Title: Nationalist Conflict
1Nationalist Conflict
- Causes, Myths, and Solutions
2What is nationalist conflict?
- a conflict in which a sub-national (minority)
group challenges the policies of the state or
other political actors, usually by asking for
group rights or recognition of some sort.
Note for our purposes, ethnic and national
conflict can be seen as virtually synonymous
3- 60 percent of the worlds 20 million refugees are
fleeing ethnopolitical conflicts and repression
Top photo a woman from Abkhazia, Georgia who was
forced to flee her home bottom right, Chechen
refugees. Photos Fred Clarke, International Red
4- Since the end of World War II, 16.5 million
people have died in internal conflicts, compared
with 3.3 million in interstate wars. There have
been about 122 civil wars since 1945, compared
with 25 conventional wars. Many are between
different ethnic groups.
Youths in Kabul, Afghanistan, sift through rubble.
5- There are currently about 250 active
ethnopolitical movements using various forms of
protest and rebellion.
- Nationalist conflict occurs in all regions of the
- Serious conflicts, 1995-98
- 16 Europe
- 10 Middle East
- 31 Asia
- 31 Africa
- 7 Latin America
6Myths of nationalist conflict (1)
- MYTH Nationalist conflict occurs because of
ancient tribal or ethnic hatreds.
- NO. Nationalist conflicts nearly always occur
because of economic and political policies
pursued by modern-day states.
- In other words, so-called nationalist conflict
is rarely a conflict over ethnicity, and much
more a conflict about politics.
Former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic.
Photo BBC.
7What are some of the practices that might create
nationalist grievances?
- Creation of an official language
- Banning of certain forms of cultural expression
(music, dress)
- Preferential employment opportunities
- Preferential political opportunities
- Changing of place names
8What causes nationalist conflict? Various theories
- State-building nationalism ? sense of
discrimination among culturally coherent ethnic
group ? peripheral nationalism and ethnic
conflict - Competition over resources ? inter-elite
competition ? nationalist mobilization
- Note Nationalism is often the framing ideology
of ethnic conflict even when nationalism is not
at the root of the conflict
State-building nationalism in Turkey Mustafa
Kemal Ataturk
9Myths of Nationalist Conflict (2)
- MYTH There is more nationalist and ethnic
conflict today than in any other time, and the
number of such conflicts keeps increasing.
- NO. The rate of nationalist conflict rose
steadily from the 1950s to the early 1990s and
has since been dropping.
Source Minorities at Risk Project
10Source Minorities at Risk Project
11Myths of nationalist conflict (3)
- MYTH Nationalist conflict usually occurs
between two or more different social groups or
ethnic communities.
- NO. Most nationalist conflicts occur between a
minority group (or PART OF A MINORITY group, and
a state (and its forces).
A Russian tank in Chechnya.
12Modes of nationalist conflict
- Conventional politics
- Nonviolent protest and direct action
- Rebellion
- 70 ethnic groups have waged armed conflicts for
autonomy or independence since the 1950s (not
including liberation movements of former European
13Note the most common form of nationalist
conflict is NOT violence
- Of 161 groups pursuing self-determination in
1998-2000, only about 41 (a quarter) used
violence. The rest used conventional politics and
nonviolent protest.
Kurdish-rights activist Osman Baydemir on the
campaign trial in Diyarbakir, Turkey, March 2004.
Photo NF Watts
14What factors help determine whether an ethnic
conflict will be violent? (Gurr and Harff)
- Level of group cohesion
- Regime type
- Level of external support
- Depends in part on status of target state
A Kurdish fighter in northern Iraq, 1996. Photo
Eddy van Wessel
15Resolving nationalist conflict
- State acknowledgement of collective rights and
provision of institutional means for pursuing
- Federalism (Hechter)
- independence
- Only 5 new states emerged from ethnic conflict in
the last 40 years (East Timor, Slovenia, Croatia,
Eritrea, Bangladesh)
Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka have been negotiating
with the government and are seeking to change
their image.