Title: Personal Branding for Librarians
1Personal Branding for Librarians
2What is a personal brand?
3Getting Started Elevator Speech/ Personal
- What are you going to share. What are you going
to hold back? - You are a brand whether you choose to see
yourself that way or not Chris Brogan - Think about what you have to offer in the
workplace and on the Web.
4What do you find in a vanity search?
- Your URL
- Owning your online identity
- Google Profile
5Getting Started Usernames
Create a Username
Think something that wouldnt make your family
cringe. One word no spaces. Keep it consistent
across networks.
Great Usernames ( Use your name if you
can) LuLuGrimm (real name Lisa Grimm) PRMoxie
(real name Mary Lower) MNHeadhunter (real name
Paul DeBettignies) Not so great choices pjbfcp
(real name Pete Barry) l1br4r14n (real name
Jonathon Smith) megcanada02 (real name Meg
6Putting your best foot forward
- Elevator Speech
- Usernames
- Photographs
7Network and Tone
- LinkedIn
- Facebook
- Google Profile
- Twitter
- Plurk/FriendFeed/Identica
- MySpace
- Extendr
- Flickr
- Friendly
- Casual
- Candid
- Professional
- Creative
- Personal
8OH (Overheard) on Social Networks
- Librarian1 WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE? Bring...
Your... CARD! You tell your kids "Now put that in
your wallet so you know where it is." DO THE SAME
DAMMIT! - Librarian2 my fave is when people said they left
their library card in the car... I always made
them go get it. ) I like being evil. - Librarian1Oh that PISSES me off. You drove to
the library in your car and left it there, that
means you're STUPID or LAZY or BOTH. - Librarian2 I love the big sigh followed by, "do
you really need me to go get it?" Then I respond
"do you really want these DVDs?" - Do you want to hire either of these people
- after reading this exchange?
9Great Example Sarah Houghton-Jan
10Great Example Bobbi Newman
12Where to get started
- Branding without a blog.
- Musts Maybes
- LinkedIn Facebook
- Twitter Flickr
- Google Profile maybe a blog?
13Blogging and beyond
- Blogger
- Wordpress
- LiveJournal
- Tumblr
- Posterous