Title: Campaign to End Homelessness
1Campaign to End Homelessness
- Wexford Missaukee Counties
- Homeless Prevention Coalition
- Presidents call to action to end homelessness
- (US Mayors, Dec 2002)
- US Interagency Council on Homelessness
- 10 Year Plan cities across the US
- 60 local plans in Michigan
3Local Initiative
4Recent History of Local Homeless Prevention
- OASIS Shelter
- Love, In the Name of Christ
- Shepherds Table
- New Hope Shelter
- Friends Ministry
- Lighthouse Café
- Family Shelters
- Continuum of Care
- Staircase Homeless Program for Youth
- Homeless Prevention Coordinator
- Projects to Assist in the Transition from
Homelessness (PATH) for persons with Mental
Illness (with or without substance abuse issue) - Domestic Violence Transitional Supportive Housing
- Supportive Housing Program (Mental Illness)
- 1984
- 1991
- 1991
- 1992
- 1994
- 1998
- 2000
- 2000
- 2001
- 2001
- 2002
- 2004
- 2005
5Current History - Milestones
- Housing First
- Transitional Supportive Housing Leasing
Assistance Program (TSHLAP) - Interagency Support Team
6- Ending homelessness must begin with the
understanding that people who are or have been
homeless are our neighbors and members of our
community. - National Coalition for the Homeless
7Who is homeless in Wexford Missaukee Counties?
- a woman with two young children who has been in
the shelter 4 times in the past 18 months. Her
children have been removed and are now in foster
care. She has a long history of substance abuse.
8Who is homeless in Wexford Missaukee Counties?
- a single older woman sleeping in her car in the
hospital parking lot because she thinks it is safe
9Who is homeless in Wexford Missaukee Counties?
- a middle aged man with a mental illness who
gathers at the New Hope Shelter in the evening,
but hits the streets in the morning looking for
returnables and congregates with his peers at
the library in the afternoon
10Who is homeless in Wexford Missaukee Counties?
- a young woman with children who got in a fight
with her last boyfriend and fled domestic
violence to stay at the OASIS shelter
11Who is homeless in Wexford Missaukee Counties?
- a teenage boy who doesnt get along at home
anymore because his mom is in a new relationship
and her boyfriend hates me
12Who is homeless in Wexford Missaukee Counties?
- a family of four whose father became unemployed.
They are unable to keep up mortgage payments and
become evicted
13Who is homeless in Wexford Missaukee Counties?
Families with Children
Women fleeing domestic violence
Substance abuse
Persons with mental illness
Just out of jail or prison
Senior Citizen
Homelessness in Wexford and Missaukee counties
is a rare and brief occurrence.
15Definitions (HUD)
- Homeless
- Persons living in
- Emergency shelters
- Motels
- Sleeping in places not meant for human habitation
- Streets
- Parks, woods
- Cemeteries
- At Risk of Becoming Homeless
- Persons living
- In doubled up, overcrowded, or substandard
housing - With eviction or foreclosure notice
- With utilities shut off (or notices)
16On any given day
Population estimate 47,200
172 Main Types of Homelessness
- Episodic
- Chronically Homeless
18Region 2 HMIS Data
- Disabilities
- 35 homeless show a disability
- Most common disability is mental illness,
- 37 of disabilities are physical
Working Poor 42 of homeless families are employed
Successes 62 of homeless exit into housing
19Services Infrastructure
- Human Services Leadership Council (community
collaborative) - Continuum Of Care
- Affordable Housing
- Campaign to End Homelessness
- Interagency Services Team
20C O L L A B O R A T I O N
- Community Collaborative
- Coordination and support
- Faith based
- Local foundation - trustees
- Hospital
- Businesses
- Civic organizations
Collaboration is the key!
21Guiding Principles
- All individuals and families should have safe,
affordable housing - Prevention plays a critical role in closing the
front door into homelessness - Mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and social
needs - Empowerment through education, skill building,
identification of strengths, and relationships
built on trust
22Our Plan to End Homelessness
- Closing the front door
- Opening the back door
- Working together as a community
How many people are just one pay check away from
becoming homeless?
2310 Year Plan Addresses Subpopulations
- Chronically homeless
- Youth
- Families with Children
- Domestic Violence
- Seniors
Faith-based initiatives
24General Prevention Strategies
- Early identification referral
- Creative community based solutions
- Housing First
- Build and improve relationships with landlords
and management companies - Homeless priority for Section 8
- Increase affordable housing
- Sustainability of Homeless Prevention Coordinator
? ?
- IST up and running for more than 1 year
- Permanent Supportive Housing DV Supportive
Housing - Increased transitional supportive housing
- Brought in TBRAs for youth and families with
children - HARP vouchers
- Stabilized homeless prevention coordinator and
gained one - Continuing to build relationships within homeless
service community schools and others - Youth subcommittee youth help card
- National Conference
26New Programs
27 Permanent Supportive Housing
Domestic Violence Cadillac (4 units)
288 Units Permanent Supportive Housing
29Maggie and daughter living in (and loving)
brand new accessible apartment
30Next Steps
- Continue to improve data collection
- All agencies, all information
- Accurate homeless counts
- Accurately reflect progress on outcomes
- Permanent housing (for people coming off
vouchers) increase HARP vouchers, investigate
chronic homeless initiative - More organized listing of lifeskills classes to
plug people in more easily - More prevention
- Outreach and engagement for chronically homeless
- Operationalizing current resources / initiatives
(build and improve capacity)
31Next Steps
- Wraparound model transportation, employment and
training, life skills education, literacy,
financial management, substance abuse and family
counseling - Mentoring
- Home repair / maintenance
- Basic needs fund for homeless prevention
- Youth drop-in center
32Cost of HomelessnessHuman Costs
- 4 X mortality
- Cost to children
- Cost to psyche
33Homeless Children
- Critical red flag
- Schools and agency workers see it every day
- Multiple school attendance
- Lack of stability
- Inadequate shelters for families
- Increasing number of PS cases
In rural areas with poor economy - we are
seeing an increase in the number of families that
are doubled up.
34Cost of HomelessnessSociety (taxpayer) cost
- Medical
- Mental Health / Substance Abuse
- Law Enforcement
- Shelter
35Cost of HomelessnessHousing First
- Success Rates
- Cost vs Shelter
- What is Housing First?
- Approach that provides homeless people with
housing quickly, then provides needed services - Immediate and primary focus on quickly accessing
and sustaining permanent housing - Significantly reduces the amount of time people
are homeless - Significantly prevents further episodes of
36(No Transcript)
It happens. We can help. Wexford-Missaukee
Homeless Prevention Coalition