Title: No Youth Alone
1No Youth Alone
- Working for the Human Rights of Illinois
Homeless Youth
2What is the No Youth Alone Campaign ?
- A collaboration of allies and advocates concerned
about youth homelessness in Illinois - An effort to secure 15 million from the State of
Illinois to substantially increase housing,
education and transitional jobs for unaccompanied
homeless youth - An activist campaign involving affected youth to
raise awareness about the human rights of
homeless youth in Illinois
3House Bill 4455
- Would increase funding for homeless youth
programs by 7 million - 5 million to double the number of beds
throughout the state for homeless youth AND - 2 million to create pilot transitional jobs
programs to serve homeless youth
4House Bill 2210
- Will provide an additional 8 million for
educational services for homeless school-age
children. - This extra funding will
- Help school districts facilitate enrollment,
attendance, and success in school for homeless
kids - Provide additional transportation services
- Ensure each school district has a well-trained
homeless liaison and - Provide extra monies for teachers, social
services, after school and tutoring programs for
homeless students.
Chicago Alternatives, Inc. Blue Sky Inn Chicago
Alliance to End Homelessness Heartland
Alliance/Mid-America Institute on Poverty Hull
House/Emerge La Casa Norte New Phoenix Assistance
Center Public Action for Change Today (PACT) Teen
Living Programs The Night Ministry, and HELLO (a
Homeless Youth Activism Group) Unity Parenting
and Counseling Chicagoland area/suburbs Aunt
Martha's Youth Service Center, Oak Forest Aunt
Marthas (TIPS), Riverdale Community Crisis
Center, Elgin Dominican University Graduate
School of Social Work, River Forest DuPage
Housing Action Coalition Outreach Community
Ministries/Wheaton Youth Outreach YMCA of
Metropolitan Chicago/YMCA Network
Downstate Association for Individual
Development, Aurora Project Oz, Bloomington
SIRSS, Carbondale Youth Service Bureau,
Springfield Statewide Illinois
Collaboration on Youth (ICOY)
6The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Everyone has the right to a standard of living
adequate for the health and well-being of himself
and of his family, including food, clothing,
housing and medical care, and necessary social
services.. - Article 25(1) (1948)
7Sources of Human Rightsfor Youth
- Charter of the United Nations
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Convention on the Rights of the Child (U.S.
signed1995, not yet ratified) - Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
racial Discrimination - Charter of the Organization of American States
8Special Protection for Children
- United Nations children shall enjoy special
protection and shall have the right to
adequate housing - UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child
Principles 2 and 3 (1959) - To the maximum extent of available resources,
governments should ensure children an adequate
standard of living, continuous improvement of
living, housing conditions - UN Sub-Commission On Prevention of
Discrimination and Protection of Minorities
Resolution On Children and The Right to Adequate
9Convention on the Rights of the Child
- State Parties in accordance with national
conditions and within their means shall take
appropriate measure to assist parents and others
responsible for the child to implement this right
to an adequate standard of living and shall in
the case of need provide material assistance and
support programmes, particularly with regards to
nutrition, clothing and housing. - Article 27(3)
- Adolescents have a human right to education and
to an adequate standard of living, health and
freedom from violence and harassment. UN
Commission on Human Rights Resolution on the The
Plight of Street Children (1994) - Schools must be readily accessible and must
search for those adolescents who have dropped out
or are excluded. UN General Assembly Resolution
A World Fit for Children
11Implementing Human Rights
- Governments have the obligation with others to
progressively realize these rights - Special measures must be taken to protect
adolescents and to support and prepare them for
their own lives - Resources must be allocated to fulfill these
rights - By Resolution the UN General Assembly has vowed
to end child poverty in a single generation. A
World Fit for Children (2002)
12SODo YOU think Illinois is violating the human
rights of homeless youth?
- No Youth Alone is a campaign
- that seeks a greater realization
- of these human rights for the
- children and youth of Illinois
- 25,000 homeless adolescents in Illinois lack
these basic rights and are consigned to the
desperate life of street children unless we
obtain additional resources for education,
housing, and job preparation -
- Currently only 318 state-funded beds for youth.
- Last year 3,088 requests for services were denied
due to lack of resources (52 were turned away. - Only a handful of Illinois more than 800 school
districts receive federal funding to serve
homeless students. - Currently only 3 million a year
- It is estimated that approximately 60,000 school
age children are homeless in IllinoisBUT - ONLY 22,321 are identified and served by school
15Ways to Talk Human Rights
- Assert these rights as you would other legal
obligations - Appeal to the legislators sense of principles
- Refer to number of homeless adolescents and their
condition as shocking, embarrassing for IL,
implicating human rights - Link the campaign to the UN Millennium goals
- Link the campaign and the Human Right to housing
to the From Poverty to Opportunity Campaign
(campaign to halve extreme poverty in Illinois by
2015) - Refer to the Campaigns goals as modest and
necessary to progressively work towards human
rights of youth
16Why A Human Rights Message Is Important!
- Makes people take things more seriously- Human
Rights are reinforced by international laws and
treaties. - Connects us with an international community.
- Starts people thinking about holding our own
government (including state and local)
accountable for human rights. - Appeals to peoples aspirations of creating a
fair and just society for all. The aspiration to
protect the rights of all people. - Connects us with other people, communities and
organizations fighting for basic human rights for
all (such as civil, political, economic, social
and cultural rights).
17Quick Resources
- Homeless children are forced into a precarious
existence on the streets. This not only violates
their right to adequate housing, but also
threatens their right to personal security, their
right to education even their right to life. - Defending the Housing Rights of Children
- Center on Housing Rights and Evictions
- June 2006
- Go to www.chicagohomeless.org for a link to this
18More Resources
- Convention on the Rights of the Child can be
found at - www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/k2crc.htm
- Intl Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights - www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/a_cescr.htm
- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Racial Discrimination - www.unhchr.ch/html/menu3/b/d_icerd.htm
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- www.un.org/Overview/rights.html
- General Comment 4 on the Right to Adequate
Housing - www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/0/469f4d91a9378221c12563