Title: Virginia Department of Taxation
1VirginiaDepartment of Taxation
2Whats going on in Virginia?
- Major Tax Reform bill passed by 2004 Special
Session of the Virginia General Assembly - Major Project to replace agencys host accounting
system well underway nearing completion with
implementation now planned for summer 2005
3Fixed Date Conformity
- Virginia conforms to the IRC as of December 31,
2003, with exceptions for bonus depreciation and
NOL must adjust Virginia income tax returns
using addition and subtraction fields provided on
returns - Federal tax bill could be passed late in year,
after Virginia has gone to print with forms and
instructions - We are watching pending federal legislation and
will post supplemental instructions on our web
site, if necessary any changes to Virginia
returns that become necessary will be reported
using existing FDC addition and subtraction
fields we are allowing for other FDC
adjustments and will make note in our
instructions to watch for release of supplemental
instructions - (Update changes are occurring on the federal
side that will result in the release of
supplemental instructions in the near future.
Watch our web site http//www.tax.virginia.gov)
4Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax Legislative Changes
- Taxable Year 2004
- Age Deduction Changes includes phase-out of
6,000 Under Age 65 age deduction and, for the
Age 65 and Older age deduction,
grand-fatheringand income-testing - 4 New Refund Only contributions
- Contribution limits
- Expansion of services eligible to qualify for
Neighborhood Assistance Act Credit - Electronic filing or 2D barcode Tax Practitioner
mandate - Agricultural Products Donation subtraction, Code
27 Expired
5Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax Legislative Changes
- Taxable Year 2005
- Standard deduction for married taxpayers
increases - 5,000 increases to 6,000 for
married filing jointly and 3,000 for married
filing separately - Filing thresholds increase - 5K/8K increases to
7K/14K - Personal exemptions for taxpayers and dependents
increases to 900 the age 65 and over and the
blind exemptions remain at 800 each - The Taxable Year 2005 changes impact
- Employer withholding beginning January 1, 2005
- Individual estimated payments for 2005
- Annual return filing for ty2005, which begins
January 1, 2006
6Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax Legislative Changes
- Taxable Year 2006
- New nonrefundable credit equal to 20 of federal
EITC taxpayers may claim this credit OR the Low
Income Credit, not both
7Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax Age Deduction Changes
- The Phase-out
- Under Age 65 Age Deduction
- For taxable year 2004, taxpayers who have
obtained age 63 or 64 as of January 1, 2005, may
claim a 6,000 Under Age 65 age deduction - For taxable year 2004, age 62 not eligible for
Under Age 65 age deduction as phase-out begins - Taxpayer must be 63 or 64 as of January 1, 2005,
to claim the Under Age 65 age deduction on the
ty2004 return - FOR TY 2004 Taxpayers born on or between
- January 2, 1940, and January 1, 1942,
- will have obtained age 63 or 64 as of January 1,
2005, - and thus may claim the 6,000 under age 65 age
8Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax Age Deduction Changes
- The Phase-out
- Under Age 65 Age Deduction
- For taxable year 2005, taxpayers who have
obtained age 64 as of January 1, 2006, may claim
a 6,000 Under Age 65 age deduction - For taxable year 2005, age 63 not eligible for
Under Age 65 age deduction, as phase-out
continues - Taxpayers must be age 64 as of January 1, 2006,
to claim the Under Age 65 age deduction on the
ty2005 return - FOR TY 2005 Taxpayers born on or between
- January 2, 1941, and January 1, 1942,
- will have obtained age 64 as of January 1, 2006,
- and thus may claim the 6,000 under age 65 age
9Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax The Age Deduction
- The Phase-out
- Under Age 65 Age Deduction
- For taxable year 2006, the Under Age 65 6,000
age deduction is eliminated and the phase-out is
completed - For taxable year 2006, only taxpayers who have
obtained age 65 and older by January 1, 2007,
will be eligible for an Age 65 and Older age
10Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax The Age Deduction
- Grandfathered Taxpayers
- The Age 65 and Older Age Deduction
- Taxpayers born on or before January 1, 1939, may
claim a 12,000 age deduction for taxable year
2004 and all future taxable years - In short, if a taxpayer is born on or before
January 1, 1939, then that taxpayer is
grandfathered and can claim the full 12,000 age
deduction without regard to income
11Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax The Age Deduction
- The Age 65 and Older
- Income Based Age Deduction
- Taxpayers born on or after January 2, 1939, who
obtain age 65 during the taxable year, may
qualify for an income based age deduction - For single filers, the income based age deduction
is reduced 1 for every 1 that AFAGI exceeds
50,000 - For married filers, whether filing jointly or
separately, the income based age deduction is be
reduced 1 for every 1 AFAGI exceeds 75,000
12Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax The Age Deduction
- Whats the AFAGI?
- AFAGI Federal Adjusted Gross Income (FAGI)
modified for fixed date conformity adjustments
minus taxable Social Security Act and Tier One
Railroad Retirement Act Benefits. - For Married Filers, whether filing jointly or
separately, the AFAGI is calculated using both
spouses FAGI, FDC adjustments, and taxable SSA
Tier One Railroad Retirement benefits. - AND
- For Married Filers, whether filing jointly or
separately, if both spouses are eligible and both
are claiming the income based age deduction, the
married taxpayers must compute a joint income
based age deduction first and then split the
joint income based age deduction between each
spouse. - No exceptions
13Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax The Age Deduction
- Example 1
- A Filing Status Single taxpayer born on April
15, 1939, with a ty2004 AFAGI of 55,000, may
claim an income based age deduction of 7,000 - AFAGI 55,000
- Threshold (minus) 50,000
- Difference 5,000
- Maximum age deduction 12,000
- Amount AFAGI exceeds threshold (minus)
5,000 - Age Deduction allowed 7,000
14Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax The Age Deduction
- Example 2
- Married taxpayers filing a joint Virginia return
and one taxpayer is claiming the income based age
deduction and the other is claiming the Under Age
65 age deduction for ty2004. With a joint AFAGI
of 80,000, the age 65 taxpayer may claim an
income based age deduction of 7,000 - Joint AFAGI 80,000
- Threshold (minus) 75,000
- Difference 5,000
- Maximum age deduction 12,000
- Amount AFAGI exceeds threshold (minus)
5,000 - Age Deduction allowed ,7000
- Note the Under Age 65 age deduction does not
impact the computation of the income based age
deduction for one spouse (a grandfathered Age 65
and Older age deduction would not impact the
computation either).
15Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax The Age Deduction
- Example 3
- Married taxpayers with a joint AFAGI of 80,000.
Taxpayers are filing separately, as one spouse is
a Virginia resident and the other is a
nonresident with no Virginia source income and
thus will not be filing a VA return. Each spouse
meets the age requirement to claim an Age 65 and
Older income based age deduction, but only one
taxpayer is actually filing a Virginia return and
claiming the age deduction. With a joint AFAGI
of 80,000, the taxpayer filing separately in
Virginia may claim an income based age deduction
of 7,000 - Joint AFAGI 80,000
- Threshold minus) 75,000
- Difference 5,000
- Maximum age deduction 12,000
- Amount AFAGI exceeds threshold (minus)
5,000 - Age Deduction allowed ,7000
16Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax The Age Deduction
- Example 4
- Married taxpayers with a joint AFAGI of 80,000.
Taxpayers are filing jointly and both are
eligible for an Age 65 and Older income based age
deduction. With a joint AFAGI of 80,000, the
joint age deduction is 19,000, with each
spouses age deduction equal to 9,500 - Joint AFAGI 80,000
- Threshold (minus) 75,000
- Difference 5,000
- Maximum joint age deduction 24,000
- Amount AFAGI exceeds threshold (minus)
5,000 - Joint Age Deduction allowed 19,000
- Each spouse claims 50 (divide by 2)
9,500 - Note The 1 reduction for every 1 the AFAGI
exceeds the threshold occurs once, whether one or
both spouses are claiming an income based age
17Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax The Age Deduction
- Example 5
- Married taxpayers with a joint AFAGI of 92,000.
Both taxpayers are filing separately in VA and
both are eligible for and are claiming an Age 65
and Older income based age deduction. With a
joint AFAGI of 92,000, the joint age deduction
is 7,000, with each spouses age deduction equal
to 3,500 - Joint AFAGI 92,000
- Threshold (minus) 75,000
- Difference
17,000 - Maximum joint age deduction 24,000
- Amount AFAGI exceeds threshold (minus) 17,000
- Joint Age Deduction allowed 7,000
- Each spouse claims 50 (divide by 2)
18Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax The Age Deduction
- Example 6
- Married taxpayers with a joint AFAGI of 92,000.
Both taxpayers meet the age requirement for an
Age 65 and Older income based age deduction.
However, one taxpayer is a VA resident filing
separately and the other is a non resident with
no VA source income (and thus will not be filing
a VA return). With a joint AFAGI of 92,000, the
taxpayer filing separately does not qualify for
an Age 65 and Older income based age deduction. - Joint AFAGI 92,000
- Threshold (minus) 75,000
- Difference
17,000 - Maximum age deduction 12,000
- Amount AFAGI exceeds threshold (minus) 17,000
- Age Deduction allowed 0.00
- Note even though both spouses meet the age
requirement for the Age 65 and Older age
deduction, only one spouse is actually filing a
return in VA. Thus, the maximum age deduction
from which the reduction occurs is 12,000, not
24,000 (see example 5). -
19Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax The Age Deduction
- Example 7
- Married taxpayers with a joint AFAGI of 92,000.
Taxpayers are filing a joint VA return and both
taxpayers meet the age requirement for an Age 65
and Older income based age deduction . However,
one spouse is claiming a disability subtraction
of 20,000 and thus cannot claim the age
deduction. With a joint AFAGI of 92,000, the
spouse eligible to claim an Age 65 and Older
income based age deduction does not qualify for
an age deduction. - Joint AFAGI 92,000
- Threshold (minus) 75,000
- Difference
17,000 - Maximum age deduction 12,000
- Amount AFAGI exceeds threshold (minus) 17,000
- Age Deduction allowed 0.00
- Note even though both spouses meet the age
requirement for the Age 65 and Older age
deduction, only one spouse is actually eligible
to claim the age deduction. As a result, the
eligible spouse does not qualify for an income
based age deduction. -
20Whats new in Virginia?
- The Age 65 and Older Income Based Age Deduction
- Critical Points
- For married taxpayers, the joint AFAGI must
always be used to calculate the age deduction
it does not matter if only one spouse is claiming
the Age 65 and Older income based age deduction,
or whether the taxpayers filed separate federal
returns or separate Virginia returns, dont live
together, or are not both Virginia residents. If
the taxpayer is married, then use the joint
AFAGI. - For married taxpayers, whether filing jointly or
separately, when both spouses are claiming the
Age 65 and Older income based age deduction, the
calculation is performed using a maximum
allowable age deduction of 24,000 that is,
with a 75,000 threshold, the age deduction
phases-out at 99,000. - For the income based age deduction to phase-out
at 99,000, both spouses - must actually be filing a VA return and claiming
the income based age deduction. - The examples provided demonstrate the calculation
of a gross income based age deduction. For
part-year and nonresident returns, the gross age
deduction would be reduced accordingly i.e.,
using the part-year ratio or adjusted by the
nonresident allocation percentage.
21Whats new in Virginia?
- Paid Tax Preparer
- Electronic Medium and 2D Barcode Filing
Requirements - If a paid tax preparer
- Prepared 200 TY2003 Virginia individual income
tax returns, then that tax preparer is required
to file TY2004 individual income tax returns and
all future taxable year individual income tax
returns using electronic medium or using software
with 2D barcode technology - Prepares 100 Virginia individual income tax
returns in any taxable year beginning with
TY2004, then that tax preparer is required to
file individual income tax returns using
electronic medium or using software with 2D
barcode technology the following taxable year and
22Whats new in Virginia?
- Paid Tax Preparer
- Electronic Medium and 2D Barcode Filing
Requirements - Who is a Tax Preparer?
- A tax preparer is defined as a person who
prepares, or who employs one or more individuals
to prepare, an income tax return for
compensation. For purposes of this requirement,
a tax preparer does not include volunteers who
prepare tax returns for the elderly or poor as
part of a nonprofit organization's program.
23Whats new in Virginia?
- Paid Tax Preparer
- Electronic Medium and 2D Barcode Filing
Requirements - What electronic mediums are available for filing
individual income tax returns? - E-file Most current year 760, 760PY, and 763
returns can be submitted via e-file, a joint
federal and state electronic filing program,
which is accessed using commercial tax
preparation software - I-File Most current and prior year 760s (from
ty2000 forward) can be submitted via I-File, a
web-based filing channel developed and maintained
by Virginia TAX
24E-file A fast, secure, and accurate channel!
- E-file is a joint federal and state program that
allows tax professionals and taxpayers to submit
both federal and state returns to the IRS
electronically using commercial tax preparation
software (also referred to as ELF or JELF). - VA TAX receives the returns by accessing a secure
IRS site and downloading the Virginia returns
daily - For each e-filed return, Virginia either accepts
or rejects the return and then sends an
acknowledgement to the tax professional so the
filer knows within 2 to 3 days if Virginia has
accepted or rejected the return! (And, if we
reject the return, we provide the filer with a
reason code so the filer can fix the return and
and resubmit!) - E-filed returns have a 2.83 error rate compared
to a 10.47 error rate for paper returns. And,
the errors for e-filed returns are usually simple
errors that can be quickly resolved without any
taxpayer contact! - Refunds are issued fast no mail delays, no
manual processing at TAX to capture the return
information the return is transferred right
from the preparers computer into ours! -
25- For taxable year 2004, e-file will include DIRECT
DEBIT for Virginia returns with a tax due! -
26What can be filed using e-file?
- 760 Returns w/o credits from the Schedule CR or
the Credit for Taxes Paid to Another State - Exception may file using e-file if only credit
claimed from the Schedule CR is the Political
Contribution Credit - 760PY returns w/o credits from the Schedule CR or
the Credit for Taxes Paid to Another State - 763 returns w/o credits from the Schedule CR or
the Credit for Taxes Paid to Another State - Virginia also accepts state only returns
however, not all software supports this
27What cannot be filed using e-file
- Amended Returns
- Prior Year Returns use ifile
- Fiduciary Returns
- Extension Requests use ifile
- Returns with certain other subtractions that
require documentation - Returns with Federal Forms 4852, Substitute W2s
- Returns for deceased taxpayers including joint
returns with one deceased taxpayer - Fiscal Year Returns
- Returns with Schedule CR credits claimed (except
for 760s when the only Schedule CR credit claimed
is the Political Contribution Credit) - Returns with Credit for Taxes Paid for Another
28Whats new in Virginia?
- Paid Tax Preparer
- Electronic Medium and 2D Barcode Filing
Requirements - What is a 2D barcode and does my software have
2D? - For taxable year 2004, the following software
companies have indicated that their software will
provide 2D barcodes - CCH, Inc
- Creative Solutions
- Drake Enterprises
- H R Block
- Intuit ProSeries
- Lacerte Software
- STF Service Corp
- TaxWise
29Whats new in Virginia?
Paid Tax Preparer Electronic Medium and 2D
Barcode Filing Requirements What is a 2D
The 2D Barcode
30Whats new in Virginia?
- Paid Tax Preparer
- Electronic Medium and 2D Barcode Filing
Requirements - Legislation includes
- An Opt Out Provision for Taxpayers
- A Hardship Waiver for the Tax Preparer
31Whats new in Virginia?
- Paid Tax Preparer
- Electronic Medium and 2D Barcode Filing
Requirements - Materials describing the legislation along with
FAQs are posted on our web site in the Tax
Professional Section / Important News and Updates - The Taxpayer Opt Out Form and the Tax Preparer
Hardship Waiver Request form have also been
posted - Materials and forms were emailed to NACTP and our
Tax Professional email group week of 8/20/04
32As a paid tax preparer, which channel should you
33Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax Form Changes
- Age deduction changes have no form impacts
affects programming only except that a field
for the AFAGI used to compute an income based age
deduction has been added along with birth date
fields. - New Contributions and Public School Foundations
have no form impacts, as we use the the code
box method with the Schedule ADJ - Schedule NPY has been converted to code boxes for
34Whats new in Virginia?
- Individual Income Tax Form Changes
- Paid Tax Preparer legislation requires capture of
a tax preparer FEIN/PTIN/SSN field and a new
Filing Election field. These changes drove a
redesign of page 2 of the 760CG we established
a Paid Tax Preparer Section. - Added instructional text to the 760PMT
- For Schedule CR, have expanded line 30 to clarify
when and for what reasons taxpayers may claim a
credit for Clean Fuel
35Whats new in Virginia?
- Whats the 760PMT?
- The 760PMT is the voucher taxpayers who e-file a
tax due return should always use to submit
payment by check to VATAX - The 760PMT should never be used by taxpayers
submitting a paper return! - Taxpayers who e-file a tax due return should
never submit payment with a copy of the return - The 760PMT should always have the primarys SSN
printed in the Your SSN field, regardless of
which taxpayer on a joint return writes the
check! - The 760PMT should always be mailed to directly to
VATAX at PO Box 1478 not to the Locality - New for 2004 Use Direct Debit for E-Filed Tax
Due Returns
36Whats new in Virginia?
- Important Contact and Resource Information
- TAXs web site is located at www.tax.virginia.go
v - To receive the latest breaking tax news, sign
up for the Tax Professional email group just
click on the General Information Section and
sign-up! - The Tax Professional Hot Line is 804-367-9286
37VA TAX Web SiteWed Love to have you visit us!
Click here
38The Tax Professional Page
Click here to sign up for the Tax Professional
email group
39Pass-Through Entities
- Effective Taxable Year 2004
- New Reporting Requirements
- for
- Pass-Through-Entities
- Â
40Pass-Through Entities
- Legislation creates a uniform filing requirement
for Pass-Through-Entities - Â
- Requirement applies all Partnerships including
S-Corporations, General and Limited Partnerships,
and Limited Liability Partnerships and Companies - Â
- Form 500S is being discontinued, effective for
TY2004 - Â
41Pass-Through Entities
- New Forms and Schedules
- Â
- Form 502 PTE Return, Schedule 502A for Allocation
and Apportionment, and Schedule VK-1, to report
each Owners Share of Income and Virginia
Modifications and Credits - Â
- Form 765 Unified Nonresident Individual Income
Tax Return optional. Includes a Form 765, a
Summary Schedule VK-1 and a Schedule of
Participants - Â
- Form 502 Penalties
- Â
- Due 15th day of 4th month following close of
taxable year - Â
- Late filing - 200 per month maximum 6 months
- Â
- Failure to file in excess of 6 months 6 of
Virginia taxable income, reduced by the late
filing penalty and any tax paid by the owners on
their respective shares of income - Â
43Corporate Income Tax
- New Schedule 500AB for Add Back
- Requires add back of certain intangible expenses
i.e., DHC legislation
44Other Tobacco Products
- New Tax effective March 1, 2005
- 10 tax on the sale price charged by wholesaler
for each package of tobacco product sold to a
retail dealer or institutional, commercial, or
industrial user. - 10 tax on the purchase price paid by the retail
dealer for each package of tobacco product
purchased from a wholesale dealer located outside
of the Commonwealth.
45Other Tobacco Products
- All returns due by 10th of following month i.e.,
all taxpayers liable for tax will be required to
remit return with payment monthly, with first
return due April 10th, 2005 - Mailer to be sent out in early December will
include a tear off registration form for
businesses liable for the new OTP tax to complete
and mail back to VA TAX - Returns will be mailed to registered businesses
in February 2005
46Sales Use Tax 2004
47Sales Use Tax 2004
- Effective July 1, 2004
- Â
- Telephone calling cards now subject to sales and
use tax on July 1, for initial purchases only. - Â
- HB 1463 codifies Virginias longstanding policy
with respect to nexus for imposing sales and use
tax requirements on dealers. - Â
48Sales Use Tax 2004
- Effective September 1, 2004
- Â
- The state sales and use tax rate on sales of
non-food items increased from 3.5 to 4. - Â
- Combined state and local tax rate is now 5.
- Â
- Combined rate for vending machine tax is now be
49Sales Use Tax 2004
- New Dealers Discount Rates - General
- Â
- For sales of
- 0 to 62,500 .0300
- 62, 501 to 208,000 .0225
- 208,001 .0150
50Sales Use Tax 2004
- New Dealers Discount Rates - Vending Machine
- Â
- For sales of
- 0 to 62,500 .0320
- 62, 501 to 208,000 .0240
- 208,001 .0160
51Sales Use Tax 2004
- New forms were mailed in early September
- Â
- Quarterly filers were provided with a special
worksheet to compute the tax under the old and
new rates occurring in the quarter ending
September 30, 2004. - Â
52Sales Use Tax 2004
- Transitioning to the new rate
- Â
- Email sent to Tax Professional Group on July 1st
providing heads-up that Notification Letter was
being mailed to all registered dealers - Email sent on July 2nd to all commercial tax
preparation software companies registered with
NACTP - Notification Letter mailed to over 169k dealers
- Web page and Tax Professional Group Email will be
primary source of subsequent communications
53Sales Use Tax 2004
- The Qualified food tax rate changes
- Â
- Current state food tax rate of 3 remains in
effect through June 30, 2005. - Â
- On July 1, 2005, the state food tax rate on
qualified food will decrease to 2.5 - Â
- New combined rate 3.5
- Â
- Â
54Sales Use Tax 2004
- Additional qualified food tax rate changes
- Â
- Reductions of 0.5 each scheduled for 7/1/06 and
7/1/07 - Food tax rate planned decreases only no change
to the definition of food (food for home
consumption as defined by the Food Stamp Act of
1977, 7 U.S.C. 2012.) - Â
- Â
- Â
55Working together, we can make filing and paying
taxes fast and easy for the citizens of
Virginia. Thank you!