Title: Constantine Panagiotatos
1 Constantine Panagiotatos
Marketing and Communications Strategist
2 Marketing and Communications Strategist at
Gramercy Auctions
Constantine Panagiotatos
While working for Gramercy Auctions, Constantine
Panagiotatos carried a multitude of
responsibilities and performed them remarkably.
It was here that he directed marketing,
communications, and even business matters for his
clients during all stages of the auction sales
process. Constantine Panagiotatos dealt with
assets in non-performing commercial, industrial,
and residential real estate. In addition, he
increased Gramercys client base by implementing
narrative building and marketing towards niche
3Sports a Hobby of Constantine Panagiotatos
Constantine Panagiotatos leads a busy
professional life. Working in media relations
means that there are days when he puts hours upon
hours into his work during important events and
campaigns. Still, Constantine Panagiotatos likes
to make sure he has time set aside to play
sports. He grew up playing soccer and rugby he
was also a rower and a wrestler. He has kept up
his sports participation as best as he can, as
New York City has lots of opportunities to engage
in all of his favorites.
4Constantine Panagiotatos Works Hard
When you live in New York City, you have to work
hard. Constantine Panagiotatos knows that there
are plenty of publicists and media relations
experts looking to make it big in New York, and
that means there's no room for slacking or taking
it easy on the job. Constantine Panagiotatos
works hard every day of the week and devotes
whatever time is needed to get the job done for
his clients. Constantine Panagiotatos wouldn't
have it any other way.
5Thank You