Title: The Titanic
1The Titanic
2 Costs
To build the Titanic it cost approximately 7
500 000 Today if you were going to build a ship
this size it would cost approximately 400
000 000
3If you were to buy a ticket on the titanic today
this is what it would cost.
4 The Titanic split into two pieces
This is the Titanic splitting
5It took two and a half years to build the Titanic
and 7 500 000 dollars later the Titanic was born!
The Titanic was 885 feet long
Moreover, she was designed to be a marvel of
modern safety technology. She had a double-hull
of 1-inch thick steel plates and a (heavily
publicized) system of 16 water-tight
compartments, sealed by massive doors which could
be instantly triggered by a single electric
switch on the bridge, or even automatically by
electric water-sensors. The press began to call
her "unsinkable."
6 First Class Menu
First Course --- Hors D'Oeuvre Oeufs de caille
en aspic et caviar Second Course --- Poisson
Potage Saint-Germain Third Course --- Entrée
Tournedos aux morilles  Fifth Course ---
Punch or Sorbet Punch Rosé  Sixth Course ---
Rôti Cailles aux cerises Seventh Course ---
Légume Asperges printanieres, sauce hollandaise
 Eigth Course --- Entremets Macédoine de
fruitsOranges en surprise ) Â Ninth Course ---
Les Desserts Assorted fresh fruits and cheeses
After Dinner Coffee, cigars
7 Second Class Pea Soup Spaghetti au Gratin
Corned Beef, Vegetable Dumplings Roast Mutton
Baked Jacket Potatoes COLD Roast Mutton
Roast Beef Sausage Ox Tongue Pickles Salad
Tapioca Pudding Apple Tart Fresh Fruit Cheese
Biscuits Coffee
8 Third Class Menus
Breakfast Quaker Oats and Milk Smoked Herrings
and Jacked Potatoes Boiled Eggs Fresh Bread and
Butter Marmalade, Swedish Bread Tea and Coffee
Dinner Vegetable Soup Roast Pork, Sage and
Onions Green Peas Boiled Potatoes Cabin
Biscuits, Fresh Bread Plum Pudding, Sweet Sauce
9These are the Floor Plans for the Titanic
10(No Transcript)
11 This is the Titanics hull
12This is the chandelier from the
13This is the Titanic being built
14This is the Titanic hitting the iceberg
15This is the Titanic sinking
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how much did it cost to build the Titanic?
17By Rhiley, Alyssa, Kara