Diapositivo 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diapositivo 1


Ethnobotany of the Northeastern Region of Portugal: local knowledge, plants and uses Na FCSH/UNL: POCI/ANT/61058/2004 Mobilidades transnacionais e constru o ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositivo 1

CRIA is an Inter-Institutional Research Centre
for social and cultural anthropology. CRIA was
created in an attempt to meet FCTs current
policy for the organization of Portuguese
research, which strongly encourages the
constitution of large research units. Based on
pre-existing long-term and productive cooperative
relationships, the scholars foundind CRIA have
created a scientific network of four University
MINHO This network will make possible the
optimization of resources and skills (currently
dispersed all over the country) and endow them
with greater theoretical, methodological, and
thematic scientific depth.
CRIA results from merger of the two leading FCT
units, CEAS and CEMME (both rated Very Good)
with four other highly qualified research groups
in Social and cultural Anthropology
CIA/FCT-UC) together in a number of researchers
without affiliation to other research units.

  • This presentation will be divided in two parts
  • 1) The first aims to present the results of our
    activities during the period in evaluation
  • 2) The second part will argue the relevance of
    the new unit we are constituting.

The creation of a new research unit
  • Although CRIA did not exist as a formal Unit
    during the period 2003-2006, the researchers who
    constitute it have developed several common
    activities in both interpersonal and
    institutional frameworks
  • - Research Projects A significant part of the
    research developed by CRIA members was already
    being carried out on a long term cooperative
    basis by researchers of each of its units.
  • - Post-graduate programmes several researchers
    have participated in MA programmes offered by the
    host universities of CRIA Units.
  • - Scientific Diffusion
  • - publishing research results
  • - Conferences and seminars
  • - Preexisting Thematic sub-groups Migration
    Studies Visual Anthropology Transnational
    Populations Heritage, Environment, and Tourism
    African Gipsy Brazilian Identity Consumption
    Anthropology of Health NAS-GIS Portuguese
  • There is a strong and enduring collaboration
    among researchers in in the different journals
    published by CRIAs Units.Researchers from
    different units have co-organized several
    national and international events(in Portugal and
    abroad), some of which were published as special
    numbers in journals or in book form.

FCT Research Projects Leaded by CRIA Researchers
Fellowship in Research Projects Financed by FCT
and leaded by CRIA Principal Researchers (PI)
FCT Research Projects (1)
  • Encountering the past an anthropological study
    of the East Timorese Community
  • Colonial Logics Space and society in Goa
  • Water Therapy Comparative ethnography of thermal
    sites Portugal Brazil (ICS/CEAS)
  • Modernization and change in Portuguese
  • Policy workers, organization and change
    Ethnography on social and occupational identities
  • Gender Implications of entry into in Work in
  • Ethnobotany of northeastern region of Portugal
    local knowledge, plants and uses
  • Chimpanzee distribution and relation with local
    human communities in the coastal area of
  • Trajectories of integration in the labour market,
    family, and school new settings, new dynamics
  • Contemporary family practices in Portugal
  • Muslims under pressure from local microscopies
    to the geopolitical dynamics of the colonial and
    postcolonial word system
  • From many different places to Portugal new
    opportunities, new patterns in gender,
    micro-family and inter-ethnic relations

FCT Research Projects (2)
  • Migrations, Inter-Ethnic Relations and
  • Transnational mobilities and construction of
    domestic spaces connecting Mozambique, Portugal
    and Brazil,
  • Emergent Generations in a multiethnic context,
  • Different Children of Different Gods. Uses of
    Religions and Differentiated Social Insertion,
  • From Mozambique to Portugal a study of
    transnational ethnic minority elites
  • Portugal and its Multi-Ethnicity,
  • Public health policies and therapeutic practices
    suffering and treatment strategies of migrants in
    the Great Lisbon area.
  • Vaccination, society and administration of the
    body anthropological approaches.
  • Social Dynamics the structuring of the Polítical
    field in Rural African contexts
  • Colonial and Post-Colonial Context of
    Globalization Interaction and Discourse in the
    Lusophone World (XVI-XXI centuries)
  • Portuguese castles aboard II. Heritage, tourism
    and portuguese cultural cooperation.

Other Financed Projects (1)
  • ACIDI (ex-ACIME)
  • The bi-cultural relationships between Brazilian
    women and Portuguese men strategic and
    sexual-emotional dimensions.
  • The trafficking of women in Portugal a critical
    ethnography of the relationship between victims
    and institutions.
  • Migrants and mental health the construction of
    cultural competence.
  • Schooling in Portugal success stories.
  • Giving birth in Portugal. The clinical
    attendance of immigrant pregnant women in the
    national healthcare system.
  • The civic and political participation of migrant
    women in Portugal.
  • Inter-generation and gender relationships among
    African immigrant families.
  • Perceptions and rationalizations of xenophobia in

Other Financed Projects (2)
  • IEFP
  • - Constitution of a Data Base on Environmental
    research in Social Sciences in Portugal
  • Funding from other institutions
  • - The Gipsy Community of Sintra (CEMME Sintras
    City Hall)
  • - Geopolitical Discourse on Borders in the
    Socio-Political Constructión of national
    Identities The case of the Spanish- Portuguese
    border during XIX and XX centuries (funding
    Plan Nacional de ID Ministerio de Educación y
    Ciencia de España
  • - NORFACE project Recognizing Christianity
    how African immigrants redefine the European
    religious heritage (ICS-UL/CEAS/Utrecht

PhD degrees concluded 2003-2007
26 PhD Fellowships between 2003-2006
Ongoing Research Projects in ID Units Financed
by FCT including other financial sources
CRIAs Posdoctoral Research Fellowships
Publications 2003-2006
Productivity 2003-2006(per Publication Category)
Public Dissemination of anthropological knowledge
  • One of the distinctive features of the groups
    that now engage in CRIA has been the
    dissemination of anthropological knowledge in
    public events and venues, such as the following
  • 1. Journals published by CRIAs Units

Public Dissemination of anthropological knowledge
  • 2. Exhibitions at the Museum of Anthropology of
    the University of Coimbra, CIA-FCT/UC group
  • Offshore ethnographic installation
  • Without a Net Ruy Duarte de Carvalho paths and
  • Nomads objects from the MAUC permanent
  • Babá-Babu Tales from a cradle, Coimbra, Centro
    Cultural de Cascais, Figueira da Foz, Museu
    Municipal Santos Rocha

Public Dissemination of anthropological knowledge
  • 3. Visual Anthropology Group of CEAS/ISCTE
  • Tertúlias (round tables) debates on ethnographic
    films and social and cultural contemporary issues
    with researchers, filmmakers, NGOs and civil
    associations delegates and students.
  • Partnerships, support and collaboration in the
    promotion and organization of initiatives
    produced with other organizations such as
    UTAD/University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
    Instituto de Desenvolvimento Comunitário dos
  • Associação Pé de Chumbo em Évora (ICS-UL, ISCTE,
    FSCH-UNL, UM, UC, AporDoc)

Public Dissemination of anthropological knowledge
  • 4. Public Debates
  • Forum for Same Sex Marriage (CEAS/ILGA
    Portugal-civil association),
  • Human Rights and Traditions genital
    mutilation (CEAS/International Amnesty, APF
    Association for Family Planning/European Network
    for Fight against Genital Mutilation/Gabinete de
    Saúde do ACIME, Ed. ASA)
  • Anthropological Books in Dialogue Public
    debates on Portuguese anthropological books
    Organized by CEAS a Lisbon bookstore
  • A cidade e as serras Anthropology and History
    Nights (CEEP/CEHCP/ISCTE), Cycle of conferences
    at the bookstore Ler Devagar 2003.
  • Cycle for the Presentation of Active
    Ethno-religious Groups in Portugal with a debate
    counting with the participation of delegations
    from the Sikh community and from the Muslim
    community. CEMME
  • África começou mal, África está mal,
    Colaboração no ciclo de cinema do Núcleo de
    Estudantes de Economia da Associação Académica de
    Coimbra, CIA  
  • Workshop Jogo é Jogo, no âmbito do projecto
    Games Design, (CIA/Núcleo de Estudantes de
    Arquitectura da Associação Académica de Coimbra)

Public Dissemination of anthropological knowledge
  • 5. Cooperation with student initiatives in
  • 6. CEAS, CEMME, CEEP, NEA and CIA have developed
    several partnerships with other institutions in
    research projects like ACIME/ACIDI (Governmental
    Office), LPN (environmental NGO), Commission for
    the equal Opportunities (Public Office), City

Multidisciplinary activities in the 2003-2006
  • A significant part of CRIA researchers
    activities is already built in a multidisciplinar
  • CEMME-FCSH/UNL was a multidisciplinary research
    unit on migration processes, involving
    sociologists, psychologists and historians.
    Several high quality projects, of a broad and
    transversal nature, have resulted from this
    collaboration, and have been used as a basis for
    the definition of public policies.
  • Several research projects (on aging, on tourism,
    the arts and cultural heritage) are being
    developed by teams that include geographers,
    psychologists, psychiatrists, architects, plastic
    artists and designers.
  • These interdisciplinary perspectives have
    contributed to these researches value,
    originality and impact in contemporary
    anthropological knowledge.

  • CRIA researchers are deeply engaged in
    internationalization in different levels of
  • Research projects and Participation in
    international networks of research
  • Publications in journals and books
  • Lectures conferences and organization on courses
    and conferences on international recognized
    Universities (University of Chicago, Brown
    University (Providence), U. California (Berkley),
    U New Orleans, CEAS/UMass Dartmouth, UF Santa
    Catarina, U. British Columbia (Vancouver) UF
    Campinas, USP, Museu nacional (UFRJ), Universidad
    Complutense, Universidad de Barcelona, Tarragona,
    Aix en Provence, EHESS, Univ. Eduardo Mondlane
    (Mozambique), Univ. Toronto, Univ. Sussex,
    Univ. Ultrech, Max Plank Institute (GE),
  • Several CRIA researchers are editorial referees
    for international scientific journal and
    consultants in international juries for grants
    and projects.
  • Members of international Associations of
    anthropologists (EASA, WAN, SIEF)

Organization of International conferences (1)
  • 2003
  • Ethnographic Heritage, museums and development,
  • Work and Organizations anthropological
    approaches (CEAS)
  • Metropolitan Fields methodological challenges
  • Anthropology and Organizations Practices and
  • Colonialism, Post colonialism, Arts Visual
    Anthropology Cycle (CEAS/Abril Maio)
  • 2004
  • The Politics of Folk Culture Reflections from
    the Lusophone World (CEAS/UMass Dartmouth, EUA)
  • Behind and Beyond the Prison (NEA)
  • Imagined Modernities. Travel Literature,
    Illustration and the Nation State in Asia and the
    Americas (CIA)
  • Soccer, Social Sciences and image (CEAS/Lisbon
    Photographic Archives)

Organization of International conferences (2)
  • 2005
  • Social Movements in Islamic Contexts
  • Cape Verdean Migration and Diaspora
  • Le temps des cerises Pouvoir, hegemonie et
    resistence (FCSH/UNL)
  • Forum for same-sex Marriage (CEAS/ILGA-Portugal)
  • 2006
  • Identity, Representation, Ethnicity and
    Discrimination (IMISCOE/ EMME/SociNova)
  • Education through Images (CEAS/AporDOC)
  • 2007
  • Life Histories New theoretical and
    methodological challenges (CEAS)
  • Ethnografeast III Ethnography and the Public
    Sphere (CEAS/NEA/Univ California, Berkeley)
  • V Iberian Meeting of Anthropologists - Iberian
    Intersections Margins, Pathways and borders
  • Youth and Modernity in Africa (CEAS/CEA)

National Conferences
National Conferences
  • 2003
  • Research on immigrant population and ethnic
    minorities Local Practices (CEAS/Câmara
    Municipal de Odivelas).
  • 2004
  • Anthropology, Art and Museums, (CIA/University
    of British Columbia/ Faculty of Fine Arts,
    U.Lisbon/Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian)
  • 2005
  • Themes and problems in Anthropology narratives
    of the self,
  • Perspectives on Religion and Ritual.
    Anthropologic Documentary Cycle (Ceas/ICS
  • 2006
  • Migration, Ethnic Minorities and
    Transnationalism (CEMME)
  • Spring Meetings at Miranda do Douro Cinema,
    Senses and Anthropology (CEAS/UTAD).
  • 2007
  • Winter festivals with masks Tribute to Benjamim
    Pereira (CEEP-UNL/CEAS/Dep. Antropologia da

Invited Lectures by prestigious scholars at the
several university units
Invited Lectures (1)
  • 2003
  • Omar Ribeiro Tomaz, Entre inimigos e traidores
    suspeitas e acusações entre o colonial e o
    nacional no Sul de Moçambique (CIA)
  • Manuela Ivone da Cunha, Uma reflexão sobre as
    margens a partir da prisão (CIA)
  • Fernando Florêncio Poder tradicional Ndau e o
    Estado em Moçambique (CIA)
  • Glenn Bowman, Constitutive violence and the
    nationalist imaginary  The making of The
    People' in Palestine' and former Yugoslavia'
  • Ramon Sarró, Baga objects continuities and
    transformations (CIA)
  • Manuel Laranjeira Rodrigues de Areia, Primitivos
    e raças .... já não há! Vale a pena haver
  • Alcida Rita Ramos, A cidadania indígena existe no
    Brasil? (CIA)
  • Sylvia Caiuby Novaes Etnografia visual - uma
    outra perspectiva sobre o funeral bororo (CEAS)

Invited Lectures (2)
  • 2004
  • Roger Ballard Migration, Modernity and the
    Growth of Ethnic Plurality (CEMME)
  • Peter Fry, As aparências que enganam anemia
    falciforme e a configuração racial no Brasil
  • Mark Harris, Giving shape to the world skills
    and knowledge amongst Brazilian Amazonian
    floodplain dwellers(CIA)
  • Mark Harris Giving shape to the world skills and
    knowledge amongst Brazilian Amazonian floodplain
    dwellers (CIA)
  • Adriana Piscitelli Sexualidade tropical em
    contextos do primeiro mundo (CEAS)
  • Élisabeth Claverie "Ce qu'une apparition fait
    apparaître le cas de Medjugorje (CEAS)

Invited Lectures (3)
  • 2005
  • Peter Clarke Muslim Minorities in Europe and
    their Integration. Some Theoretical and Practical
    Issues (CEMME)
  • Rosy de Oliveira Pluralismo étnico e a Produção
    de identidades entre os Kalunga de Gois
    (Brasil),  (CIA)
  • Robert M. Malina, Secular Change In Rural Oaxaca,
    Mexico 1970-2000 (CIA)
  • Ruth Wilson Gilmore "Prisões e movimentos
    sociais", (NEA)
  • Josep M. Comelles Identidad cultural y políticas
    públicas psiquiátricas en Cataluña del
    regionalismo a Franz Fanon (CEAS)
  • Giovanni Levi O que é a Microhistória? and
    "Biografia, Antropologia y Microhistória(CEAS/CEH

Invited Lectures (4)
  • 2006
  • Lina Fruzzetti e Akos Ostor Revisting Kinship,
    Marriage and Changes in Bishupur (Bengala,
    Índia). (CEAS/FundaçãoOriente)
  • Laurence J. Kirmayer Bodies, brains and selves
    in motion Cultural psychiatry and the ironies of
    globalization. (CEAS)
  • Jean-Yves Durand "Lenços de namorad_at_s
    instituição da cultura e género. (CEAS)
  • 2007
  • Ana Rosas Mantecon Consumos Culturais e Público
    de Museus, Cinema e Património (CEAS/CIES/Casa
    da América Latina).
  • Nestór Canclini As formas actuais da
    interculturalidade (CEAS/CIES/CAL)
  • Néstor Canclini O lugar dos latino-americanos no
    Século XXI (CEAS/CIES/CAL)
  • Daniel Miller Migration, Material Culture and
    Tragedy (CEMME),
  • Marie-Elizabeth Handman What is prostitution? An
    ethnography of prostitution in Paris(CEAS)

Institutional Protocols
CEMME, SociNova Migrations, Instituto de Etnomusicologia e o Instituto de Sociologia Histórica, da FCSH, na criação da Pós-graduação e do Mestrado em Migrações, Minorias Étnicas e Transnacionalismo CEMME / Socinova Migrations para a representação da FCSH na Rede de Excelência Europeia IMISCOE (International Migrations and Social Cohesion in Europe)
ACIDI (ex-ACIME) Departamento de Antropologia Universidade de Turim
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Grupo de estudos de género) CEMME/MERIB (Migrations and Ethnicity Research Institute, Brussels).
Pagu (universidade de campinas, Brasil) CEMME/Departamento de Gypsy Studies da Universidade Eötvös Loránd, de Budapeste (protocolo Sócrates)
Núcleo de Antropologia Universidade do Minho Centro Frantz Fanon
Departamento Antropologia ISCTE AporDOC
Departamento Antropologia FCSH/UNL Liga Protecção da Natureza
Departamento Antropologia Universidade de Coimbra UTAD/Miranda
CEEP/Câmara Municipal da Marinha Grande
  • CRIA is in itself a network of previously
    existing research centres in anthropology. Since
    most of its members had already been working
    together for a long time, they may now formalize
    the network structure maximizing human and
    material resources, which will certainly
    contribute to better individual performance.
    Thus, working in a network system is organic to
    CRIA as a research unity. CRIAs scientific
    council aims at consolidating its units existing
    institutional relations and promote the
    establishment of new protocols and networks with
    other research units of excellence in Portugal.
    Namely through the collaboration in MA and PhD
    Programmes, co-organization of conferences and
    publications, workshops and seminars, and common
    research projects across the different university
    Units and research groups.
  • Within CRIA, researchers mobility will be a
    highly stimulated practice either in research
    projects, either in several activities of
    scientific divulgation that we promote, or in the
    graduate programmes of the different universities
    that host CRIA Units. As our researchers are
    affiliated to more than one Group, articulation
    will allow for mobility between units and will
    stimulate a permanent and deep dialogue across
    different theoretical trends, themes, and
    ethnographic contexts.

International Networks
  • NORFACE Project Recognizing Christianity how
    African immigrants redefine the European
    religious heritage. (ICS-UL/CEAS/University of
    Sussex/ University of Ultrech).
  • CEMME (through Socinova Migration) is part of an
    European network of excelence IMISCOE
    (International Migrations and Social Cohesion in
  • FIMAM (researchers forum on the Arabe and Muslim
  • World Anthropologies Network (WAN).
  • COST ACTION IS0603 Health and Social care for
    Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Europe Home

To sum up General indicadores of productivity
Research Projects 29
PhD 57
Fellowship 26
Research Project Post PhD 8
International networks 4
Books (author / editor) and chapters in books 180
Articles in international journals 57
Articles in portuguese journals 127
Papers/lectures presented in international meetings 203
Papers/lectures presented in national meetings 104
Scientific Council External Advisory
Board Executive Board Secretariat
  • CRIAs administrative organization
  • a Scientific Council (including all Research
    fellows from the different University units)
    defines the units main research lines
  • an Executive Board (drawn from the members of
    each of the university units, with positions on
    the Board distributed as a rule on a proportional
    basis acording to the number of each
    institutions eligible members) carries out
    internal executive functions and external
    institutional dialogue
  • an External Advisory Board (composed of
    Portuguese scholars and highly-regarded,
    internationally-recognized foreign academics).
  • a centralized Secretariat handles research
    projects management, Organization of conferences
    and financial accounting.

1) To place CRIA in a position of scientific
leadership 2) Encourage the internationalizatio
n of research and international circulation of
results 3) Reinforce the connection between
science and society as a way to promote
scientific culture 4) Promote and simplify
inter-institutional exchange at the level of
postgraduate studies and training in
anthropology 5) Implement the development of
initiatives (research projects, conferences,
workshops, etc.) corresponding to the diversified
scientific interests of the members of CRIA.
  • The consolidation of critical scientific mass
    brought about by CRIA constitutes in itself a
    huge asset in the Portuguese scientific landscape
    and pushes towards an engagement in comparative
    and critical dialogue. CRIA will provide a
    context for building a solid common ground within
    research groups by fostering a deeper
    articulation and dialogue at the level of
    methodological and theoretical construction. This
    will provide different scales of cooperation
    between researchers a small one within thematic
    groups, a wider one across groups and a bigger
    one involving all CRIA researchers.

CRIA will promote the advancement of Portuguese
anthropology and its internationalization
through a) the development of theoretical and
applied research projects b) the promotion of
scientific debate and diffusion of research -
through the stimulation the publishing of
research results in highly rated national and
international anthropology journals -
organizing international conferences with wide
impact in anthropology - the implementation of
several Work-in-progress Seminars, where
different project may be collectively critically
  • d) consolidating formal cooperation in
    postgraduate programs (MA and PhD) in
    Anthropology among the different institutional
    units of CRIA and its host universities
  • e) the encouragement of international
    network-based collaboration in research projects
    and other international collaborations
  • f) the reinforcement of relationships with other
    research institutions g) welcome undergraduate,
    graduate and PhD students in their integration
    into the scientific community.

  • CRIAs scientific resources are organized in four
    thematic groups
  • Social identity and differentiation
  • Main Team - Research Fellows 26 Other
    researchers 4 (PhD) 27 (non-PhD)
  • Culture Practices, Politics, Displays
  • Main Team - Research Fellows 28 Other
    researchers 1 (PhD) 38
  • Migrations, Ethnicity, Citizenship
  • Main Team - Research Fellows 20 Other
    researchers 5 (PhD) 31
  • Power, Knowledge, Mediation
  • Main Team - Research Fellows 27 Other
    researchers 5 (PhD) 39
  • CRIA will promote researchers mobility to work
    in more than one group, facilitating
    institutional integration, and allowing mobility
    among CRIAs institutional posts.

Social identity and differentiation
Principal Investigador Miguel de Matos
Castanheira do Vale de Almeida Keywords Social
processes of differentiation Social processes of
Identification Dynamics of difference and
inequality Family, Gender, Body, Emotions,
Work, Consumption.
Other Research fellows in the Group (Ph.D. Only)
4 Ana Claudia Duarte Rocha Marques Clara
Afonso de Azevedo de Carvalho Piçarra Micol
Brazzabeni Ruy Jesús de Llera Blanes Assistant
Researchers in the Group (non Ph.D.)
27 Alexandre António Frutuoso Abaladas
Alexandre Manuel Morais Costa de Oliveira Ana
Luísa Martins Micaelo Ana Sofia Soares de
Oliveira Miranda Ângela Maria dos Santos
Miranda Cardoso António José da Conceição Mafra
Lourenço Catarina Lopes Oliveira Frois Célia
Sofia Jesus Antunes Claudia Patricia Cruz
Pereira Ema Cláudia Ribeiro Pires Ines
Margarida de Castro Barbosa Lourenco Joana Abril
Santos Nunes Areosa Feio Joana da Nóbrega Moita
Quelhas Ribeiro José Manuel Cavaleiro Rodrigues
Margarida Maria Moz Fernandes de Sa Maria
Assunção Baião Gato Maria de Jesus Sequeira
Espada Maria Leonor Pires Martins Otávio
Ribeiro Raposo Patricia Cruz Azevedo Silva
Paulo Daniel Silva Mendes Pedro Manuel Silva
Sena Philip José Rodrigues Esteves Rui Manuel
Vieira Monteiro Sandra Cristina Simões Marques
Silvina Maria de Jesus da Silva Fonseca Susana
Cristina Gaspar Pereira
Research Fellows in the Group (Ph.D.)
26 Antonio Fernando Gomes Medeiros Brian Juan
ONeill Carla Maria Miranda de Almeida Ferreira
de Sousa Elsa Margarida Cabrita de Sousa Lechner
Emília Margarida Duarte Domingues Marques
Fernando José Pereira Florêncio Francisco
Manuel da Silva Oneto Nunes Humberto Miguel dos
Santos Martins Jean-Yves Dominique Durand Jose
Gabriel da Fonseca Pereira Bastos Lorenzo
Ibrahim Bordonaro Luís Carlos Cirilo da Silva
Pereira Manuela Ivone Paredes Pereira da Cunha
Maria Antonia Pereira de Resende Pedroso de Lima
Maria Clara Ferreira de Almeida Saraiva Maria
dos Anjos Maltez Cardeira da Silva Maria
Filomena de Almeida Paiva Silvano Maria Inês
Pinto Fonseca Maria José Fazenda Martins Marta
Rodrigues Vilar Rosales Miguel de Matos
Castanheira do Vale de Almeida Miguel DeCouto
Tavares Moniz Robert Lewis Rowland Rosa Maria
de Figueiredo Perez Susana Salvaterra Trovao
Pereira Bastos Susana Soares Branco Durao

Culture Practices, Politics, Displays
Principal Investigador Maria dos Anjos Maltez
Cardeira da Silva Keywords Cultural display
Tourism Heritage Performance e media
Research fellows in the Group (Ph.D.) 28 Amélia
Maria de Melo Frazão Moreira Ana Felisbela de
Albuquerque Piedade Pires Lavado Anthony Alan
Shelton Aurízia Félix Sousa Anica Carla Maria
Miranda de Almeida Ferreira de Sousa Cláudia
Maria Azenha Margato de Ramalho Sousa Elsa
Margarida Cabrita de Sousa Lechner Filipe
Marcelo Correia Brito Reis Francisco Manuel da
Silva Oneto Nunes Henrique Francisco Martins
Coutinho Gouveia Jean-Yves Dominique Durand
Jill Dias João Aires Freitas Leal Jorge Costa
de Freitas Branco Jorge Narciso Ferreira Oliveira
Crespo Luís Fernando Gomes da Silva Quintais
Luis Miguel de Sousa Silva Maria Clara Ferreira
de Almeida Saraiva Maria dos Anjos Maltez
Cardeira da Silva Maria Elisabeth Thiele Maria
Filomena de Almeida Paiva Silvano Maria José
Fazenda Martins Marta Rodrigues Vilar Rosales
Nélia Susana Dias Nuno Manuel de Azevedo
Andrade Porto Paula Cristina Antunes Godinho
Paulo Jorge Pinto Raposo Pedro Miguel Pinto
Prista Monteiro
Other Research fellows in the Group (Ph.D. Only)
1 Jorge Luiz Mattar Villela Assitant
Researchers in the Group (non Ph.D.) 38 Ágata
de Azevedo Mandillo Ana Luísa Antunes Santos
Neves Gaspar Ana Maria Fachadas Gonçalves Ana
Rita de Pádua Gaspar Moreira Ana Sofia Gonçalves
Almeida Carrapato António José da Conceição
Mafra Lourenço António Manuel Perestrelo Correia
de Matos Barbara Alge Carlos António Simões
Rodrigues Robalo Catarina Inês Marques Ribeiro
de Mira Catarina Sousa Brandão Alves Costa
Darryl Emanuel Lampreia Domingos Esperança do
Val Fernandes Francisco Manuel M. da Rosa da
Silva Freire Isabel Margarida Simões Cardana
Joana Isabel Lucas de Sousa João Manuel de
Agorreta de Alpuim Correia Botelho Maria Dulce
Dias Antunes Simões Maria Eduarda Soares Rovisco
Maria Helena Alcalde Gonçalves Marques Maria
José Gonçalo Gouveia Aurindo Maria Manuel
Correia de Lemos Quintela Maria Manuela Raminhos
dos Santos Marta Lalanda Prista Mylène

Norberto da Conceição Gonçalves Pedro Manuel
Silva Sena Philip José Rodrigues Esteves Raquel
Alves Neves Gil Carvalheira Ricardo de Seiça
Alves Salgado Ricardo Manuel dos Santos Torres
Rita Margarida Gomes faria Sandra Isabel de
Oliveira Xavier Pereira Sérgio Eduardo da Silva
Fonseca Sónia Vespeira de Almeida Teresa
Domingas Lourenço Fradique Ribeiro Teresa Susana
Almeida de Melo Sampaio Umme Salma
Migrations, Ethnicity, Citizenship
Principal Investigador Susana Salvaterra Trovao
Pereira Bastos Keywords Migrations, Ethnicity,
Transnationalism Inter-ethnic relations, Racism
and Xenophobia Identity processes,
Structural-Dynamic Approach, Cultural diversity
Material Culture, Consumption, Ethnic Minority
Other Researcher fellows in the Group (Ph.D.
Only) 5 Clara Afonso de Azevedo de Carvalho
Piçarra Iolanda Maria Alves Évora Maria do Carmo
Pereira de Campos Vieira da Silva Micol
Brazzabeni Ruy Jesús de Llera Blanes Assistant
Researchers in the Group (non Ph.D.) 31 Amana
de Sousa Ferro Ana Margarida Viegas Evangelista
Brinca Ana patrícia Latas da Costa André Manuel
Clareza Correia Antonio Miguel Loureiro de
Almeida Ferreira Beatriz Brandão Pimentel
Claudia Susana Soares de Freitas Elsa Maria
Araújo Rodrigues Fernando Carlos Moura Filipa
da Mota Alvim de Carvalho Filomena Carmo
Lampreia Batoréu Irene Maria Lousada Banze José
Manuel Fraga Mapril Gonçalves Júlio Flávio da
Silva Ferreira Kachia Hedeny Techio Leticia
Mara de Lima Meira Lurdes Fernandes Nicolau
Research fellows in the Group (Ph.D.) 20 Chiara
Gemma Pussetti Donizete Aparecido Rodrigues
Elizabeth Pilar Challinor Elsa Margarida
Cabrita de Sousa Lechner Filipe Marcelo Correia
Brito Reis João Aires Freitas Leal Jose Gabriel
da Fonseca Pereira Bastos Lorenzo Ibrahim
Bordonaro Luís Carlos Cirilo da Silva Pereira
Maria Clara Ferreira de Almeida Saraiva Maria
de Guadalupe Brak-Lamy de Carvalho Maria
Elisabeth Thiele Maria Filomena de Almeida Paiva
Silvano Mário Artur Borda dos Santos Machaqueiro
Marta Rodrigues Vilar Rosales Miguel DeCouto
Tavares Moniz Paula Cristina Antunes Godinho
Paulo Jorge Pinto Raposo Sónia Patrícia Vicente
Pereira da Silva Susana Salvaterra Trovao
Pereira Bastos

Maria Assunção Baião Gato Maria Celeste Monteiro
Fortes Maria Cristina Ferraz Saraiva Santinho
Maria de Fatima Republicano de Lima Viegas
Maria Inês Pereira Torcato David Maria
Lencastre Monteiro Silva Maria Manuel Correia de
Lemos Quintela Paula Christofoletti Togni
Regina Clara de Aguiar Rui Pedro Malheiro da
Silva Ferrão Cidra Sílvia Adélia da Costa Lima
Sofia Karayianni de Castro e Lemos Sónia
Cristina Caetano Ramalho Susana Cristina Gaspar
Power, Knowledge, Mediation
Principal Investigador Jean-Yves Dominique
Durand Keywords Power Knowledges Hegemony
Research Fellows in the Group (Ph.D.) 27 Amélia
Maria de Melo Frazão Moreira Ana Felisbela de
Albuquerque Piedade Pires Lavado Anthony Alan
Shelton Aurízia Félix Sousa Anica Chiara Gemma
Pussetti Cláudia Maria Azenha Margato de Ramalho
Sousa Elizabeth Pilar Challinor Emília
Margarida Duarte Domingues Marques Filipe
Marcelo Correia Brito Reis Francisco Manuel da
Silva Oneto Nunes Humberto Miguel dos Santos
Martins Jean-Yves Dominique Durand Joao Pedro
Galhano Alves Jorge Filipe de Sousa Varanda
Preces Ferreira Jorge Narciso Ferreira Oliveira
Crespo José Filipe Pinheiro Chagas Verde Luís
Carlos Cirilo da Silva Pereira Luís Fernando
Gomes da Silva Quintais Luis Manuel de Jesus
Cunha Manuela Ivone Paredes Pereira da Cunha
Margarida Maria de Menezes Ferreira Miranda
Fernandes Maria Inês Pinto Fonseca Paula
Cristina Antunes Godinho Raúl Angel Iturra
Redondo Robert Lewis Rowland Sónia Patrícia
Vicente Pereira da Silva Susana Soares Branco
Other Researchers in the Group (Ph.D. Only)
5 Ana Claudia Duarte Rocha Marques Cristiana
Lage David Bastos Darlinda Maria Pacheco
Moreira Jorge Luiz Mattar Villela Kimberley Jane
Hockings Assistant Researchers in the Group
(non Ph.D.) 39 Alexandre António Frutuoso
Abaladas Alexandre Manuel Alves Dinis de
Carvalho Costa Alexandre Reis de Aboim Inglez
Ana Clara Rodrigues Guerra Marques Ana Cristina
Pereira Martins Ana Maria de Jesus Levy Aires
Ana Maria Lopes Duarte Baptista Pereira Ana
Paula Proença Borges Ana Sofia Santos Costa
Ângela Maria dos Santos Miranda Cardoso António
Manuel Perestrelo Correia de Matos Carlos
António Simões Rodrigues Robalo Eduardo José
Paulo Araújo Filipa Real Correia Piecho
Francisca ALves CArdoso Gonçalo Lopes Praça
Joana da Nóbrega Moita Quelhas Ribeiro Joana
Vaz de Sousa João Conceição Tavares José
António Baião Gato José Manuel Fraga Mapril
Gonçalves Júlio Flávio da Silva Ferreira Luis
Ricardo Manuel Mora

Manuel Teles Grilo da Graça Dias Maria Dulce
Dias Antunes Simões Maria Elisabete das Neves
Martins Maria Helena Alcalde Gonçalves Marques
Maria Manuel Correia de Lemos Quintela Michel
Gustave Joseph Binet Mylène Hernandez Patricia
Cruz Azevedo Silva Pedro Manuel Silva Sena
Ricardo de Seiça Alves Salgado Rita Sofia
Cortes Caldeira Castel Branco Rui Fernando
Almeida Simões Rui Miguel Moutinho Sá Sandra
Isabel de Oliveira Xavier Pereira Sónia Sofia de
Sousa Alves Ferreira Tiago Manuel de Matos Silva
Research groups
CRIAs Near Future Activities (1)
  • On-line Library of Anthropology, makes available
    on line the library catalogues of CEAS,
    Anthropology Department of Nova, CEMME, CEEP,
    Coimbra and University of Minho). This common
    structure (inter-universities and inter-research
    groups) both sustains and expresses the new
    unitary functioning of CRIA.
  • website about the Azorean Diaspora (João leal and
    Miguel Moniz) (CRIA/UMass Dartmouth, University
    of British Columbia, UFSC (Santa Catarina),
    Pontificia Universidade de Porto Alegre).

CRIAs Near Future Activities (2)
  • Lectures
  • Rafael Bastos October 2007
  • Leila ALgranti October 2007
  • Adriana Piscitelli November 2007
  • Abdellah Hammoudi February 2008
  • Organization of international conferences
  • Conference on Portuguese anthropology at the
    department of Anthropology at the University of
    California Berkeley 2008
  • Congress FIMAM (Forum of researchers on the
    Arabic and Muslim world) FSCH-UNL. 2008
  • Animal baiting "Tradition" and the new
    human-animal relationship 2008
  • Diffusion. approches anciennes, problèmes
    contemporains. CRIA/Idemec, Aix-en-Provence2009

FCT Science CompromiseScience 2007
  • The former FCT UID (CEAS and CEMME) have been
    selected to hire 4 senior Research Fellows for
    the next 5 years in strategic areas of scientific
    development in anthropology and in Portuguese
    social policies.
  • - 2 PhD for the area of Health and migration
  • - 1 PhD for the area of Tourism and heritage
  • - 1 PhD for Migration processes

Future Projectos
  • New projects applications will be launched in
    future call for projects both at a national and
    international level in order to develop research
    in the main thematic areas defined by the
    scientific board of CRIA. This will join together
    research fellows and postdoctoral researchers in
    deeper collaboration and in the constitution of
    dense critical mass on each different thematic
  • CRIAs application for the organization of the
    10th SIEF Conference, 2012. "Europe and Beyond.
    Bringing Together Ethnology and Anthropology"
    (tentative title), which aims to foster a
    dialogue between the European Ethnology tradition
    and the mainstream of European Cultural and
    Social Anthropology.

CRIAs Added value
  • CRIA presents an innovative institutional
  • Its inception required an unprecedented level of
    cooperation between former university research
    units. Instead of a unilateral takeover by the
    biggest, these former research centers were all
    able to merge into a new unit on an equal basis,
    regardless of their respective weight, and
    renounced to their former institutional existence
    and identity.
  • We aim at overcoming parochialism and created a
    dynamic relationship which is more productive
    than the sum of its previous parts.
  • Above all, the resulting critical mass and the
    overall density of researchers mean a change of
    scale, without loosing the specific micro
    ethnographic perspective that defines
    anthropology, which will enable CRIA to stand as
    a more competitive center at the international
    research arena.
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