Title: Ingibjrg Jnsdttir
1Unusual ice conditions in Iceland during the
Winter of 2007
Unusual ice conditions in Iceland during the
Winter of 2007
- Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir
- Institute of Earth Sciences - University of
- VIII Meeting of the International
- Ice Charting Working Group
- Science Workshop
ESA ESRIN, Frascati Italy 22.-26.10. 2007
2- Why the Institute of Earth Sciences?
- Interest in remote sensing (teaching and
- The sea ice is one of the most interesting and
yet challenging phenomena to study with remote
sensing All sensors are used, the ice is a
highly variable feature and changes fast, the
environment is fairly difficult (dark, cold,
usually not much ground truth data), information
needs to get quickly to users - and in as few kb
as possible... - Increased traffic north of Iceland causes
concern, there is pressure to decrease oil usage
by the fishing fleet and recently (with 1/3 cut
of the fishing quota last year) there is more
interest in fish farming. - The captains want to avoid all ice, so ice extent
charts are of prime interest.
- Interest in ice monitoring and information needs
- How to get what kind of information to the
- Development of new products with the users.
- Privilege of participating in ice reconnaissance
flight when needed and having good connection
with the data users.
- Ground truth data reasonably easy to get.
- Sea-ice climatology
- Sea ice can greatly affect the climate in
Iceland, and caused famine in the past. Even if
this is not likely to happen in the next few
years or decades, it is of historical interest to
study the ice. - This is the justification for me working on this
and the work has been carried out for a few
- This year however, the service became almost
operational since ice was causing trouble and the
information was not available elsewhere. So
basically, a small sea-ice centre evolved at the
IES. It will continue as long as I can justify to
myself spending so much time on it... -
3So here is the result, a rather badly designed
web page, frequently updated with new sea-ice an
d other information (especially when the ice is
within Icelandic waters). All possible sources
are used, but by far the most important source is
the one provided by Leif Toudal and colleagues a
t the Danish National Space Center.
- Before we look at any of the charts...
- I have not adopted the IICWG "look" yet and ask
you not to use it against me.
- classify according to sources and days
- The products are developed in close co-operation
with the users, and are still changing since we
are trying to combine the ice data with other
information. - We will get there though.
5Ice conditions in early 2007
- Blocking high pressure system south of Iceland
caused SW winds in the Denmark Strait for weeks,
pushing the ice towards the NW peninsula of
Iceland. - Various types of images were used to monitor the
situation, most important were ENVISAT (300m)
from www.seaice.dk, the Danish National Space
6The atmospheric pressure in Tasiilaq, East
Greenland, is normally higher than
in Bolungarvík NW Iceland. When the pressure
difference is little or negative
(T higher than B) then ice is pushed quite
rapidly towards Iceland
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10Once at the coast...
- The big ice band packed into one fjord, but much
less got into other fjords.
- When flying over it the next day ice was forming
in that fjord but had melted in the others.
- It is extremely unusual to have ice that far
south at the NW peninsula, and did not happen in
the "ice years" after 1965
- It is the second time in three years that unusual
pressure patterns have brought ice towards
Iceland. The ice did also reach the coasts in
11Briefly on the Icelandic ice indices...
... since the cold period, or the "sea-ice years"
which started in 1965 began with relatively littl
e amount of ice in the Denmark Strait but unusual
pressure patterns.
Data resolution seasonal 1600-1850 monthly 185
0 onwards
purple bars - five year accumulative indices
blue bars - annual data
Astrid E.J. Ogilvie 1600-1850 Ingibjörg Jónsdótti
r 1850-2006
12So what is happening?
- I am not forecasting another period of ice years
in Iceland like in 1965 as the overall amount of
ice is less now.
- It is worrying to see that amount of multi year
ice flowing out of the Arctic.
- The ice conditions are looking "promising" this
year, as the ice is forming fast in the East
Greenland Current and flowing rapidly south.
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16Lot of opportunity to compare different data
17An example of data provided to the fishing fleet
- Extremely worrying situation in the Arctic
- Strange situation in Iceland - discussion of
disappearing ice going on at the same time as ice
information is needed badly.
- The IES will continue this work, though creating
a more stable look to prevent people getting too
- Increased focus on icebergs and fjord ice, along
with further experiments with sea-ice forecast.
19Thank you for your attention!
- And specially
- Leif Toudal and co
- Dundee Satellite Receiving Station