Title: What
1Whats New in Hydroacoustics?September 2008
With help from David Mueller, Chad Wagner, Ryan
Jackson, Mike Rehmel, and Jon Czuba
2Whats New?
- Equipment
- Software
- Methods Policy
- Publications
- Training
- RS Live, RiverRay, ADC
- WRII, new tools
- Moving bed tests, Other
- New reports
- Webinars, schedule for formal training courses,
Web-based training
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
3New SonTek YSI Profilers
- 5-beam profiler
- 4 beam Janus configuration
- 3 Mhz
- Velocity profiling range 0.2 m to 5.0 m
- 1 vertical beam for depth measurement
- 1 Mhz
- Range 0.15 - 15m
Pre-release specs Subject to change
Units not available for sale Oct. 2008
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
4New SonTek YSI Profilers
- 9-beam 3-frequency profiler
- 4 beams at 1 Mhz
- 4 beams at 3 Mhz
- 1 beam _at_ 500 kHz (depth)
- Nominal velocity profiling range 0.3 m 30.0 m
- Vertical beam range 80m
Units not available for sale Oct. 2008
Pre-release specs Subject to change
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
5Prototype ADP, GPS, Float
SonTek/YSI plans to offer a trimaran and their
own monohull design, not necessarily similar to
this monohull
Pre-release specs Subject to change
Units not available for sale Oct. 2008
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
6Automatic Configuration
- Automatic velocity cell size adjustment
- Automatic switching between pulse-coherent and
narrowband - M9 profiler will switch between 1 and 3 Mhz on
the fly
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
7Software and Data
- Data are stored in profiler.
- Data viewed and profiler controlled with laptop
and/or Windows Mobile device (Motorola Q Phone) - Bluetooth or Freewave telemetry
Pre-release specs Subject to change
Units not available for sale Oct. 2008
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
8Ott ADC
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
9Comparison Qms
Site FlowT Q ADC Q Diff. Comments
Copper Slough 7.80 7.74 -0.85 Slight difference in XS-rod placement
Palos Park 5.48 4.83 -11.8 High velocity fluctuations
Oakwood 226 223 -1.69
Bismarck 142 145 1.84 Small velocity fluctuations
Joliet 67.9 69.2 1.86 Flow angles?
Coal City 162 173 6.60 Horizontal velocity gradient/turbulence
Flossmoor 9.56 9.80 2.44 Low velocity spikes due to large cobbles (both FT and ADC)
Oak Forest 5.11 4.61 -9.74 Large velocity gradient
Mean -1.4
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
10Lag in Velocity Due to Sampling Volume
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
11Sampling Volume
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
12ADC Enhancements
- Compute/record/display flow angles
- Store velocity time series (not just final value)
- Provide software that supports analysis of above
data - Real time beam checks
- When point velocity measurement is invalid,
prompt user for doing another velocity
observation (at a different location) - Working with Ott to implement enhancements
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
13TRDI RiverRay
- Phased array transducer (flat face)
- 30-degree beams (larger unmeasured area)
- Single frequency 600 kHz
- 2 prototypes delivered in September
Units not available for sale as of Sept. 2008
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
14TRDI RiverRay
- Integrated float with Bluetooth comms (default)
Units not available for sale as of Sept. 2008
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
15RiverRay Features
- Will default to an auto mode.
- Will consist of both pulse coherent (WM 5/11-like
and incoherent modes (WM1) all at the same time - Depth cell sizes will depend on depth and which
mode is used to make the velocity measurement
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
16TRDI RiverRay
Depth Measurement Type Ambiguity resolution Depth cells/size Depth cells/size
lt 0.6 m 3 pulse-coherent (PC) pings None 5 10 cm
0.6 1.5 m Pulse coherent modes (WM 5/11 like) Yes 20 cm
1.5 5.0 m Attempt pulse-coherent if not use mode 1/12 type mode For PC mode ? 20 cm
5.0 10 m 2 near-surface PC pings, Ambiguity ping plus as many WM1-like pings as can be done to get 1-sec update rate ? 40 cm
10 20 m Same as above ? 80 cm
This information is preliminary and subject to
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
17Use of Ultra-Mobile PCs
- Example UMPC with Wireless and Bluetooth
- Cost 1,000
- Instrument News article Sonny Anderson
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
18High Speed Tethered Boat
- Noticed many problems in fast flows
- Air entrainment and/or ADCP being pulled out of
the water - RFP for a new boat is out.
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
19RC Boat OceanScience
Problems with High-speed boat - nose submerging
in low velocities. Caused by deformation of
plastic used. OS working on solution.
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
20RC Boat SeaRobotics
CA WSC using 2 boats for mapping applications.
Still some work needed
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
21WinRiver II Status
- Numerous bugs in version 2.02
- OSW has tested several beta releases since early
August. - Program is more stable now waiting on a final
beta to test - Release of 2.03 in November?
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
- OSW strongly encourages users to use
USB-to-serial adapters with laptops even those
that have a built-in RS-232 - See Hydroacoustics Forums for info on suggested
models (https//simon.er.usgs.gov/smf/) - HIF will stock a 2-port USB-to-serial adapter for
purchase. Cost 35.
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
23MidSection Software Sontek
- Methods as documented by Sontek seem correct
- Limited testing has been done
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
24MidSection (SxS) Software TRDI
- Some concerns about algorithms used in TRDI SxS
software - WRII 2.02 SxS can crash and user will be unable
to resume Qm - TRDI addressing technical concerns. Changes may
appear in WRII version 2.03? - Very limited testing
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
25MidSection Software
- OSW strongly discourages use of home-grown SxS
computations due to various possible technical
problems such as - Flow angles
- Extrapolation
- Valid manual computations are time consuming and
are difficult to check
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
26Automated QA / QC
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
27Automated QA / QC
- Prototype auto QA/QC delivered to TRDI and SonTek
18 months ago. - Both vendors say they are committed to
incorporating this into their software. - TRDI has promised to focus on this in their first
major update to WinRiver II in 2009 - SonTek/YSI is incorporating some of this into
RiverSurveyor-Live software
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
28Extrapolation Analysis Tool
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
29SMBA(Stationary Moving bed Analysis)
- Updated to process corrections from multiple
moving bed tests - Effectiveness of the approach used to do this is
still being studied
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
30LC (Loop Correction)
- Distributes loop correction across cross section
based on near bed velocities - Preferred loop correction method
- Improvements planned
- User interface
- Check quality of compass cal
- Report number of invalid ensembles
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
31GPS Collect VTG GGA
- VTG is Doppler-based measurement
- Less sensitive to multi-path effects
- Usually results in better quality data
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
32Moving-Bed Tests
- USGS policy will require that a moving-bed test
(MBT) be collected prior to every Qm - No exceptions!
- Use the SMBA and LC software to analyze MBTs
560 feet in 540 s gt 1 ft/s MB velocity
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
33Moving-Bed Tests
- Three acceptable methods for performing a MBT
- stationary test - no GPS
- stationary test - with GPS, or
- the loop method
- For stationary MBTs, we suggest multiple MBTs
Deployment Duration of SMBTs
Tethered boat 5 minutes
Anchored boat 5 minutes
Boat with DGPS 5 minutes
All other 10 minutes
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
34Moving-Bed Conditions
- Order of preference
- Loop correction method
- Multiple stationary MBTs
- Section by section software
Method Requirements Requirements
DGPS Valid GPS data Valid Compass Calibration
Loop Maintain BT Valid Compass Calibration
SMBTs Remain stationary Valid BT for transects
Midsection Use mfgr software
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
35Current USGS Policy for Qms
- USGS policy is that 4-transect mean is used as a
measured discharge under steady flow conditions - Policy was arrived at somewhat arbitrarily did
not have a rigorous scientific basis - Reflects need to have good spatial and temporal
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
36Number of Transects Analysis
- 28 comparisons having 12-transects were used
- 12-transect mean was assumed to be true Q
- Percent difference for 1-, 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-pass
means computed
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
37RG Exposure Time Analysis
Oberg and Mueller (2007a). Validation of
Streamflow Measurements Made with ADCPs. Journal
of Hydraulic Engineering, 133(12), 1421-1432.
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
38Exposure Time For ADCP Qms
- Exposure time (D) is the total time spent
sampling the flow - Oberg and Mueller (2007) suggest that D is more
important than number of transects for reducing
uncertainty in Q - OSW is conducting tests to validate this
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
39StreamPro Exposure Time
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
40Validation Data
Possible policy For steady flows, D must be
720 s minimum of 2 transects
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
41Discharge Measure-ment Manual
- Techniques and Methods Report
- Expected to be approved and published Oct-Dec
2008 - Compilation of OSW technical memos, QA Plan, and
Simpson report, plus new guidance - Replacement for Simpson report
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
42Capability Fact Sheet
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
43Evaluation of GPS Receivers and VTG
- Report will be published in 2009.
- Selected results
- Recommend use Novatel Smart Antenna or Hemisphere
Crescent A100 - Trimble AgGPS 132 and similar models have some
known issues with VTG data - Testing of these receivers is underway
Environment Canada uses Novatel - Dont use handheld receivers
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
44Using ADCPs in Moving Bed Conditions
- Web-based class has been developed
- Currently undergoing review / revision
- Should be available early in FY09
- Will be offered via NTC / DOILearn
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
45Status of Classes
- 10 12 1-week classes taught annually!
- 7 Basic ADCP
- 2 Index Velocity
- 2 Refresher classes
- Classes are in high demand.
- Short courses at Data Conferences elsewhere
- Possible velocity mapping / analysis class in
late 2009
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
46Proposed Schedule
Course ID USGS Classes Date Location
SW1321 Streamflow Measurements Using ADCP's 10/27/08 Louisville, KY
SW1319 Streamflow Record Computation using ADVM's and Index-velocity Methods 11/18/08 Denver, CO
SW1321 Streamflow Measurements Using ADCP's 01/26/09 Houston, TX
SW1321 Streamflow Measurements Using ADCP's 03/23/09 Orlando, FL
SW2441 Introduction to WinRiver II and ADCP Refresher with StreamPro 05/04/09 Asheville, NC
SW1321 Streamflow Measurements Using ADCP's (SonTek) 05/04/09 Louisville, KY
SW1321 Streamflow Measurements Using ADCP's 05/18/09 Lowell, MA
SW1319 Streamflow Record Computation using ADVM's and Index-velocity Methods 07/14/09 Denver, CO
SW2441 Introduction to WinRiver II and ADCP Refresher with StreamPro 08/03/09 Portland, OR
SW1321 Streamflow Measurements Using ADCP's 08/24/09 Portland, OR
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
47Other Training Info
- Will be looking to add new Web-based classes,
perhaps Key Concepts, Water Modes, etc. (costly) - OSW has maintained their own training
registration system. We will no longer use that
system. Users will register via DOILearn. - Supervisor approvals needed in timely manner if
you want to get into the class
Equipment Software
Methods/Policy Publications
49Changes Needed
- SxS
- GPS Loop (1 and 2) after that multiple MBTs
and SxS are even. If cannot BT - GPS have to have good GPS and comp cal
- Loop must be able to BT and comp cal
- SMBT -
- Home-grown SxS
- Caveats about units not available for sale
- HIF Stocking USB-serial