three data sets.
Add a data set to that package.
If time allows you can create an Additional package using the other two data sets.
3 Help in Morpho
The User Guide, will guide you step by step through all of the functions Morpho provides
4 Help in Morpho
Morpho comes with complete instructions located in Morpho Help
5 Step 1 download and install Morpho
Open your favorite browser window.
Go to http//knb.ecoinformatics.org/index.jsp
Locate the Data Management section in lower right hand corner
Click on the Link Morpho more information and downloads
A new page will open
Locate the Download Morpho section and click on the link Windows under the bullet If you need Java (or don't know), download a Morpho installer with Java (larger downloads)
6 Step 1 download and install Morpho
A dialog box will open and ask you if you want to run or save this file.
Save to disk should be the default. If not click on the button next to Save to disk.
Click on OK
The default setting should be the desktop
Save the morpho-1.5.1-jre.exe file to the desktop.
A download window should open and show you the download process.
Once the morpho-1.5.1-jre.exe file is downloaded, double click on the morpho-1.5.1-jre.exe icon that appears on your desktop.
7 Step 1 download and install Morpho
An installanywhere window will open -- morpho-1.5.1-jre.exe.
This window will lead you through the installation process.
Click on next twice to move you through the first two screens introduction and important information
The next screen will ask you where you would like to install the file. The default installation folder should be C\Program Files\Morpho-1.5.1. You will need to change this to the downloads folder located on C drive.
Click on choose
Browse through folders from desktop to my computer to local disk to downloads.
8 Step 1 download and install Morpho
Click on downloads folder and then OK
C\Downloads should appear in the text box.
Click next.
It will ask you where you would like to create products icons.
in a new Program Group Morpho1.5.1 should be the default. If not click the button next to this option and then next.
It will ask you to choose a java VM for Use by the Installed Application.
9 Step 1 download and install Morpho
Install a Java VM specifically for this application should be the default. If not click the button next to this option and then next.
The installation summary screen will appear. Click Install.
The next screen will show you the progress of the install.
The final screen will be the Install complete screen. Click done.
That window should close.
10 Registering with Metacat
Before you open Morpho you will need to create a Metacat account.
We will begin by opening your favorite browser and going to http//knb.ecoinformatics.org/
11 Step 2 Registering with Metacat
in the lower left-hand part of your screen you will notice a login registration box
12 Step 2 Registering with Metacat
Scroll the window down
Click on link 'create new account' in the login registration box.
13 Step 2 Creating your Metacat Account
This window will open
Fill in the registration information
Register as unaffiliated
Information in red is required.
14 Step 2 Creating your Metacat Account
Write down this information as you will need your username and password to create your profile in Morpho!
You can use this account to search for data on the KNB website and to access data on Morpho
15 Step 2 Creating your Metacat Account
Click on register when you have completed the form.
16 Step 3Open Morpho
Using the start menu navigate through the All programs window and locate Morpho-1.5.1. Click on the Morpho-1.5.1 icon
A new window will open to show you Morpho is loading. Another window will open on top and ask you to create a profile
17 Step 3Open Morpho
This screen shows you morpho is loading
This screen opens when morpho is loaded
18 Step 4Creating a Profile Click on the link Create a new profile 19 Step 4Creating a Profile
This is the screen that will open on your computer
As a new user you will need to create a new profile
20 Step 4Creating a Profile
Follow the instructions
Start by creating a profile name using the initial from your first name and your last name
For example
Samantha Romanello
Becomes sromanello
Fill in your first and last name
Click next.
At this point you will notice that you have to register for a new metacat account at the KNB site.
22 Step 4Creating a Profile
As we have registered at the KNB site and have established your metacat account we will finish creating our profile in Morpho by filling in your KNB account information
23 Step 4Creating a Profile
Enter the Metacat username and the organization name which you registered on the knb.ecoinformatics.org site.
24 Step 4Creating a Profile
Add an identifier prefix
This identifier will become the prefix of your stored metadata file names for all the data sets you enter under this profile.
This identifier prefix can be anything --typically it is the same as your profile name.
25 Step 4Creating a Profile
The last step is to login into the metacat server.
Enter your Metacat password.
This is the password you created on the KNB website
26 Step 5 Using Morpho to Create a data package
We will begin to use Morpho to create a data package using the metadata from one of the data sets you brought.
The software has a wizard package that walks you through step by step to upload data.
Information in red is required.
27 Adding a new data package with Package Wizard
There are 15 steps to upload data.
28 Adding a title
Begin by adding the title and an abstract.
Click next to add Keywords
29 Adding keywords
Click on 'Add' to enter keywords
30 Adding keywords
A line will appear in the keyword window
Click 'Add' to enter more keywords
Put one key word on each line.
Once all keywords are added press OK
31 Adding keywords
You will return to the previous screen
Click Next to add information about the people and organization responsible for the data
32 Adding people and organizations
In the next set of screens you will add metadata about the
Owner who created the data
Contact who to ask about the data
Associated parties other individuals responsible for the data
33 Adding owners
To add information about the data owners click 'Add' button
34 Adding owners
A new window will open
You can add new owner details or pick from a locally stored data package
Information in red is required
Click 'OK' to enter
35 Adding owners
After you submit that information you will return to this page.
Click next to add information about whom to contact for questions about use
36 Adding contact metadata
Click 'Add' to enter information about whom to contact for questions about use
37 Adding contact metadata
A new window will open
You can add new owner details or pick from a locally stored data package
Information in red is required
Click 'OK' to enter
38 Adding contact metadata
After you submit that Metadata you will return to this page.
Click next to enter information on people who administer the data set
39 Adding administration metadata
Click 'Add' to open window.
40 Adding administration metadata
A new window will open
You can add new owner details or pick from a locally stored data package
Choose a role
Information in red is required
Click 'OK' to enter
41 Adding administration metadata
After you submit that information you will return to this page.
Click next to link data to other projects.
42 Adding research project metadata
Click box to link data to other projects.
43 Adding research project metadata
Enter Project Information box will open
Add a title
Click 'Add' to enter personnel information
44 Adding research project metadata
This window will open
You can add new owner details or pick from a locally stored data package
Choose a role
Information in red is required
Click 'OK' to enter
45 Adding research project metadata
A new window will open
Click on the appropriate package in the select a data package window.
It will appear in the window select a previous entry from this package
Click 'OK' to submit information
46 Adding research project metadata
After you submit that information you will return to this page.
Click next to usage rights metadata
47 Adding usage rights metadata
Describe the intended usage rights of the data including restrictions
Click in the window to add text.
Click 'OK' to submit information
48 Adding geographic metadata
Describe the geographic region covered by your data
Click 'Add' to open a new window.
49 Adding geographic metadata
A new window will open.
You can choose from a predefined list or create a bounding box using lat long values.
50 Adding geographic metadata
You will return to the previous screen
Click 'OK' to submit
51 Adding temporal metadata
Click 'Add' to enter Metadata about temporal coverage
52 Adding temporal metadata
A new window will open
You can choose a range or single point
Click 'OK' to submit
53 Adding temporal metadata
You will return to the previous screen.
Click 'OK' to submit
54 Adding taxonomic metadata
Click add to enter taxonomic Metadata
A dialog window will appear type in the window to add information
Click next to submit information
55 Adding methods and sampling metadata
Click 'Add' to enter metadata on the methods and sampling techniques used
56 Adding methods and sampling metadata
A new window will open
Type information in the appropriate window
Click 'OK' to submit
57 Adding methods and sampling metadata
You will return to the previous screen
Click 'OK' to submit
58 Adding access metadata
Decide on public read access
Click 'Add' to give special rights to individuals and groups
59 Adding access metadata
Special access can be given to particular groups or individuals within groups
Refresh user list to update information on metacat
Click 'OK' to submit
60 Adding a data table
At this point you have completed adding the required metadata. You can either finish and save the metadata, or you can add a new data table.
At this point we will add a new data table.
61 Adding a data table
If you clicked finished you can add a data table by clicking on create/
import data table in the tool bar under data
62 Adding a data table
You can create a new, empty data table import a data file into the package or describe the data file.
This example shows how to import the data table and add the documentation automatically.
Click locate to find data table
63 Adding a data table
Locate the data set on your computer
64 Start Text Import Wizard
To add metadata automatically for this example data set, start import at row 1 and click column labels.
The actual process will depend on how the data is formatted.
The number of steps is determined by the data set.
65 View and check data table
If the file was saved with delimiters Morpho will format data table according to delimiters
66 add/edit metadata to each column of data
Define each column
67 Entering Data Table
Once you have entered all the column metadata you can click on finish to enter
68 Using Morpho to edit metadata
Once data is up loaded to Morpho you can edit data or metadata
This is the window that opens after you press finish in the morpho wizard.
69 Either click on documentation in the data package window 70 Or click on edit in the Entity/Attribute window 71 A new window the -- Morpho Editor --will open
Information with red dots is required
Multiple editor windows can be opened at each metadata level
72 Click on the pull down screen to jump to information 73 Editing metadata using Morpho
Once you have completed going through and adding all the metadata you can close the editor and save the data locally.
At this point please create an additional data package with another one of the data sets you have brought.
We will resume at four oclock to discuss Morpho with Laura Downey our senior usability engineer.
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