Title: Symbols:
1Symbols Making a choice?
2Pictures, illustrations symbols
Each of these has a different purpose. Yet they
can be used as a means to the same end.
This picture shows a complete event. However,
without additional information we do not know if
it is illustrating library, computer, work or
An illustration is less specific, and so may be
more useful in a general publication, but it will
still require some explanation. An illustration
may support a process rather than an individual
Symbols represent generic concepts that are
understood by the reader.
They can be sequenced to build sentences from the
separate concepts.
6PCS Picture Communication Symbols
For Face to Face Communication. When A learner
needs more illustrative representation of a
WLS Widgit Literacy Symbols
For Literacy. When a Learner can understand the
concept and need reinforcement in reading the
Communicates Dont pick your nose
Supports the meaning of each word Dont pick
your nose
8Developing Communication
- Gives children with limited language the ability
to express wants, needs, and thoughts. - Lo-Tech communication boards, books etc.
- Voice-Output devices
- Simple to complex
9Increase Participation and Inclusion
- More actively involve students with SEN in the
classroom - Helps with understanding of new or difficult
vocabulary and concepts - Encourage and allow communication with symbols
- Adapt all text-based instructional materials in
the classroom with symbols - Use the computer as part of the instructional
program as an interactive way to adapt
curriculum, reinforce concepts, and develop
10Behavioural Tools
- Using visual strategies to structure the
environment - Schedules
- Sequences
- Checklists
- Using visual strategies to target specific
unwanted behaviours - Reward systems
- Symbol notes home
- Plus many more!
11Promote Literacy
- Use symbols to support emerging readers
- Continue to work on pre-reading and literacy
skills while reading skills are developed - Improve reading comprehension
- Positive feelings towards reading!
- Fade symbols as sight words are acquired
- Adapt books, poems, recipes, directions, songs to
create a language rich environment
12Levels of Symbols
Level 1
Recognisable symbols These are representational
images of well-known objects or actions. These
should need little teaching as long as the reader
is familiar with the object or action
13I eat an apple
14Levels of Symbols
Level 2
Guessable symbols These will require explanation
and then the meaning may be guesses. These often
fall into groups once you understand one the
rest are easy.
15Go hide in the garden.
16Levels of Symbols
Level 3
Abstract Symbols Higher levels of symbols
require more teaching. Not all symbol users will
be able to understand the more complex or more
abstract images.
17It could be hard to read without prior
18Symbols can be a very powerful tool.But they
are only as good as the person creating the
materials they are supporting.
19Using Symbols Correctly
Check your work to make sure that the symbols
represent the words correctly
20Using Symbols Correctly
Check your work to make sure that the symbols
represent the words correctly
21Using Symbols Consistently
Make symbol choices that can be understood by
your pupils and stick with them through out all
written materials.
22Using Symbols Consistently
Make symbol choices that can be understood by
your pupils and stick with them through out all
written materials.
23Using Symbols Carefully
Dont just symbolise for the sake of it. Use
symbols to the appropriate level of your
24Using Symbols Carefully
Dont just symbolise for the sake of it. Use
symbols to the appropriate level of your
25Using Symbols Clearly
Information should be presented in a format that
is easy to read and process
26Using Symbols Clearly
Information should be presented in a format that
is easy to read and process
27A symbol cannot teach a concept. A symbol
represents a concept, and can remind the user of
a concept already understood.
28For more information about symbols go to
http//www.widgit.com/symbols For more
information about using symbols an inclusive
learning environment go to http//www.widgit.com