Title: Presentations
1 Northgate Revenues and Benefits Forms migration
22nd March 2011
- Tony Andrews Independent Apex Developer
- Nigel Blair Product Director Northgate Public
3Why we did it Nigel Blair
4Late 2004
5.......how we got there
6Ambitions - Technology
- Move from Oracle Forms in Browser to pure HTML
Front End - Fully Transactional Web Site
- Same model as Amazon, eBay, Tesco
- Builds on iWorld Project
- Improvements in Accessibility
- W3C Level 1 (possibly level 2)
- Any Browser Features
- Skinnable / Style Sheets
- Colors / Large Print / Proportional Resizing/
Text Only - Light / Quick
- Can run alongside existing UI during phased
7Ambitions Presentation (Enquiry)
- Faster Enquiries
- User Friendly
- Technical Jargon Free
- Business Focussed
- User Driven
- Liaise / Consult with End Users
- Learn from previous roll-outs
- Look at weak areas
- Flatter Presentation of Data
- Quicker Access to Data
- Quicker Link to Update
8Ambitions Performance (Update)
- Quicker
- Speed of Response
- Less Clicks
- Multiple Update of data
- Enquire / Create / Update
- Multi Row
- Benchmark Existing Application
- Address Weak Areas
- More Organic Approach
- Improved Service / Productivity
- Improved Quality
- Integrated Workflow / Scheduler
October 2005 Launch Of Prototype at IRRV
Conference November 2005 V6 Prototype Installed
On Customer Portal December 2005 Management
Board Sanctions Version 6 V6 Development
Commences Jan - May 2006 Development
Continues Consultation Continues User Group
Executive Approve Roll-out
May July 2006 Recruitment Of 6 Beta Sites Beta
Programme Commences V6 Beta Release July
2006 December 2006 First Production Release of
V6 December 2008 All forms and processes
available in V6 Announced De-support of V5 from
December 2009 December 2009 First All-V6
Release All customers live on Version 6 Only
11Version 6 today!
ACTIONS Gives quick access to the actions
(updates etc.) associated with the current page.
LINKS User-defined links to other applications,
internal and external web sites (e.g. DWP)
KEY DETAILS Shows the user the main details and
current status of the item in context (Account,
Property, Claim etc etc)
TABS Quick Access to all main work Areas through
use of Tabs
CONTEXT BLOCK Holds the main details of the item
in context (Applicant, Task)
REGIONS Breaks information down into clearly
defined regions
Central Government Opportunities
Improved Performance
International Opportunities
14How to migrate 1500 Forms to Apex Tony Andrews
15Tony Andrews
- UK-based Oracle developer for 20 years
- User of Apex since Project Marvel
- Developer at Northgate 2002-2010
- Active on
- tonyandrews.blogspot.com
- stackoverflow.com
- forums.oracle.com
- Update of 1500-module Forms application
- Preserve large existing database
- Preserve large existing code base
- Preserve large existing body of role-based
security and navigation metadata - Use 20 developers who know Forms, PL/SQL and the
application (but don't know HTML, CSS, Javascript)
- Will Apex scale?
- Is Apex robust enough for a serious product?
- Is Apex good for developers?
- Why not Java?!
- Migrate 1500 forms quickly, consistently and
correctly - Some Apex built-in features not useful
- Form region
- Tabular form region
- Tabs
- Validations
- Requirements for Rich UI
- Management of large Apex project
19Rich UI
- Reports with overflow area
- Tabular forms over APIs
- Dynamic hide/show, enable/disable, validation and
population of items - In other words, Dynamic Actions!
- Configurable item, region and report column
20Report with Overflow
21Report with Overflow
22Report with Overflow
23Tabular Form
24Tabular Form
25Tabular Form
26Tabular Form
27Tabular Form
28Tabular Form
29Dynamic Actions
Defined via data in tables
Applied automatically via page 0 region (no
developer code)
30Rich UI
- Report overflows, tabular forms, dynamic
actions etc. all defined declaratively via data - This data needs to be maintained by the
developer, and deployed via version control - Creating all this data via SQL Plus scripts or
Toad (or SQL Developer) is tiresome - Q What can we do to make the developer's life
31Rich UI
A Give them an Apex application to maintain the
data, with a facility to download all data for a
page as a SQL script ready for deployment.
32Reuse Legacy
- Forms module definitions in Oracle Designer
- Generate first-cut Apex pages and our metadata
from these - Security/navigation data
- Render navigation tabs from this
- Base page authorisation scheme on this
- Business Logic APIs
- Generate first-cut code to map Apex page to API
33Apex Page Generator
34Consistency (Quality)
- Build Standards
- Generator
- Skeleton pages to copy
- Reports to check Apex pages for adherence to
- Many small applications
- One per logical business area
- Between 5 and 50 pages per app
- Assign applications to development teams
- Version control export files (app or page)
- Version control our metadata
- Master Application
- Common Components, published to other apps
- Templates, Authorisation and authentication
schemes - Shortcuts, Application processes
36Apex Resources
- Apex on OTN
- Apex Forum
- Apex Blogs
- Apex Development Team
- Successful replacement system
- Satisfied customers
- Productive and satisfied developers
- A foundation for developing future applications
- well, mostly!
- Can Apex be used for large projects?
- Is it a good idea?
- Would we do it again?
- Can Apex be used for large projects? Yes
- Is it a good idea? Yes
- Would we do it again? Yes and we have