Title: ict in education
1Fengchun MIAO ICT in Education Unit UNESCO
Enabling Teachers Successful Use of ICT
Asia-Pacific Networking Among Teacher Education
2The potentials of ICTs for education UNESCOs
As a delivery medium for EFA
As a pedagogy-enabling tool
Within overall education system for the education
As a edu. management tool
As a subject for ICT literacy
3Six Realities of ICT for Teachers in Asia and
Pacific Region
1. ICTs equipped in political showrooms, no rooms
to show real impact 2. ICTs over-used by students
outside schools, but under-used by teachers in
classrooms 3. Teachers grown from non-information
society, students born as ICT Natives
4Six Realities of ICT for Teachers in Asia and
Pacific Region
Teacher Educators
4. Teachers are lack of ICT competency, teacher
educators not better individual capacity is
insufficient, institutional capacity not better
Pre-service Teachers
5. Teachers prepared by teacher centered
approach, asked to teach with student centered
pedagogy 6. Student-centered is labeled as
trademark of teacher-centered instruction, not
being used as marks to trade students
5Challenge ICTs radicalize pedagogy innovation
- ICTs heavily added values to3Cs of students
Learning content enriched to multiple sources,
communication extended among them and beyond,
and individuals become online or face-to-face
community - Fulcrum of pedagogy needs to shift from teachers
center to student center to gain a new balance
and harness the full potential of ICT for
Learning Community
Content Sources
6Opportunity ICTs enable the pedagogy innovation
- Teachers can innovate pedagogy by ICT-enabled
3Cs - Enrich content by searching engines, facilitate
knowledge understanding by multimedia
computation tools, and manage learning content by
LMS. - Join and facilitate communication with students
- Organize meaningful collaboration in learning
Content Sources
Learning Community
7Pedagogy innovation of using ICT is a continuum
from using ICT to reinforce existing teaching
project based collaborative learning
practice management
ICT-supported group discussion
behavior organization
ICT for learning management
content storage
individual fact memorization
knowledge application
knowledge understanding
information presentation
ICT-based learning activity
ICT for content
8Two pitfalls in pedagogy innovation
- Disregard use of ICT for traditional pedagogy
Subject specific contents are indispensable
building blocks of project based learning
activities - Gap between the espoused pedagogy and the
pedagogy-in-use Self labeling teacher-centered
activities as student-centered ones risks
aggravating teachers pedagogy development
9UNESCO Bangkoks Work Enabling the successful
use of ICT
- Standard setter
- Capacity builder
- Clearing house
- Promoter of international cooperation
10Overall Goal of ICT in Education Programme
UNESCO Bangkok
Assisting member states in harnessing the
potential of ICT towards achieving quality
education for all goal in the Asia-Pacific region
11Focus areas of ICT in education programme of
UNESCO Bangkok
- 6 focus areas policy, teacher training,
teaching and learning, non-formal education,
monitoring measuring, research knowledge
sharing. - 2 emerging areas ICT in Higher Education, and
ICT as a Subject Area
12Next Generation of Teachers Project
Institutional capacity building for TEIs
- Asia-Pacific Networking among teacher education
institutions (TEIs)
- Overall goal Build institutional capacity of in
designing and providing training program on
ICT-pedagogy integration for pre-service teachers.
13Asia-Pacific Networking among TEIs
I. Ecological system of teacher training for
pre-service teachers
Deans Forums
Curriculum Development Workshops
Capacity-Building Workshops for Instructors
14Asia-Pacific Networking among TEIs
II. Pedagogy before technology National
Workshops on ICT-pedagogy Integration for 12
Specializing in the use of ICT
Creating innovative open and free learning
Understanding how and when to use ICT
Facilitate learning using multi-modal instruction
Learning how to use ICT in subject teaching
Enhancing traditional teaching
Becoming aware of ICT
Applying productivity tools
(a) Stages of ICT usages
(b) Pedagogical Usages of ICT
15Asia-Pacific Networking among TEIs
III. Engaging the institutional leaders Network
of Deans 3 Deans Forums covering over 150 deans
of TEIs the 4th 29-30 June, 2009.
16Asia-Pacific Networking among TEIs
- IV. Peers are the long-term trainers
- 2 Peer Coaching workshops for 60 teacher
educators - 3 Regional Innovative Teachers Conferences
brought together over 400 master teachers ICT
for Heritage Education ICT for ESD ICT for
Multi-cultural Education
17Asia-Pacific Networking among TEIs
V. Tackling the difficulty TEIs can not
afford 10 national workshops on essential IT
networking technology for over 80 master teacher
18Asia-Pacific Networking among TEIs
VI. Transforming the training content
ICT-related curriculum development reform
19The Scaling-up Strategies of Next-Gen Project for
20The main project activities of Next-Gen project
for institutionalization
21Thank you
fc.miao_at_unescobkk.org www.unescobkk.org/education/
ict www.unescobkk.org/forum/education/ict