Title: CAS 2004 Spring Meeting
1CAS 2004 Spring Meeting
2How has mileage been used?
- Vehicle use
- Pleasure
- Farm
- Commute
- Business
- Artisan
- Commute distance
- Annual mileage discount
3Specific mileage discounts
- Many companies discount 10 on major coverages
for lt7,500 or 8,500 annual miles - Some provide a second break point for a lesser
discount at 12,500 miles annually. - Several companies build use, commute distance and
annual mileage into driver class
4Regulatory Encouragement
- California Prop 103 requires use of mileage in
rating as a major determinant - Results in surcharges for higher annual mileage
- Specific regulations in some states provide for
pay-as-you-drive (TX, OR) - Many Providences in Canada have encouraged more
mileage rating experimentation
- When using vehicle use and mileage
- Correlation in the rate order may exist
- Likely to be correlation between mileage and
several other variables - Age
- Territory (rural Vs urban)
- Multi-car
6NHTSA dataWide dispersion creates opportunity
for segmentation
7Issues with mileage
- Vehicle use is only a proxy for mileage
- Self reported and unverified
- Verified mileage a hassle to collect
- Automated collection expensive
- Actual mileage not linked to loss data
- Type of mileage may be as important as magnitude
8What else could be done?
- Usage based insurance
- Change rates for subsequent terms based on actual
mileage in prior term - Bill rates in current term based on actual
current mileage Pay-as-you-drive
9New problems, new opportunities!
- Tracking mileage in real time
- Reporting mileage to insurer (cellular)
- Billing adjustments (utility)
- Term length (miles instead of months?)
10Commute Mileage Verifiable
- Progressive MN commute mileage verified by
calculating distance from center of home and work
zip codes - Several vendors have software to calculate
mileage between specific addresses - Publicly available software on the Internet can
be licensed for commercial use
11Automated approaches
- Progressive 1997 Autograph study in
TexasAftermarket GPS and cellular
technologyCollected time and placeComputed
mileage by time of day and locationBilled for
usage monthly - Erie County NY 1998 GPS cell phone for
emergency dispatch - Norwich Union 2002 Licensed Autograph patents
and markets pay-as-you-drive in UK
12Automated approaches
- GMAC 2004 OnStar discount uses factory
installed product to track mileage and provides
range of discounts in subsequent term for imputed
annual mileage up to 15,000. - Addresses primary issue of cost
- Factory installed device
- Exists for purpose besides insurance