Title: Invasive Species in the United States
1Invasive Species in the United States
- Native Species
- - A species that historically (prior to human
trade) has occurred or currently occurs in the
ecosystem - Non-Native Species
- - A species that does not naturally inhabit the
ecosystem where it is found - Invasive Species
- - A non-native species that whose introduction
is likely to cause ecologic and possibly
economic harm
3Economic and Ecologic Impacts of Invasive Species
- Estimated to cost the United States over 100
billion dollars a year - Nine out of 21 of the most endangered ecosystems
in the U.S. are significantly impacted by exotic
invasions. - Have an impact on almost half of the species
currently listed as Threatened or Endangered
under the Endangered Species Act.
4Invasive Animals
African Honeybee
Zebra Mussels
Cane Toad
5Invasive Plants
Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius)
Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)
Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum Salicaria)
6What is being done?
- National Level
- Executive Order 13112
- Federal Noxious Weed List and Regulated Pest
List - Congressional Bills
- Regional Level
- Great Lakes United
- Individual State Laws and Regulation
- Local Level
- - Grass Roots Operations
Info on Purple Loosestrife http//www.ecy.wa.gov/
PROGRAMS/wq/plants/weeds/aqua009.html Info on
Zebra Mussels http//www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Commun
ications/greatlakes/GLnetwork/exotics.html Info
on Great Lakes United http//www.glu.org/english/
index.htm All other info found at
http//www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/ All
images Title image James R. Allison, Georgia
Department of Natural Resources,
Bugwood.org Yellow Thistle Utah State University
Archive, Utah State University, Bugwood.org
Garlic Mustard Chris Evans, River to River
CWMA, Bugwood.org Purple Loosestrife
a2_003_ahp.tif Scot Broom http//www.moplants.com
g Cane Toad http//fireflyforest.net/images/firef
ly/2006/July/cane-toad-4.jpg Zebra Mussel  Lubo
R. Kolouch, , Bugwood.org African Honeybee