Title: Librarians
1Librarians Common Core Implementation
- Shirley Fetherolf
- Program Advisor
- Library Media Services
- 4-22-12
2- Reading is at the core of everything in the
Common Core Standards
3- Problem
- Many of us have
- weeded out our high
- Lexile books
- Librarians say that
- its fun to read
5CCSS Reading Not always fun
- Vehicle for deeper learning
- Challenging and intellectually edifying activity
- Deserving of students time, effort, and
persistence - Carol Jago
6(No Transcript)
7- In order to reach appropriate levels of rigor,
students must grapple with complex texts - Challenging texts that may frustrate or confuse
students can be extremely effective and important
instructional tools
8- If students have not developed the skill,
concentration and stamina to read complex
textsthey will read less in general - CSS ELA Appendix A, p. 4
9Problem Growing Imbalance
- Champions at information gathering
- Web surfing, social media, email and texting
- Not good at processing information
- Constructing meaning
- Deeper thinking/synthesis
- Learning to process information
10What research has discovered about reading
11- 5 of children learn to read effortlessly
- 20-30 learn relatively easily once exposed to
reading instruction -
- Harris, Chris. RTI The Library Role.
Infomancy. 15 Mar. 2006. Web. 15 Apr. 2011.
12- For 60 of children, learning to read is a much
more formidable task - 20-30 of children reading is one of the most
difficult tasks ever - 5 of students even with explicit and systematic
instruction, reading will continue to be a
challenge - Harris, Chris. RTI The Library Role.
Infomancy. 15 Mar. 2006. Web. 15 Apr. 2011.
13- The reading level of documents, technical
manuals, and other materials required by entry
level positions in most fields far exceeds the
reading level of many students. - Meeting the Challenge of Adolescent Literacy,
Judith Irvin, et al
14- Free voluntary reading is one of the most
powerful tools we have in language instruction - More reading results in better reading
comprehension, writing style, vocabulary,
spelling and grammatical development - The Power of Reading Insights from the Research,
Stephan Krashen
15- Subject-area teachers should not be expected to
teach basic reading skills, but they can help
students develop critical strategies and skills
for reading texts in each subject. - --Includes Librarians
- Southern Regional Education Board,
2009 Policy Statement, page 5
16The Common Core Conversation
- Are you involved?
- How do you support student learning?
- How do you support teachers?
- Where can you learn more about how to implement
Common Core?
17- What to do?
- What to buy?
- What curriculum?
- What will students do?
- Help!
18New ADE Wiki on CCSShttp//ccssarkansas.pbworks
- AETN Videos
- http//ideas.aetn.org/commoncore/
19CCSS Implementation Timetable
K-2 2011-2012
Grades 3-8 2012-2013
Grades 9-12 2013-2014
Online Common Assessments 2014-2015
20- Students will still be tested over Arkansas
frameworks until 2014-15 for math and ELA!
21CCSS Changes
- More nonfiction
- Higher Lexiles
- More research
- More collaboration
22New Challenges for Librarians
- LMS Evaluation
- Waivers
- Complex Text
- Technology
- New PD Rules
Lexiles eBooks ELLs Collaboration 11 computers
23- Dont let the
- new evaluation
- system catch
- you by surprise!
24New Teacher Evaluation System for Arkansas
25What are the Curriculum Maps?
- Vendor productwas free in past
- Developed by Bill Gates Foundation
- Used by many Arkansas schools
- Not affiliated with CCSScorestandards.org, even
though their Website is commoncore.org
26Common Core Curriculum Maps
- Available online, also in book form
- Teacher comment Implementation using these maps
has been much easier, since we have some
suggested texts, activities, and assessments to
help us in teaching the new standards.
27Common Core Curriculum Maps
- Issues
- Catcher in the Rye in 8th grade unit
- House of Spirits in 10th grade unit
- Cost 19,500 for K-12 single title set
- On average, all books within each unit, after set
discount, cost around 250.00 - Each grade has six units
28Pair and Share
- Bill Gates Curriculum Maps
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
29Technology Integration Example
- 8th grade ELA teacher creating podcasts of
student poems - Typed poems on PPT slides, with credits and
animation. - Recorded Audacity sound clip and attached to
slide - Final product students reading the words of
their poems as slides scrolled through
30Navigating the Big Shifts
- Appropriate Text Complexity
- Increased Reading of Informational Texts
- Disciplinary Literacy
- Close Reading
- Text-dependent Questions
- Academic Vocabulary--Tier 2 3
- Argumentative Writing
- Short and Sustained Research Projects
31Common Core Research Skills
- Our LMS framework is still important!
- Research projects in CCSS start in kindergarten
- Collaboration needed with teachers to develop
activities which teach our frameworks and Common
Core research skills - See my wiki page for ideas
33Less Emphasis on Fiction
34English Language Learners
- Most ELLs were born in USA
- 43 of students in Springdale are ELLs
- Over 90 ELLs in some classes in DeQueen
35Connecting with Non-Readers
36Our Goal A Word-Rich Environment
- Lots of books and other reading material,
invitingly displayed, on various topics, at
various reading levels - Words on a word wall, etc.
37Summer Reading
- Progress in
International Reading Literacy Study
38Pair and Share
- Google search results not usually created
specifically for children - How do you get teachers and students beyond
40Shirley Fetherolf