Title: Strategic Response to Diversity Gibraltar School District
1Strategic Response to Diversity Gibraltar
School District
- By Jill S. Boisvenue
- EAD 850 Issues and Strategies in
- Multicultural Education
- Michigan State University
- Spring 2007
- After experiencing an influx in the numbers of
students of color within my first five years as a
teacher in the Gibraltar School District, I see a
need for developing a strategic plan for
addressing the cultural and diversity needs of
our students and our schools.
4Phase I
- Commitment to Strategic Process
5What is Multicultural Education?
- Every student must have an equal opportunity to
achieve to her or his full potential.
- Every student must be prepared to competently
participate in an increasingly intercultural
- Teachers must be prepared to effectively
facilitate learning for every individual student,
no matter how culturally similar or different
from her- or himself. - Schools must be active participants in ending
oppression of all types, first by ending
oppression within their own walls, then by
producing socially and critically active and
aware students. - Education must become more fully student-centered
and inclusive of the voices and experiences of
the students.
- Educators, activists, and others must take a more
active role in reexamining all educational
practices and how they affect the learning of all
students testing methods, teaching approaches,
evaluation and assessment, school psychology and
counseling, educational materials and textbooks,
etc. - Gorski Covert (1996 2000)
6Why Strategic Response?
- Our school districts demographics are changing
and diversity is increasing
- Teacher survey is evidence that a serious
response to diversity in the classroom is
- District mission statement addresses all
students therefore, all students needs should
be considered, respected and met.
7Why Strategic Response?
- (All) Students need to
- Be actively engaged in learning
- Belong to a strong community in the classroom
- See themselves as able and capable learners
- Set personal learning goals
- Be learning in a variety of ways
- Be emotionally involved in their learning
- Learn at their own different rates
- Be involved in rich, in-depth inquiry
- Be able to learn best (with) the content
connected to the world and to their lives.
- Have choice and clear expectations
- Brownlie, Fay Feniak, Catherine Schnellert,
Leyton (2006)
8Why Gibraltar School District?
- Gibraltar School District is complied of students
from four communities Woodhaven, Brownstown,
Gibraltar, and some from Trenton.
- Demographics in all communities are changing and
diversity is increasing.
- Staff Survey (pretest) shows a need for
increasing diversity awareness and increasing the
skills necessary to meet the needs of all of the
students within our changing population. (United
States Consensus Bureau 2000)
9Conscious vs. Blind
Color Blind Teachers/Staff treat all students th
e same, paying no attention to the color of their
Color Conscious Teachers/Staff are mindful of th
e diversity that exists and color is always
kept in the forefront of teaching practices and
10Staff Survey (Pretest Posttest)
11Creating a Task Force
- Developing a Strategic Perspective
- Evaluating curriculum and instruction as a in
terms of the cultural and diversity needs of our
- Diversifying the Task Force
- The elementary teaching staff consists of 87
teachers, all of which are White. Therefore, it
is important to include staff members who have a
variety of cultural and social experiences.
12Mission Statement Should Drive Instruction
- Reevaluate our districts mission statement in
comparison to reality.
- Alter the mission statement to include statements
that show include all students and their needs.
- Develop a method of assessing accountability for
teachers and their multicultural practices
- The mission of the Gibraltar Schools, in
partnership with students, parents and community,
is to develop each student's skills, competencies
and understanding necessary to think
independently and make sound decisions, to
realize self-worth, to adapt to the challenges of
the future and to foster the process of lifelong
learning. Each student will develop and possess
the skills necessary to be a functioning and
contributing member of our society. Gibraltar
School District, Wayne County, Michigan
13Phase II
- Data Analysis Collecting Baseline Data and
Benchmarking at the District and School Levels
14Data Assessment
This shows the increase in diversity within our
school district and the surrounding communities.
The district demographics information is current,
where as the community demographics is from the
US Census 2000.
15Data Assessment
District Demographics as of April 2007.
16Data Assessment
Gibraltar School District Demographics by grade
level as of April 2007.
17Data Assessment
Demographics of the four communities that make up
the Gibraltar School District Woodhaven,
Brownstown, Gibraltar, and part of Trenton, MI
per the US Census 2000.
18Curriculum Analysis/ Multicultural Awareness
- Reading
- Rigby Balanced Literacy Program
- Accelerate Reader
- Star Reader
- Math
- McMillian/McGraw Hill
- Accelerated Math
- Star Math
- Science
- Discovery Works, Kent County
- Social Studies
- Kent County
- Writing
- Lucy Calkins Units of Study
- Write Time for Kids!
- An analysis will be conducted concerning all of
the textbooks and teaching resources our district
has purchased and of all that will be purchased
in the future. - Develop a standard guideline to be used when
evaluating textbooks and teaching materials.
19Professional Development
- Provide district-wide professional development
that addresses the culturally relevant concerns
should be provided.
- Encourage teachers to attend additional workshops
focused on multicultural education and meeting
the needs of all students including those
students of color.
20Parent and Community Involvement
- Evaluate our parent groups, district committees,
community outreach, school programs.
- What percentage of these members are parents of
- Develop a plan to include parents of color and
create a welcoming environment by reevaluating
programs and groups and assessing them to see if
they include cultural diversity and interest in
and of themselves.
21Students of Color
- When disaggregating data for North Central
Association accreditation, include an analysis of
our students of color.
- Review this information in all of our districts
forms Zangle Teacher Connection, NCA, MEAP,
- Survey students to assess their feelings
regarding the meeting of their needs in the
- Not only analyze the information, but use it to
drive instruction and to drive our shift in
making GSD a place where, literally, all students
can learn.
22Phase III
- Implementation, Development of Diversity Goals in
School and District Plan
23Develop Diversity Goals for
- Parental Involvement
- Curriculum and Instructional Practices
- Professional Development
- Students of Color
- Support Systems
24The development of the three Diversity Goals
- Be driven by data
- Promote diversity in our schools
- Follow our developed implementation plan
- Be measurable
25Phase IV
Integration Process
26Got Integration?
- Create buy-in while implementing our diversity
goals by recognizing those staff members who are
finding success with the implementation.
- Continuously assess the implementation process
via staff surveys on a monthly basis.
27Phase V
- Monitor and reevaluate diversity goals via the
data gathered over the course of the
- Compare the Staff Survey pretest and posttest and
allow that information to drive the monitoring
and reevaluating of the districts diversity
- Madesen, Jean, Mabokela, Reitumetse (2005).
Culturally Relevant Schools Routledge Taylor
Francis Group
- Nieto, Sonia (2004). Affirming Diversity The
Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education
Pearson Education, Inc.
- Gorski, Paul Covert, Bob (1996 2000) Defining
Multicultural Education
- Steps Toward Multicultural Curriculum
Transformation. (n.d.). Retrieved April 23,
2007, from http//www.edchange.org/multicultural/c
urriculum/steps.html - Brownlie, Fay Feniak, Catherine Schnellert,
Leyton (2006) Student Diversity Classroom
strategies to meet the learning needs of all
students Pembroke Publishers - Zangle Teacher Connection Gibraltar School
- NCA Commission on Accreditation and School
- United States Census. (2000). Retrieved April 20,
2007, from http//censtats.census.gov/pub/Profiles
- www.edutopia.com
- http//www.teachersagainstprejudice.org/
- http//www.uww.edu/learn/diversity/classroomdiscus
- http//www.jimwrightonline.com/pdfdocs/classic.pdf
- http//www.edchange.org/multicultural/
- http//en.wikipedia.org
30Appendix A Some Staff Surveys (pretest)
conducted as a means of assessing their own
beliefs and practices
31Appendix A
32Appendix A
33Appendix A