Blood - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... bone ... Origin- bone marrow. Function- mount immune response by direct cell attack ... red cell production by the bone marrow. Increased red cell destruction ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Blood

  • By Tamera Crosby
  • Christy Sands

  • a protein that is carried by red cells. It picks
    up oxygen in the lungs and delivers it to the
    peripheral tissues to maintain the viability of
    cells. Hemoglobin is made from two similar
    proteins that "stick together". Both proteins
    must be present for the hemoglobin to pick up and
    release oxygen normally. One of the component
    proteins is called alpha, the other is beta.
    Before birth, the beta protein is not expressed.
    A hemoglobin protein found only during fetal
    development, called gamma, substitutes up until

  • 90 water with 100 different solutes
  • 8 plasma proteins
  • 60 albumin- carrier for certain molecules,
    buffer, major in contributing to osmotic pressure
    along with Na

Red Blood Cell
  • Origin- bone marrow
  • Function- gas transport (1 billion O2 each)
    produce ATP anaerobically hemoglobin

  • Origin- bone marrow
  • Function- most numerous numbers increased with
    bacterial infections phagocytize bacteria and
    some fungi contain defensins

  • Origin- bone marrow
  • Function- kill parasitic worms destroy
    antigen-antibody complexes inactivate some
    inflammatory chemicals of allergies

  • Origin- bone marrow
  • Function- rarest release histamine and other
    mediators of inflammations contain heparin, an
    anticoagulant, that acts as a vasodilator

  • Origin- bone marrow
  • Function- mount immune response by direct cell
    attack or via antibodies

  • Origin- bone marrow
  • Function- increases during chronic infections
    phagocytosis develop into macrophages in
    tissues attack viruses and certain intracellular
    bacterial parasites

  • Origin- bone marrow
  • Function- critical role in blood clotting

ABO Blood Groups
  • There are four major blood types A, B, AB, and
    0. The blood types are determined by proteins
    called antigens (also called agglutinogens) on
    the surface of the RBC.
  • There are two antigens, A and B. If you have the
    A antigen on the RBC, then you have type A blood.
    When B antigen is present, you have type B blood.
    When both A and B antigens are present, you have
    type AB blood. When neither are present, you have
    type O blood.

Anemia-insufficient of RBCs
  • Causes Decreased red cell production by the
    bone marrowIncreased red cell destructionBleedin
    g or blood loss
  • Anemia is any one of the disorders in which the
    blood has fewer than the normal number of red
    blood cells or the red blood cells are deficient
    in hemoglobin-carrying capacity. Hemoglobin
    carries oxygen to the tissues.

  • The term leukemia refers to cancers of the white
    blood cells (also called leukocytes or WBCs).
    When a child has leukemia, large numbers of
    abnormal white blood cells are produced in the
    bone marrow. These abnormal white cells crowd the
    bone marrow and flood the bloodstream, but they
    cannot perform their proper role of production of
    other types of blood cells, including red blood
    cells and platelets. protecting the body against
    disease because they are Initially, abnormal
    leukemia cells appear only in the bone marrow and
    blood, but later they may spread elsewhere,
    including the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and
    brain. defective.

  • It's grouped as a herpes virus because once
    you've been infected, the virus stays in your
    body the rest of your life and may reappear in
    your saliva from time to time.
  • Mononucleosis is a respiratory virus that affects
    the blood cells and the salivary glands (the
    glands responsible for producing saliva). Even
    though anyone can get mononucleosis, most people
    who get the illness are between the ages of 10
    and 25.

Anemia-decreases in hemoglobin content
  • Hemoglobin molecules are normal, but erthrocytes
    contain fewer than the usual number
  • Ex) iron-deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia

Anemia- abnormal hemoglobin
  • Production of abnormal hemoglobin usually has a
    genetic basis. Two such examples, thalassemia and
    sickle-cell anemia, are serious, incurable, and
    often fatal diseases. In both diseases the globin
    part of hemoglobin is abnormal and the
    erthrocytes produced are fragile and rupture
    prematurely. Standard treatment for these anemias
    are blood transfusions.
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