Title: Symbols Of N'C'
1Symbols of North Carolina
Presented by Beverly Turner
2Objective 3.02
Identify people, symbols, and events and
documents associated with North Carolinas
Essential Question
Can you name the state symbols of North Carolina?
3The State Beverage
- Milk is the state beverage of North Carolina.
Dairy products rank 9th among major farm
commodities in North Carolina.
4The State Bird
- The cardinal is the state bird of North
Carolina. The cardinal is sometimes called the
winter redbird. It is the year-round resident of
North Carolina. Both the female and the male
birds are fine singers.
5The State Blue Berry
The blueberry is the state blue berry of NC.
The state ranked 4th in blueberry harvest. The
blueberry creates about 18,000,000 per year.
The blueberry contains fiber and vitamin C.
6The State Red Berry
The strawberry is the state red berry of NC.
The strawberry creates about 17,000,00 in
revenue each year. It is ranked 8th in
strawberry production. The strawberry in high in
Vitamin A and C.
7The State Boat
- The shad boat is the state boat of NC. It was
developed on Roanoke Island and was very
maneuverable. The name was derived from the shad
fish. The shad boats were made of cypress,
juniper and white cedar trees and were
approximately twenty-two to thirty-three feet in
length. The production of these shad boats
became - very expensive to build,
- so production ceased in 1930.
8The State Carnivorous Plant
The Venus Flytrap is the NC state plant. It is
listed as a Species of Special Concern. This
means it is monitored and sold only under special
9The State Dance
The Shag is the state popular dance of NC.
Shagging is usually danced to the tune of Beach
10The State Dog
The Plott Hound is the state dog of NC. The
Plott Hound was originally bred in the mountains
of NC. It was named after Jonathan Plott, who
developed the dog as a wild boar hound. The
Plott Hound is a great fighting and tracking dog.
11The State Fish
- The Channel Bass is the state fish of NC. The
average Channel Bass weighs between 30 to 40
pounds, some have weighed as much as 70 pounds.
Channel Bass are found along the North Carolina
12The State Flag
- The North Carolina flag is beautiful. The
colors of the flag are red, white, and blue. The
General Assembly of 1945 decided on the shades of
red and blue. - The colors red and blue are also the state
colors of NC.
13The State Flower
- The dogwood is the state flower of NC. The
dogwood is one of the most prevalent trees in
North Carolina. It can be found in all parts of
the state from the coast to the mountains. The
beautiful dogwood blossom colors are red,
pink, and white.
14The State Fruit
- The Scuppernong is the state fruit of NC. It is
a variety of the muscadine grape. It was named
after the Scuppernong River. - The river runs from Washington County to the
Albemarle Sound. The Roanoke colonists
discovered the vine. There are 250 vineyards
and 25 wineries throughout the state.
15The State Insect
- The honey bee is the state insect of NC. It is
an industrious insect. It is responsible for the
annual production of 2,000,000 million worth of
honey. The honey bee also contributes to the
pollination of North Carolina crops.
16The State Shell
- The scotch bonnet is the state shell of NC. It
is found along the coastal waters at depths
between 200 and 500 feet deep.
17The State Stone
- The emerald is the state stone of NC. The
largest emerald stone weighed 1,438 lbs. The
emerald was discovered at Hiddenite, a town near
Statesville, NC. - The stone was cut to 13.14 carats and it is
worth . . . 100,000. The gem named The
Carolina Emerald is now owned by Tiffany
Company of New York.
18The State Mammal
- The gray squirrel is the state animal of NC. It
is a common inhabitant of most areas of North
Carolina, from the upland hardwood forests of the
piedmont to the western counties. In the winter
months the gray squirrel survives on hardwoods
and acorns. In the spring it eats new growth
and fruits.
19The State Motto
The state motto of NC is . . .
Esse Quam Videri
which means . . .
To be, rather than to seem
20The State Reptile
- The Eastern Box Turtle is the state reptile. The
turtle is a - culinary delight. The turtle is one of natures
useful creatures.
21The State Song
The Old North State is the state song of NC
Tho' she envies not others, their merited
glory,Say whose name stands the foremost, in
liberty's story,Tho' too true to herself e'er to
crouch to oppression, Who can yield to just rule
a more loyal submission.Hurrah! Hurrah! the Old
North State forever,Hurrah! Hurrah! the good Old
North State. Then let all those who love us,
love the land that we live in,As happy a region
as on this side of heaven,Where plenty and
peace, love and joy smile before us,Raise aloud,
raise together the heart thrilling
chorus.Hurrah! Hurrah! the Old North State
forever,Hurrah! Hurrah! the good Old North
State. Carolina! Carolina! heaven's blessings
attend her,While we live we will cherish,
protect and defend her,Tho' the scorner may
sneer at and witlings defame her,Still our
hearts swell with gladness whenever we name
her.Hurrah! Hurrah! the Old North State
forever,Hurrah! Hurrah! the good Old North
Written by William Gaston collected arranged
by Mrs. E.E. Randolph
22 Here's to the land of the long leaf pine,The
summer land where the sun doth shine,Where the
weak grow strong and the strong grow
great,Here's to "Down Home," the Old North
State! Here's to the land of the cotton bloom
white,Where the scuppernong perfumes the breeze
at night,Where the soft southern moss and
jessamine mate,'Neath the murmuring pines of the
Old North State! Here's to the land where the
galax grows,Where the rhododendron's rosette
glows,Where soars Mount Mitchell's summit
great,In the "Land of the Sky," in the Old North
State! Here's to the land where maidens are
fair,Where friends are true and cold hearts
rare,The near land, the dear land, whatever
fate,The blest land, the best land, the Old
North State!
The State Toast
This is the state toast of NC
23The State Tree
- The long leaf pine is the state tree of NC.
During the colonial period it was a vital part of
the economy. Resin, turpentine, and timber were
sold by merchants and also used by the Navy.
24The State Vegetable
- The sweet potato is the state vegetable
- of NC, because students at a Wilson County
- school petitioned the General Assembly to
- make the sweet potato the state vegetable.
25The State Wildflower
The Carolina Lily is the state wildflower of NC.
The lily grows throughout the state. It grows to
be 4 feet high with as many as 6 blooms. The
petals are brilliant red-orange with brown spots.
It blooms mostly in July and August. It is
named for Andre Michaux, an 18th century explorer
and naturalist.
26The State Trout
The Southern Appalachian Brook Trout is the state
trout of NC. It is a fresh water fish. The
Brook Trout is a favorite of sport fisherman in
the cold mountain streams of Western NC.
27The State Christmas Tree
The Frasier Fir is the state Christmas Tree of
NC. The 8th grade students of Harris Middle
School, in Spruce Pine, suggested this tree as a
new symbol. The decision to make the Frasier Fir
a new symbol was based on researching the
economic impact the Frasier Firs had on our state.
28The State Rock
The granite rock is the state rock of NC. Mount
Airy, located in Surry County, has the largest
open face granite quarry in the world. It is
5,280 feet long (1 mile) and 1,800 feet wide.
Granite is a symbol of strength and
29The End
- This information was found at
www.50states.com and
The NC State Library of NC www.ncgov.com