Title: The Education For All FastTrack Initiative EFAFTI
1The Education For All Fast-Track
By Desmond Bermingham AAI March 29, 2007
2What is the EFA Fast-Track Initiative?
- The Education for All - Fast Track Initiative
(FTI) is a global partnership between developing
countries and donors to accelerate progress
towards the goal of universal completion of
quality primary education by 2015. - Partners include 30 bilateral and multilateral
donor agencies
- All low-income countries (IDA eligible) may
receive some form of support
3The ContextInternational Agreements
World EFA Conference March 1990, Jomtien, Thaila
Monterrey Consensus 2002
World Education Forum 6 EFA goals April 2000, Da
kar, Senegal
Declarations on Harmonization and Aid Effectiv
Rome (2003) - Paris (2005)
Millennium Declaration 8 MDGs
September 2000, New York, USA
FTI Partnership
4Why was FTI created?
- To accelerate progress towards the education MDG
targets of UPC.
- Progress has been made but there are still 77
million children are out of school 44 million
are girls.
- Official Development Assistance (ODA) for
education has more than doubled since 2000.
However, ODA levels are still far below the
estimated needs of 9BN per annum.
5The FTI Compact
- Partner Countries
- Develop sound education sector programs through
broad based consultation
- Demonstrate results on key performance
- Exercise leadership in developing and
implementing the program and coordinating donor
- Donors
- Help mobilize resources and make them more
- Align with country development priorities
- Coordinate support around one education plan
- Harmonize procedures as much as possible
Mutual Accountability
6Sector-wide Approach
Other (voc. training, adult literacy, etc.)
FTI supports primary education as part of an
overall education strategy
Secondary Education
7The FTI Endorsement Process
Country prepares a poverty reduction strategy and
an education sector plan. Sector Plan should be
linked to broader budget and macro economic
planning frameworks.
Education sector plan is jointly appraised by the
government and the donor group, usually including
the World Bank. Each agency is responsible for
ensuring that rigorous technical analysis and
appropriate internal consultations are conducted
during the appraisal process to enable the
endorsement process to be completed.
Lead donor sends sector plan, appraisal report
and signed endorsement letter to the FTI
FTI Secretariat informs the full Partnership of
the endorsement
Additional resources committed through domestic,
bilateral and multilateral channels as well as
the Catalytic Fund
8Current and Potential FTI Countries
CF recipients
9FTI Indicative Framework
- Suggested benchmarks (not targets) drawn from
analysis of successful countries. Crucial for
long-term sustainability of MDG progress.
- Government spending on education about 20 of
- Spending on primary education about 50 of
education budget
- Teacher salary about 3.5 times GDP per capita
- Pupil-teacher ratio about 401
- Non-teacher salary spending 33 of recurrent
- Average repetition rate 10 or lower
- Annual hours of instruction 850 or more
10What Support Does FTI Offer?
- In-country resource mobilization among donors
and through other channels. FTI partnership
provides a global platform.
- Resource mobilization for countries with few
donors Catalytic Fund (CF)
- Capacity development support Upstream and
downstream - Education Program Development Fund
To low-income countries with PRS and sector
program, appraised and endorsed by supporting
To all low-income countries
11Mobilizing additional resources
- The FTI seeks to mobilize additional resources
for education through four channels
- Domestic resources moving towards the benchmark
of 20 of government expenditure
- Bilateral and multilateral donors (including IDA)
already present in the country
- Donors including private sector donors and
foundations - not yet present in the country who
are willing to provide new funding through the
FTI framework - FTI Catalytic Fund
12FTI Catalytic Fund
- Multi Donor Trust Fund managed by the World Bank
- Grants for countries with continuing financing
- Intended to crowd in financing from other
- Disbursements to date 130.1 million
- Pledges for 07/08 430 M
- Pledges for 08/09 330M
13CF Contributions and Pledges (in US millions)
As of end February 2007
14Education Program Development Fund (EPDF)
- Multi-donor trust fund administered by the World
- Increase the number of low-income countries with
sound and sustainable education sector programs
- Strengthen country capacity to develop policies
and sector programs through a broad-based
consultative process
- Improve and share knowledge of what works
- Strengthen donor partnerships and harmonization
at the country level
- Strengthen partnerships with regional networks
and institutions
15Education Program Development Fund Contributions
and Pledges (in US millions)
As of end February 2007
16FTI Organization
17DFID and Education
- 10-year 15 billion commitment to education made
by Gordon Brown in April 2006 (a sharp increase
from a total of less than 4 billion over the
previous 10 years) - In 2005, Make Poverty History forced
governments to make promises on aid. Now, in 2006
it is time for us to keep our promises. None is
more important than the Millennium Development
Goal that by 2015 every one of the worlds
children is able to go to school. Gordon Brown
18High Level Education EventMay 2, 2007 - Brussels
- Convened by Louis Michel, Gordon Brown and Paul
Wolfowitz (EC, UK, World Bank)
- Key messages
- Urgent action is needed now (2007/8 mid-point to
2015 MDGs)
- Remarkable progress made, but huge challenges
- Education goals are within reach
- Long term predictable financing is essential
(approx. 12 per child in developing world)
- Donors need to align their efforts
- More aid to basic education
- More aid to low income countries
- Domestic efforts need to be increased also
- Holistic sector-wide approach to education
19Thank You For more information, visit our website