Use of ICT in Teacher Education - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Use of ICT in Teacher Education


How to use ICT in teacher Education – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Use of ICT in Teacher Education

Use of ict in Teacher Education
  • Dr. Jagannath K. Dange
  • Department of Education
  • Kuvempu University
  • Shankaraghatta
  • Dist Shimoga,
  • Karnataka
  • http//

  • The National Knowledge Commission (NKC) has
    observed that teachers are the single most
    important element of the education system and the
    country is already facing a severe shortage of
    qualified and motivated teachers at different
  • The training of teachers is a major area of
    concern at present as both pre-service and
    in-service training of teachers are extremely
    inadequate and poorly managed in most states.
  • Pre-service training needs to be improved and
    differently regulated both in public and private

  • Pre-service training needs to be improved and
    differently regulated both in public and private
    institutions, NCTFE 2009 emphasised ICT in
    schooling as well as e-learning became centre
    stage in the frame work.
  • ICT has become an integral part of todays
    teaching learning process.
  • Countries across the world are using ICT in
    facilitating information dissemination and
    communication in all areas of education and
  • Effective use of technology can motivate
    students, make our classes more dynamic and
    interesting, and renew teacher enthusiasm as they
    learn new skills and techniques. Technology is
    also helping the students to understand any
    abstract concepts clearly.

  • The integration of ICTs in teaching in general
    and teacher education in particular is the need
    of the day. The use of ICTs can make substantial
    changes both for teaching and training mainly in
    two ways.
  • Firstly, the rich representation of information
    changes learners perception and understanding of
    the context.
  • Secondly, the vast distribution and easy access
    to information can change relationships between
    teachers and taught. ICTs can also provide
    powerful support for educational innovation.

Teacher Education Reform Context and Concerns
  • Time is not sufficient most of the teacher
    educators felt that comprehensive Experiences
    cant be given in the one year duration of
    teacher training course and was very difficult to
    imbibe skills and aptitude. It was also opined
    there was a mismatch between the training student
    teachers get in the colleges with the real
    teaching Experience they had in the regular
  • On supportive to the above statements the
    Honourable Justice Verma committee proposed to
    have 2 years B.Ed. course and NCTE has suggested
    to have the Blend of technology (ICT) with all
    subjects and Experiences of training.

  • Why do we need ICT?
  • The face of classroom is changing. The teachers
    should prepare to keep up with technology utility
    in the classroom. ICT is not only an essential
    tool for teachers in their day to day work, but
    also offers them opportunities for their own
    professional development.
  • In conventional teaching most of the time is
    consumed for the input output and less time left
    for the process. But in teaching with ICT the
    input and output time is reduced and process time
    is increased. When the process time is increased,
    time of students activities, discussion,
    correlation with other subjects, brainstorming
    and learning etc will increase.

Approaches of ICT
  • approaches to ICT which can be used in the
  • 1.Integrated approach This aims at planning the
    use of ICT within the subject to enhance
    particular concepts and skills and improve
    pupils achievement. This involves, Selecting the
    suitable ICT resources which will contribute to
    the aims and objectives of the curriculum.
  • 2.Enhancement Approach this focus on the use of
    an ICT resource will enhance the existing subject
    matter through some aspects of the lessons and
    tasks. Eg. Using an electronic whiteboard for
    presenting a theory about a topic.
  • 3.Complementary approach This aims at using an
    ICT resource to empower the students learning,
    Eg. By enabling them to improve their class work
    by taking notes on the computer or by sending
    home work by email to the teacher from home.

  • To effectively harness the power of the new
    information and communication technologies (ICTs)
    to improve learning, the following essential
    conditions must be met
  • Students and teachers must have sufficient access
    to digital technologies and the Internet in their
    classrooms, schools, and teacher education
  • High quality, meaningful, and culturally
    responsive digital content must be available for
    teachers and learners.
  • Teachers must have the knowledge and skills to
    use the new digital tools and resources to help
    all students achieve high academic standards.

Phases for implementing ICT in the classroom
  • 1. ICT literacy
  • 2.The effective and efficient use of ICT hardware
    and software for teaching learning activities.
  • 3. Pedagogy based ICT use(Integration of ICT in
    subject content, teaching, online support,
    networking and management)
  • 4. Adopt best innovative practices in the use of

  • ICT and e-learning Explosive upcoming of ICT
  • Computers, Networks Internet and the Web, mobile
    phone, tablets,
  • E-learning, and on-line learning.
  • Lesson plan-correction- mail,
  • Discussion groups,
  • Blogs-creation and discussion, Guidance.
  • Website-create and post important events-test,
    scores and programs,
  • Internet-Google free Books, articles, reports,
    theses, projects.
  • Google videos- learning theories, discussions,
    conference discourses.
  • Micro teaching skills- record and make
  • Mobile phone-SMS-free,
    whatsapp,, telegram
  • Facebook, Tweeter
  • Radio and TV lessons
  • E-gyankosh, e-content repositories.
  • IGNOU-content, NCERT, NCTE, UGC, DSERT- websites.
  • Virtual classroom, smartboards-whiteboards

  • MOOCs (Massive Open online Courses)
  • MOOCs are recent development that is reshaping
    the trend of higher education on the web. It
    represents an emerging methodology of online
    teaching, based on the philosophy of
    connectivism. Massive refers to the large
    number of students can be engaged in online
    course, and its Openness is associated with
    software used registration to anyone who has
    access to web, open curriculum, learning
    resources and evaluation.
  • MOOC providers USA (Coursera, EdX, Udacity),
    Ireland(ALISON), Germany(iversity), Australia
    open2study), Japan(schoo), FutureLearn, open
    courseware, OpenUpEd, KHANACADEMY, educa,, MOOC2DEGREE, NovoED, Canvas network,
    Neodemia, World Education University(WEU),
    Stanford Online, Eliedemy, EURODL,CLASS CENTRAL,
    edSurge, EFQUEL, Commonwealth of Learning,
    Minglebox, Swayam etc

  • E-journals www.e-journals,org/ ,
  • Open education Resources for Teacher Educators,
    Teachers and Learners
  • Geogebra, Google Earth, Hot potato, C-map,
    R-campus, Mahara, Moodle and wiki-spaces,
    classroom-2.0, Visual field trips, statistical
    tools and web conferencing.
  • Reduce the hard work make to work smartly.
  • What we require is teacher with blend of
    education principles, educational software. -
    Computer teacher at B.ED. Colleges.

  • Own Experiences
  • Effectiveness of mobile learning approach in the
    development of Teaching skills, vocabulary and
    mobile phone usage among student teachers.
  • The research was carried out to find the
    effectiveness of learning through mobile phones
    in teacher training institutes first time in
    India, funded by University Grants Commission.
  • Experimental method was used.

(No Transcript)
  • Being a member of curriculum development
    committee constituted by Higher Education council
    of Karnataka.
  • Developed curriculum for two year B.Ed. course of
    Karnataka state, maintaining the blend of
    technology with all subjects.
  • The two samples of courses prepared are as

  • Perceptions of Educational Technology
  • Learning Activities
  • 1. Visit websites (Khans academy, E-Gyankosh,
    Shodhaganga, NCTE, NCERT, DSERT, UGC) Collecting
    Documents like Polices, plans, statistics,
    scholarships, issue and trends and writing
  • 2. Free website development and usage (
  • 3. Recording- Audio/Video lectures discussions,
    and presentations etc, editing and writing report
    on procedures.
  • 4. CAI- Development and reporting
  • 5. Mobile learning- related activities like use
    of blue tooth, SMS, MMS and other features.
  • 6. Blog- development and related activities
  • 7. Login in to You tube-download and upload.
  • 8. Writing a report on TV Lessons and
  • 9. Writing a report on Radio lessons and
  • 10. List out the content related different
    learning experiences

  • Course for lab work ICT
  • Activities
  • 1. Prepare the printed teaching materials using
    the MS-Word (In any subject -Any unit to be
    selected, in any language).Use of self-learning
    materials for the anyone unit by using ICT.
  • 2. Prepare the result sheet in MS-Excel showing
    the subject wise marks, total marks, percentage
    Rank, pass or fail, Graphical presentation
  • 3. Preparation of PPT slides (at least 10) for
    classroom usage.
  • 4. Create an e-mail-id and google account and
    exchange learning related information.
  • 5. Downloading Anti-virus software through
    internet and installing to the system.
  • 6. Browse the search engines and download the
    relevant materials /information.
  • 7. Prepare a list of Educational websites,
    Reference Books, Research papers etc that are
    useful in Education.
  • 8. Prepare the submission of core papers with the
    help of ICT. (Anyone Topic from Anyone Subject)
  • 9. Survey of educational sites based in India
  • 10. Use of available software or CDs with LCD
    projection for subject learning interactions

  • 11. Generating subject-related demonstrations
    using computer software
  • 12. Enabling students to plan and execute
    projects (using computer based research)
  • 13. Interactive use of ICT Participation in
    Yahoo groups, creation of 'blogs', etc
  • 14. Collection of e-resources and Reporting.
    (Text-Books, Articles, Reports, Theses Audio and
    Video Files related to educational technology)
  • 15. Critical review of UNESCO ICT Competency
    standards for Teachers-2008
  • 16. Write a report on INSAT programs.
  • 17. Developing Educational blog in
  • 18. Develop the news groups and report.
  • 19. Creating an Account in Teacher
    tube/slideshare and sharing your

(No Transcript)
Technology use for teachers and students
  • Encourage contacts between students and teachers
    especially those students who were unwilling to
    speak out in face to face classroom settings.
  • Develop reciprocity and co-operation among
    students for the benefit of peer learning.
  • Active learning techniques make learners active.
  • Give necessary prompt feedback.
  • Emphasize time on task.
  • Communicate high expectations.
  • Respect diverse talents and ways of learning.

  • The Stanford centre for innovations in
    learning(SCIL) Effective teacher includes being
  • Concerned
  • Committed
  • Creative
  • Competent
  • An educational system can be as good as its
  • Who is a teacher?
  • One who dares to teach and never cease to learn

Thank You
Dr. Jagannath K. Dange Department of
Education Kuvempu University Shankaraghatta Dist
Shimoga, Karnataka http//jkda
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