Title: GriPhyNiVDGL Project Overview
1- GriPhyN/iVDGL Project Overview
Paul Avery University of Florida http//www.phys.u
fl.edu/avery/ avery_at_phys.ufl.edu
GriPhyN/iVDGL External Advisory Committee
Meeting San Diego Supercomputer Center, San
Diego, CA Jan. 13, 2003
2GriPhyN/iVDGL Basics
- Both funded through NSF ITR program
- GriPhyN 11.9M (NSF) 1.6M (matching) (2000
2005) - iVDGL 13.7M (NSF) 2M (matching) (2001
2006) - Basic composition
- GriPhyN 12 funded universities, SDSC, 3
labs (80 people) - iVDGL 16 funded institutions, SDSC, 3 labs (70
people) - Expts US-CMS, US-ATLAS, LIGO, SDSS/NVO
- Large overlap of people, institutions, management
- Grid research vs Grid deployment
- GriPhyN 2/3 CS 1/3 physics ( 0 H/W)
- iVDGL 1/3 CS 2/3 physics (20 H/W)
- iVDGL 2.5M Tier2 hardware (1.4M LHC)
- Physics experiments provide frontier challenges
- Virtual Data Toolkit (VDT) in common
3GriPhyN Institutions
- U Florida
- U Chicago
- Boston U
- Caltech
- U Wisconsin, Madison
- Harvard
- Indiana
- Johns Hopkins
- Northwestern
- Stanford
- U Illinois at Chicago
- U Penn
- U Texas, Brownsville
- U Wisconsin, Milwaukee
- UC Berkeley
- UC San Diego
- San Diego Supercomputer Center
- Lawrence Berkeley Lab
- Argonne
- Fermilab
- Brookhaven
4iVDGL Institutions
- U Florida CMS
- Caltech CMS, LIGO
- UC San Diego CMS, CS
- Indiana U ATLAS, iGOC
- Boston U ATLAS
- U Wisconsin, Milwaukee LIGO
- Penn State LIGO
- Johns Hopkins SDSS, NVO
- U Chicago CS
- U Southern California CS
- U Wisconsin, Madison CS
- Salish Kootenai Outreach, LIGO
- Hampton U Outreach, ATLAS
- U Texas, Brownsville Outreach, LIGO
- Fermilab CMS, SDSS, NVO
- Brookhaven ATLAS
- Argonne Lab ATLAS, CS
T2 / Software
CS support
T3 / Outreach
T1 / Labs(not funded)
5Goals PetaScale Virtual-Data Grids
Production Team
Individual Investigator
1 Petaflop 100 Petabytes
Interactive User Tools
Request Planning
Request Execution
Virtual Data Tools
Management Tools
Scheduling Tools
Other Grid
Security and
Distributed resources(code, storage,
Raw data
6Coordinating U.S. Projects Trillium
- Trillium GriPhyN iVDGL PPDG
- Large overlap in project leadership
participants - Large overlap in experiments, particularly LHC
- Joint projects (monitoring, etc.)
- Common packaging, use of VDT other GriPhyN
software - Organization from the bottom up
- With encouragement from funding agencies NSF
DOE - DOE (OS) NSF (MPS/CISE) working together
- Complementarity DOE (labs), NSF (universities)
- Collaboration of computer science/physics/astronom
y encouraged - Collaboration strengthens outreach efforts
See Ruth Pordes talk
7Progress CS, VDT, Outreach
- Lots of good CS research (Ian Foster)
- Creation of Chimera Virtual Data System
- Used in SDSS production, US-CMS production (150K
events) - DAGMan workflow manager
- Pegasus request planner
- Installation revolution VDT Pacman (Miron
Livny) - Several major releases this year VDT 1.1.5
- Pacman Highly configurable packaging tool
- VDT Pacman vastly simplify Grid software
installation - Used by all experiments
- Agreement to use VDT by LHC Computing Grid
Project - Outreach expanded (Manuella Campanelli)
- Coordination with NPACI-EOT, SkyServer, QuarkNet
- Well attended Outreach meeting March 1, 2002
8Progress Testbeds WorldGrid
- Significant Grid Testbeds deployed (Rick
Cavanaugh) - Major productions carried out with Grid tools
- Large productions helped fix many Globus Condor
problems - Creation of WorldGrid (Rob Gardner)
- Major effort with EU partners iVDGL, DataTAG,
EDG - Demos at IST2002 and SC2002
- Plans for major expansion and focus
- A great outreach tool!
9WorldGrid Sites
10Progress Collaboration Networks
- Major coordination efforts (Ruth Pordes)
- Formation of Trillium
- LCG relationship SC2, PEB, etc.
- New members for iVDGL/WorldGrid (varying status)
- Experiments BTEV, D0, ALICE
- Institutions Several new U.S. sites pending
- Countries Korea, Japan, Brazil, Romania,
Australia, - Networks
- Harvey Newman ICFA/SCIC I2/HENP
- Working with IEEAF to extend networking to
remote/poor regions - AMPATH network to South America
11US-iVDGL Data Grid (Sep. 2001)
12US-iVDGL Data Grid (Spring 2003)
- Partners?
- EU
- Brazil
- Australia
- Korea
- Japan
13Example Extend US-CMS Testbed
14Progress New Proposals
- Dynamic workspaces for scientific analysis
communities - Preproposal submitted Nov. 2002 to ITR large
program (15M) - US-LHC experiments joint EU proposal
- Collaborative tools
- To be submitted to ITR medium program (5M) Feb.
2003 - Also, MRI, SciDAC,
15An Inter-Regional Center for High Energy Physics
Research and Educational Outreach (CHEPREO) at
Florida International University
- Status
- Proposal submitted Dec. 2002
- Presented to NSF review panel Jan. 7-8,
2003 - Looks very positive
- E/O Center in Miami area
- iVDGL Grid Activities
- CMS Research
- AMPATH network
- Intl Activities (Brazil, etc.)
16Meetings in 2002
- GriPhyN/iVDGL/PPDG meetings
- Jan. 7-9, 2002 EAC, Planning, iVDGL Florida
- Mar. 2002 Outreach Brownsville
- Apr. 24-26, 2002 All-hands Argonne
- Jul. 10-11, 2002 Reliability Workshop ISI
- Oct. 2002 Provenance Workshop Argonne
- Dec. 2002 Troubleshooting Workshop Chicago
- Dec. 16-20, 2002 Technical meeting (PPDG) ISI
Caltech - Other meetings
- iVDGL facilities workshop (BNL)
- Grid activities at CMS, ATLAS meetings
- Several LHC computing reviews for US-CMS,
US-ATLAS - Demos at IST2002, SC2002
- MAGIC workshop (Aug. 2002, Chicago)
- GGF4, GGF5, GGF6
- Meetings with LCG (LHC Computing Grid) project
- HEP coordination meetings (HICB)
17Context Data Grid Projects
- US
- GriPhyN (NSF)
- Particle Physics Data Grid (DOE)
- TeraGrid (NSF)
- DOE Science Grid (DOE)
- EU and Asia
- European Data Grid (EU, EC)
- CrossGrid (EU, EC)
- DataTAG (EU, EC)
- Japanese Project (APGrid?)
- Korea project
- Challenges from large, dispersed, diverse project
- 100 people
- 20 funded institutions several unfunded ones
- Multi-culturalism CS, 4 experiments
- Different priorities and risk equations
- Co-Director concept really works
- Share work, responsibilities
- CS (Foster) ? Physics (Avery) ? early reality
check - Project coordinators have helped tremendously
- Mike Wilde GriPhyN Coordinator (UC/Argonne)
- Rick Cavanaugh GriPhyN Deputy Coordinator
(Florida) - Rob Gardner iVDGL Coordinator (UC)
- Jorge Rodriquez iVDGL Deputy Coordinator
(Florida) - Ruth Pordes iVDGL Interim Coordinator, PPDG
19Management (cont.)
- Internal coordination
- Many meetings, telecons, etc.
- Experiments in different stages of software
development - Joint milestones require negotiation
- (MOUs being written with experiments to formalize
relations) - External coordination
- National PPDG, iVDGL, TeraGrid, Globus, NSF,
SciDAC, - International EUDG, LCGP, GGF, HICB, GridPP,
- Networks Internet2, ESNET, STAR-TAP,
STARLIGHT, SURFNet, DataTAG - Industry trends
- Highly time dependent
- Requires lots of travel, meetings, energy
- New proposals to fill in missing pieces
- New large ITR stressing analysis environments
- Medium ITR stressing collaborative tools
20Management (cont.)
- New dynamic project web pages a success
- (Jorge Rodriguez)
- Everything is database driven
- Reassessing our work organization (Fig.)
- 2 years of experience
- Rethink breakdown of tasks, responsibilities in
light of experience - Exploit iVDGL resources and close connection
- Testbeds handled by iVDGL
- Common assistant to iVDGL and GriPhyN
Coordinators - Common web site development for iVDGL and GriPhyN
- Common Outreach effort for iVDGL and GriPhyN
- Additional support from iVDGL for software
21Project CoordinatorsM. Wilde, R. Cavanaugh
External Advisory Board
System IntegrationCarl Kesselman
Project Directors Paul Avery Ian Foster
Industrial Connections Alex Szalay
Outreach/Education Manuela Campanelli
Collaboration Board
Project Coordination Group
Other Grid Projects
Physics Experiments
CS Research Coord. I. Foster Execution
Management (Miron Livny) Performance
Analysis (Valerie Taylor) Request Planning
Scheduling (Carl Kesselman) Virtual Data (Reagan
Applications Coord. H. Newman ATLAS (Rob
Gardner) CMS (Harvey Newman) LSC(LIGO) (Bruce
Allen) SDSS (Alexander Szalay)
Technical Coord. Committee Chair J. Bunn H.
Newman T. DeFanti (Networks) A. Szalay M.
Franklin(Databases) R. Moore(Digital
Libraries) C. Kesselman(Grids) P. Galvez R.
Stevens (Collaborative Systems)
VD Toolkit Development Coord. M.
Livny Requirements Definition
Scheduling (Miron Livny) Integration
Testing (Carl Kesselman NMI GRIDS
Center) Documentation Support (TBD)
22iVDGL Management and Coordination
U.S. Piece
US ProjectDirectors
International Piece
US External Advisory Committee
Collaborating Grid Projects
US Project Steering Group
Facilities Team
Core Software Team
Operations Team
Project Coordination Group
Applications Team
GLUE Interoperability Team
Outreach Team
23Questions for EAC
- GriPhyN research directions
- Are our research directions still appropriate?
- Are there major changes of direction you would
recommend? - Trends
- Are we missing any major external research or
technology trends? - Metrics
- What should be our measures of success for iVDGL?
- Relations with other projects
- How should iVDGL relate to TeraGrid, DOE Science
Grid, PPDG and other national and international
infostructure projects? - How should GriPhyN and iVDGL relate efficiently
to the EU DataGrid (EDG) and the LHC Computing
Grid (LCG) projects? - Should we be doing more with partners to develop
stronger networking capabilities?
24Questions for EAC (2)
- How we should we prioritize activities pertaining
to - Growing the disciplines on iVDGL
- Growing the number of sites on iVDGL
- Increasing the international reach of iVDGL?
- Should we be taking steps now to
institutionalize iVDGL?
25Questions About EAC Function
- Continue to use common EAC for GriPhyN/iVDGL?
- Some members in common
- Some specific to GriPhyN
- Some specific to iVDGL
- More members needed?
- Interactions with EAC
- More frequent updates from GriPhyN / iVDGL?
- Phone meetings with Directors and Coordinators?
- Other ideas?
- Industry relations
- Several discussions (IBM, Sun, Dell)
- We need advice here