Title: Welcome to the College of Engineering
1Welcome to the College of Engineering
1015 a.m. Welcome Dr. Bob Abella 1025
a.m. Meet our Dean Dr. Eric Sandgren 1050
a.m. AFROTC Captain Brockshus 1055 a.m.
MEP Ms. Ana Marrero 1100 a.m. Student
Profiles 1120 a.m. Adjusting to college Dr.
Bob Abella 1135 a.m. Separate for Dept.
visits Noon Department Tours Department
Chairs Family Info Session Ms. Christine
Wallace 1245 p.m. All meet in Great
Hall 100 p.m. Lunch in the student union
3Staff Introductions
- Deans Office
- Advising Center
- Communications from Deans Office
4Some of your valuable resources
- Weekly College emails
- Career Services Liaison Don Snyder
- Librarian Liaison Caroline Smith
- Student Life numerous offices
- College Website engineering.unlv.edu
- Your Faculty Advisor
- Advising Center
- Your peers upper classmen
5Meet our Dean, Eric Sandgren Ph.D.
- Ph.D. 1977 Purdue University
- Mechanical Engineering
- Came to UNLV in 2003 from Virginia Commonwealth
University - Established two new undergraduate programs
five new graduate programs - Eight new research centers
- Brought FIRST Robotics to campus
- Enjoys being in the classroom teaching students
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Large university-How about 28,000 student large.
- 1300 Undergraduate 350 Graduate students in the
College of Engineering - Located in one of the fastest growing cities and
we might add with a need for engineers and
computer scientists. - A multitude of activities and organizations for
students become involved with - Diverse international population
8Why the College of Engineering
- We embody the vision of
- Howard R. Hughes
- Creativity
- Multidisciplinary programs and research
- Vision is nurtured and becomes reality
- We believe in our community-were a vital partner
just as Hughes was committed to Las Vegas
9Value of Undergraduate Program our
- Our diverse program offerings
- Student population is diverse and rich with
international cultures - Students are well prepared for career and or
graduate school - Successful FE pass rate
- We are proud to advance the professions of
Engineering and Computer Science
10Career Opportunities and Salary potential
- Career opportunities right here in Las Vegas
- Junior and Senior students often have jobs before
they graduate - Internship availability
- 55,000 is the average starting salary
- Our students are successful at the best
engineering graduate programs in the nation.
11Access to Professors
All maintain office hours Small classes equal
personal attention All strive to see you succeed
12Research Opportunitiescalling all undergraduates
13Student Activities
Student Activities/Competitions We hold the Human
Powered Vehicle record
Student organizations helping Make-A-Wish
Foundation, Opportunity Village, local food
drives, Senior Citizen Centers, the Girls and
Boy Scouts
14New Orientation Class
Why What Result your success
Captain Brockshus
16Multicultural Engineering Program
Ms. Ana Marrero
Career development Scholarships Tutoring And
so much more.
17Meet Our Outstanding Leaders
Matt Cutler Kazeem Omidiji Marcella Sosa Vik
18Adjusting to college
- StudentsYou now control your destiny
- For the first time, you have a great deal more
independence - The next 4-5 years are the foundation to the rest
of your life
19Six steps to assist in your adjustment to college
- Communicate with your family
20Six steps to assist in your adjustment to college
- Communicate with your family
- Get to know your advisors
21Six steps to assist in your adjustment to college
- Communicate with your family
- Get to know your advisors
- Keep up Stay on top of your affairs
22Six steps to assist in your adjustment to college
- Communicate with your family
- Get to know your advisors
- Keep up Stay on top of your affairs
- Become involved
23Six steps to assist in your adjustment to college
- Communicate with your family
- Get to know your advisors
- Keep up Stay on top of your affairs
- Become involved
- Maintain a positive attitude
24Glad you are hereGood Luck
25Students Break for Department Tours
Program Leader Civil Environmental
Engineering Vik Sedhev Construction Management
Program Dr. Bill Culbreth Electrical Computer
Engineering Kazeem Omidiji Entertainment
Engineering Design Matt Cutler Mechanical
Engineering Marcella Sosa School of Computer
Science Janelyn Orrelana School of Informatics
Marissa Blas AFROTC Captain Brockshus
26Family Information Session
27Family Survival 101 Getting Ready for
28Frequently Asked Questions
- Financial Aid
- Campus Life
- Time Management
- Commuter Students
29Financial Aid
- http//financialaid.unlv.edu/
- Complete the FAFSA Form (by early February)
- Determines how much money your family is expected
to contribute towards college costs and how much
they may receive in - Grants
- Workstudy
- Scholarships
- Loans
- Submit on-line UNLV Scholarship Form
- Complete the college scholarship
- Research scholarships from private organizations
(Have your child do their part by searching the
30(No Transcript)
- Family Education Rights Privacy Act
- Protects students who are 18 years of age or
older from unauthorized release of academic and
disciplinary information - Parents will not be able to obtain information
from the University on the their childs progress
w/o prior written consent of the student
32Campus Life/Services
- Academic Support Services
- Advising
- Minority Engineering Program
- Engineering Writing Center
- Tutoring
- Career Services
- Student Activities/Leadership Opportunities
- Engineering Clubs
- Campus Activities
- Student Government
- Residential Life
- Engineering-Intensive Floor
33Time Management
- Full-time Engineering students should not work
more than 20 hours per week to ensure that they
will have enough time to study and maintain the
grades necessary for their major - 12 academic credits 12-16 hours of class time
- Students need to study about 2-3 hours for every
credit they are taking in order to maintain a
strong GPA and to meet the minimum credits needed
for certain scholarship programs - That means full-time students can expect to spend
36 to 48 hours a week on their academic
obligations alone!
34Commuter Students
- Items to consider
- Transportation
- Study time/Study space
- Tend to work too many hours
- Do not get involved in campus activities
- Family adapting to having a college student at
35Our graduates work internationally
Meet Traci Renee Newton An inspector with the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IEAE) Traci
is part of a team of 200 that seek to promote the
peaceful use of nuclear energy for military
purposes a team that won a Nobel Peace Prize
in 2005
36Won 2007 Small business award for Presidential
Green Chemistry Challenge
David Burns 76 Mechanical Engineering, MBA
from the University of Redlands in California
82 His career began as an engineer in the space
and satellite arena, he has spent almost 25 years
working in a variety of positions, proving his
leadership capability. President and CEO of
NovaSterilis, an Ithaca based start-up, working
on the development of a new way to sterilize
biological materials and medical devices using
supercritical carbon dioxide.
37What you may aspire too.
Camille Calimlim 06 Double major
Communications and Civil Engineering Today,
she works on Capitol Hill for Rep. Naplitano
and written one bill reviewed by the United
States Congress, Committee on Natural
Resources. She declares over and over she is a
true Rebel.