Title: MGG Research in HIGP
1- MGG Research in HIGP
- Summary statement of mission and goals
- 1) Study of the plate tectonic evolution of the
Earth - 2) Divergent and convergent plate processes
- 3) Global geochemical (and biogeochemical)
cycles - 4) Hot spot tracking and evolution
- Personnel
- Richard Hey (PhD Princeton, 1975, 1.00 FTE (75
State)) - Fernando Martinez (PhD Columbia, 1988, 1.00 FTE
(50State)) - Patricia Fryer (PhD UHM 1981, 1.00 FTE
(75 State)) - Loren Kroenke (PhD UHM, 1972, 1.00 FTE
(100 State)
2Extramural funding Hey 1. Investigation of
Reykjanes Ridge Evolution near Iceland, NS,
330,444 2. Collaborative Research Detailed
Analysis of High-Resolution Morphological
Data and Water-Column Hydrothermal Measurements
along Earth's Fastest Spreading Center, EPR
27-32S, NSF, 56,839 3. Structure and
Composition of Fast Spread EPR Crust Exposed at
Pito Deep, NSF, 86,016 (UH share of Alvin/ROV
project, J. Karson PI) Martinez 1.
Collaborative Research Investigating the
Distribution of Hydrothermal Activity and its
Geologic and Geophysical Controls at the Lau
Integrated Studies Site, NSF 410,387 2.
Accomplishment Based Renewal Evolution of the
Lau Basin-A Reappraisal, NSF, 198,948
3- Extramural funding (cont.)
- Martinez (Cont.)
- 3. Collaborative Research Investigating the
interrelationships between crustal structure,
volcanism, and hydrothermal activity along the
backarc East Lau Spreading Center, NSF, 373,286 - 4. Investigation of Reykjanes Ridge Evolution
Near Iceland, NSF, 299,910 (Hey, PI) - 5. Collaborative Research Continental Break-up,
Ridge Segmentation and Subduction of the Woodlark
Basin, NSF, 122,093 (Taylor PI) - 6. Seafloor Hydrothermal Research Fund, Corporate
donation by Teck Cominco to UH Foundation,
698,072 - Fryer
- 1. Post-Cruise Science Support IODP Exp 315, JOI
15,000 - 2. Shipboard scientist salary support IODP Exp
315, JOI, 5,900 - 3. Serpentinization Effects on Forearc
Peridotite A Mineralogic, Textural, and
Geophysical Study, NSF 354,685
4Extramural funding Fryer (Cont.) 4. Collaborative
Research Borehole Studies of ODP Site 1200,
South Chamorro Seamount, A Window into Active
Serpentinite Mud Volcanism, NSF, 107,493 5.
Collaborative Proposal Challenger Deep and
Trench-related Processes, Reconnaissance Studies
with WHOIs 11km-Capability Hybrid-ROV, NSF,
25,069 6. Minor and Trace element geochemistry
and rates of diffusion and reaction in the
Porcupine carbonates mound pore fluids,
Post-Cruise Science Support IODP Exp 307, JOI
21,999 7. Shipboard scientist salary support
IODP Exp 307, JOI, 5,000 8. Petrologic and RAMAN
spectroscopy Analysis of Secondary Phases
in Rocks from the Atlantis Core Complex IODP
Expedition 304/305 JOI,
22,229 Kroenke Hotspots and Global APM,
OCE05-26496, 219,140.00, P. Wessel (PI) and L.W.
Kroenke (CoPI)
5- Instrumentation acquired, and laboratories
supervised and funded/supported by group - Hey Plate tectonics lab, in collaboration with
Fernando Martinez - Martinez R/V Kilo Moana. Cruises in 2008 will
include a 75 day expedition (ship plus OTG costs
of 33,000/day for a total of 2,475,000).
HMRG NSF Facilities and private funds support
for 45 days at a rate of 10,000/day to carry
out seafloor mapping. -
- Fryer SOEST Lapidary Facility supervisor,
funding secured for analysis using SOEST
Microprobe Facility, XRF, XRD, Raman and
Micro-Raman, Ion Probe, and SEM (with EBSD)
6- Research Expeditions, Society Meetings/Workshops
- Hey
- 2003 July, High-resolution chirp SUBSCAN
seismic reflection survey of Vestmannaeyjar,
Iceland, Reykjavik-Heimaey, SOEST, University of
Hawaii/ Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/
Scripps Institution of Oceanography/University of
Iceland, chief scientist R.N. Hey, R/S BJARNI
SAEMUNDSSON. - 2003 July-August, EM300 survey of
Vestmannaeyjar and the Reykjanes Ridge, Iceland,
Heimaey-Reykjavik, University of Iceland/ SOEST,
University of Hawaii, chief scientist A.
Hoskuldsson, R/S ARNI FRIDRIKSSON. - 2005 January-March, DSL-120A, Jason and Alvin
investigations of Pito Deep, Easter Microplate,
Duke University/ University of South Florida/
SOEST, University of Hawaii/Scripps Institution
of Oceanography, chief scientist J. Karson, R/V
7- Research Expeditions, Society Meetings/Workshops
- Martinez
- 2007 R/V Knorr, Reykjavik, Iceland to Reykjavik,
Iceland, 15 June to 15 July 2007 (Co-Chief
Scientist) Magnetics, gravity and multibeam
seafloor mapping of the Reykjanes Ridge near
Iceland to examine origin of v-shaped ridges. - 2008 R/V Kilo Moana, Honolulu to Nukualofa,
Tonga, 10 March to 22 March, 2008 (Chief
Scientist), Geophysical mapping during ship
transit. 2008 R/V Kilo Moana, Nukualofa to
Nukualofa, Tonga, 26 March to 12 May, 2008
(Chief Scientist), Geophysical and oceanographic
mapping of geological structure and related
hydrothermal activity along back-arc spreading
centers in the Lau Basin, Tonga. - 2008 R/V Kilo Moana, Nukualofa, Tonga to
Honolulu 14 May to 23 May, (Chief Scientist),
Geophysical mapping during ship transit - 2007 NSF Workshop and Workshop Report The
Future of Marine Heat Flow Defining Scientific
Goals and Experimental Needs for the 21st
Century (Co-Convener),) 6-7 September 2007, Salt
Lake City, UT. - Keynote speaker at 4 meetings in last 3 years
8- Fryer
- 2003 Chief Scientist R/V Thomas Thompson,
TN154, Jason/DSL120 ROV survey of Mariana Forearc
serpentinite mud volcanoes (55-day cruise
Mar-May) - 2003 Co-Organizer of the Ridge 2000-InterRidge
Joint Theoretical Institute Interactions among
Physical, Chemical, Biological, and Geological
Processes in Backarc Spreading Systems Jeju
(Cheju) Island, Korea Dates 24 - 28 May, 2004 - 2003 Hosted ODP Leg 195 second post-cruise
meeting in Honolulu Nov. 3-5, - 2003 Convened special session on Recent
developments in deep submergence Science, 2003
Fall AGU meeting - 2004 IODP Science Planning Committee member,
Corvallis OR, Oct. 25-27 (science planning and
scheduling decisions for 2005-2006.) - 2005 Lead metamorphic petrologist on IODP
Expedition 305 (Jan. 8 Mar. 2) - 2005 Editorial Committee for Preliminary Report
of IODP expedition 304/305. - 2005 3 weeks as Co-chief Scientist on
Yokosuka/Shinkai 6500, Mariana backarc basin
(July. - Aug. 2005) - 2005 IODP Science Planning Committee member,
Kyoto, Japan, Oct. 25-28 -
9- Fryer (Cont.)
- 2007 Presented Drilling Preview regarding IODP
Proposal 505 (Mariana forearc) to the
Environmental Protection and Safety Panel of the
IODP in Houston, TX, June 2007. - 2007 Gas Hydrates Observatory Workshop invitee,
co-led breakout group 4, wrote groups section
of workshop report. July, 2007 - 2007 Hosted IODP Expedition 304/305 second
Post-cruise Meeting in Hilo, Sept. 2007 - 2007 Co-Convened IBM MARGINS Workshop, Honolulu
Hawaii Subduction Factory Studies in the
Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc System Results and Future
Plans, November 7-10, 2007. - 2007 R/V Kilo Moana, test cruise of the WHOI
Hybrid ROV Nereus - Kroenke
- 2006 Workshop on the Scientific Ocean Drilling
of the Ontong Java Plateau - July 31 - Aug. 1
10- Current Research
- Hey Analysis of data from
- recent oceanographic expeditions
- a) Tectonic/volcanic segmentation
- and controls on hydrothermal
- venting along Earth's fastest sea-
- floor spreading system, EPR
- 27-32S
- b) ALVIN magnetometer investi-
- gations of tectonic windows into
- superfast spread crust exposed at Pito Deep,
Easter Microplate -
- c) Origin of the V-shaped ridges along the
Reykjanes Ridge south of Iceland (see Fig.)
11Current Research (Cont.) Martinez Major NSF
initia- tives such as the Ridge2000 Program
have decadal time spans with goals of
investigating a broad range of interrelated
processes at seafloor spreading centers from
mantle pro- cesses to the magmatic and tectonic
construction of the oceanic crust to the
biological systems that live in these settings.
Hydrothermal activity is a key process that
transfers matter and energy across these
components. My recent work has focused on the
study of the geologic and geophysical
controls on the occurrence and distri- bution
of hydrothermal activity at back- arc spreading
12Evolution of mantle mineralogy/textures and
anisotropy 08
Current Research (Cont.) Fryer Divergent
(Mid-Atlantic Ridge IODP Exp 305 and Mariana
Backarc Basin) and convergent plate margin
processes, (Mariana forearc) petrogenesis and
metamorphism of the mantle, changing stress
regimes in subduction zones. Recently funded to
examine dredged serpentinized peridotite samples
from numerous forearc sites to study evolution of
the suprasubduction-zone mantle.
Shinkai 6500 06
ODP Seafloor Observatory Site 1200 0 08
Shinkai 6500 07/08
Dredging 07
13Current Research (Cont.) Kroenke plate
tectonic reconstruction of the Pacific,
initiation of subduction, hot-spot mapping.
Reconciling late Neogene Pacific absolute and
relative plate motion change.
Wessel et al., 2006 Geometry of the
Hawaii-Emperor seamount chain. The Hawaii-Emperor
Bend dated at 4748 Myr (Chron 21) by allowing
12 Myr for edifice construction. Triangles
recent dates from Sharp and Clague 2002 except
for Nintoku Tarduno et al., 2003.
14Future Directions Hey in addition to continuing
my research in the 3 areas mentioned above, I'm
revising the Cox and Hart textbook, Plate
Tectonics How it Works. Martinez Studies of
several (Lau, Manus and Mariana) backarc basins
reveal a broad range of conditions of back-arc
basin development. His work has attracted
attention from major mining companies (Teck
Cominco, Nautilus Minerals - currently funding my
research though sizable gifts (700K) I hope to
continue and expand this academic/industry
relationship in the future. Kroenke Will
expand recent studies to include examination of
global tectonism, cause and effect.
15- Future Directions (Cont.)
- Fryer Studies of arc/backarc basin volcanism
has been carried out recently in collaboration
with Japanese colleagues (Shinkai 6500 diving and
dredging cruises). Studies of origin of island
arc crust will continue also with Shinkai 6500
dives. Recently funded studies of effects of in
situ Archeal communities on peridotitic
substrates will be carried out at ODP Seafloor
Observatory Site 1200. I will be Co-chief
Scientist and first user of WHOI HROV in the
Mariana Trench (2009). A recently funded study
of the evolution and regional variability of
forearc mantle will use dredged samples of
serpentinized peridotites from the Mariana
forearc (analysis to include thermal IR,
mineralogy, micro-Raman mapping, EBSD analysis,
velocity measurements). I am principal proponent
(approached to be Co-chief Scientist) of IODP
drilling expedition to Mariana region in 2009
(scheduled/funding permitting). - Designed new GG course with Ethics Focus GG 306
- Natural Hazards Geoethics and the Layman (for
Fall 2008)