Optimization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Optimization Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pelin G nde gundesbakir_at_yahoo.com – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Optimization

  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pelin Gündes
  • gundesbakir_at_yahoo.com

  • Basic Information
  • Instructor Assoc. Professor Pelin Gundes
  • E-mail gundesbakir_at_yahoo.com
  • Office Hours TBD by email appointment
  • Website http//atlas.cc.itu.edu.tr/gundes/teachi
  • Lecture Time Wednesday 1300 - 1600
  • Lecture Venue M 2180

Optimization literature
  • Textbooks
  • Nocedal J. and Wright S.J., Numerical
    Optimization, Springer Series in Operations
    Research, Springer, 636 pp, 1999.
  • Spall J.C., Introduction to Stochastic Search and
    Optimization, Estimation, Simulation and Control,
    Wiley, 595 pp, 2003.
  • Chong E.K.P. and Zak S.H., An Introduction to
    Optimization, Second Edition, John Wiley Sons,
    New York, 476 pp, 2001.
  • Rao S.S., Engineering Optimization - Theory and
    Practice, John Wiley Sons, New York, 903 pp,
  • Gill P.E., Murray W. and Wright M.H., Practical
    Optimization, Elsevier, 401 pp., 2004.
  • Goldberg D.E., Genetic Algorithms in Search,
    Optimization and Machine Learning, Addison
    Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1989.
  • S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization,
    Cambridge University Press, 2004.(available at

Optimization literature
  • Journals
  • Engineering Optimization
  • ASME Journal of Mechnical Design
  • AIAA Journal
  • ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering
  • Computers and Structures
  • International Journal for Numerical Methods in
  • Structural Optimization
  • Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
  • Computers and Operations Research
  • Operations Research and Management Science

  • Course Schedule
  • Introduction to Optimization
  • Classical Optimization Techniques
  • Linear programming and the Simplex method
  • Nonlinear programming-One Dimensional
    Minimization Methods
  • Nonlinear programming-Unconstrained Optimization
  • Nonlinear programming-Constrained Optimization
  • Global Optimization Methods-Genetic algorithms
  • Global Optimization Methods-Simulated Annealing
  • Global Optimization Methods- Coupled Local

  • Course Prerequisite
  • Familiarity with MATLAB, if you are not familiar
    with MATLAB, please visit
  • http//www.ece.ust.hk/palomar/cours
  • http//www.ece.ust.hk/palomar/cours

  • 70 attendance is required!
  • Grading
  • Homeworks 15
  • Mid-term projects 40
  • Final Project 45

  • There will also be lab sessions for MATLAB

1. Introduction
  • Optimization is the act of obtaining the best
    result under given circumstances.
  • Optimization can be defined as the process of
    finding the conditions that give the maximum or
    minimum of a function.
  • The optimum seeking methods are also known as
    mathematical programming techniques and are
    generally studied as a part of operations
  • Operations research is a branch of mathematics
    concerned with the application of scientific
    methods and techniques to decision making
    problems and with establishing the best or
    optimal solutions.

1. Introduction
  • Operations research (in the UK) or operational
    research (OR) (in the US) or yöneylem arastirmasi
    (in Turkish) is an interdisciplinary branch of
    mathematics which uses methods like
  • mathematical modeling
  • statistics
  • algorithms to arrive at optimal or good decisions
    in complex problems which are concerned with
    optimizing the maxima (profit, faster assembly
    line, greater crop yield, higher bandwidth, etc)
    or minima (cost loss, lowering of risk, etc) of
    some objective function.
  • The eventual intention behind using operations
    research is to elicit a best possible solution to
    a problem mathematically, which improves or
    optimizes the performance of the system.

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
  • Historical development
  • Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
  • (The development of differential calculus
  • methods of optimization)
  • Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813)
  • (Calculus of variations, minimization of
  • method of optimization for constrained
  • Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789-1857)
  • (Solution by direct substitution, steepest
  • descent method for unconstrained

1. Introduction
  • Historical development
  • Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)
  • (Calculus of variations, minimization of
  • functionals)
  • Gottfried Leibnitz (1646-1716)
  • (Differential calculus methods
  • of optimization)

1. Introduction
  • Historical development
  • George Bernard Dantzig (1914-2005)
  • (Linear programming and Simplex method
  • Richard Bellman (1920-1984)
  • (Principle of optimality in dynamic
  • programming problems)
  • Harold William Kuhn (1925-)
  • (Necessary and sufficient conditions for the
    optimal solution of programming problems, game

1. Introduction
  • Historical development
  • Albert William Tucker (1905-1995)
  • (Necessary and sufficient conditions
  • for the optimal solution of programming
  • problems, nonlinear programming, game
  • theory his PhD student
  • was John Nash)
  • Von Neumann (1903-1957)
  • (game theory)

1. Introduction
  • Mathematical optimization problem
  • f0 Rn R objective function
  • x(x1,..,xn) design variables (unknowns of the
    problem, they must be linearly independent)
  • gi Rn R (i1,,m) inequality constraints
  • The problem is a constrained optimization problem

1. Introduction
  • If a point x corresponds to the minimum value of
    the function f (x), the same point also
    corresponds to the maximum value of the negative
    of the function, -f (x). Thus optimization can be
    taken to mean minimization since the maximum of a
    function can be found by seeking the minimum of
    the negative of the same function.

1. Introduction
  • Constraints
  • Behaviour constraints Constraints that represent
    limitations on the behaviour or performance of
    the system are termed behaviour or functional
  • Side constraints Constraints that represent
    physical limitations on design variables such as
    manufacturing limitations.

1. Introduction
  • Constraint Surface
  • For illustration purposes, consider an
    optimization problem with only inequality
    constraints gj (X) ? 0. The set of values of X
    that satisfy the equation gj (X) 0 forms a
    hypersurface in the design space and is called a
    constraint surface.

1. Introduction
  • Constraint Surface
  • Note that this is a (n-1) dimensional subspace,
    where n is the number of design variables. The
    constraint surface divides the design space into
    two regions one in which gj (X) ? 0and the other
    in which gj (X) ?0.

1. Introduction
  • Constraint Surface
  • Thus the points lying on the hypersurface will
    satisfy the constraint
  • gj (X) critically whereas the points lying
    in the region where gj (X) gt0 are infeasible or
    unacceptable, and the points lying in the region
    where gj (X) lt 0 are feasible or acceptable.

1. Introduction
  • Constraint Surface
  • In the below figure, a hypothetical two
    dimensional design space is depicted where the
    infeasible region is indicated by hatched lines.
    A design point that lies on one or more than one
    constraint surface is called a bound point, and
    the associated constraint is called an active

1. Introduction
  • Constraint Surface
  • Design points that do not lie on any constraint
    surface are known as free points.

1. Introduction
  • Constraint Surface
  • Depending on whether a particular design
    point belongs to the acceptable or unacceptable
    regions, it can be identified as one of the
    following four types
  • Free and acceptable point
  • Free and unacceptable point
  • Bound and acceptable point
  • Bound and unacceptable point

1. Introduction
  • The conventional design procedures aim at finding
    an acceptable or adequate design which merely
    satisfies the functional and other requirements
    of the problem.
  • In general, there will be more than one
    acceptable design, and the purpose of
    optimization is to choose the best one of the
    many acceptable designs available.
  • Thus a criterion has to be chosen for comparing
    the different alternative acceptable designs and
    for selecting the best one.
  • The criterion with respect to which the design is
    optimized, when expressed as a function of the
    design variables, is known as the objective

1. Introduction
  • In civil engineering, the objective is usually
    taken as the minimization of the cost.
  • In mechanical engineering, the maximization of
    the mechanical efficiency is the obvious choice
    of an objective function.
  • In aerospace structural design problems, the
    objective function for minimization is generally
    taken as weight.
  • In some situations, there may be more than one
    criterion to be satisfied simultaneously. An
    optimization problem involving multiple objective
    functions is known as a multiobjective
    programming problem.

1. Introduction
  • With multiple objectives there arises a
    possibility of conflict, and one simple way to
    handle the problem is to construct an overall
    objective function as a linear combination of the
    conflicting multiple objective functions.
  • Thus, if f1 (X) and f2 (X) denote two objective
    functions, construct a new (overall) objective
    function for optimization as
  • where ?1 and ?2 are constants whose values
    indicate the relative importance of one objective
    function to the other.

1. Introduction
  • The locus of all points satisfying f (X) c
    constant forms a hypersurface in the design
    space, and for each value of c there corresponds
    a different member of a family of surfaces. These
    surfaces, called objective function surfaces, are
    shown in a hypothetical two-dimensional design
    space in the figure below.

1. Introduction
  • Once the objective function surfaces are drawn
    along with the constraint surfaces, the optimum
    point can be determined without much difficulty.
  • But the main problem is that as the number of
    design variables exceeds two or three, the
    constraint and objective function surfaces become
    complex even for visualization and the problem
    has to be solved purely as a mathematical problem.

  • Example
  • Design a uniform column of tubular section
    to carry a compressive load P2500 kgf for
    minimum cost. The column is made up of a material
    that has a yield stress of 500 kgf/cm2, modulus
    of elasticity (E) of 0.85e6 kgf/cm2, and density
    (?) of 0.0025 kgf/cm3. The length of the column
    is 250 cm. The stress induced in this column
    should be less than the buckling stress as well
    as the yield stress. The mean diameter of the
    column is restricted to lie between 2 and 14 cm,
    and columns with thicknesses outside the range
    0.2 to 0.8 cm are not available in the market.
    The cost of the column includes material and
    construction costs and can be taken as 5W 2d,
    where W is the weight in kilograms force and d is
    the mean diameter of the column in centimeters.

  • Example
  • The design variables are the mean diameter
    (d) and tube thickness (t)
  • The objective function to be minimized is
    given by

  • The behaviour constraints can be expressed as
  • stress induced yield stress
  • stress induced buckling stress
  • The induced stress is given by

  • The buckling stress for a pin connected column
    is given by
  • where I is the second moment of area of
    the cross section of the
    column given by

  • Thus, the behaviour constraints can be
    restated as
  • The side constraints are given by

  • The side constraints can be expressed in
    standard form as

  • For a graphical solution, the constraint surfaces
    are to be plotted in a two dimensional design
    space where the two axes represent the two design
    variables x1 and x2. To plot the first constraint
    surface, we have
  • Thus the curve x1x21.593 represents the
    constraint surface g1(X)0. This curve can be
    plotted by finding several points on the curve.
    The points on the curve can be found by giving a
    series of values to x1 and finding the
    corresponding values of x2 that satisfy the
    relation x1x21.593 as shown in the Table below

x1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
x2 0.7965 0.3983 0.2655 0.199 0.1593 0.1328 0.114
  • The infeasible region represented by g1(X)gt0 or
    x1x2lt 1.593 is shown by hatched lines. These
    points are plotted and a curve P1Q1 passing
    through all these points is drawn as shown

  • Similarly the second constraint g2(X) lt 0 can be
    expressed as
  • The points lying on the constraint surface g2
    (X)0 can be obtained as follows (These points
    are plotted as Curve P2Q2

x1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
x2 2.41 0.716 0.219 0.0926 0.0473 0.0274 0.0172
  • The plotting of side constraints is simple since
    they represent straight lines.
  • After plotting all the six constraints, the
    feasible region is determined as the bounded area

  • Next, the contours of the objective function are
    to be plotted before finding the optimum point.
    For this, we plot the curves given by
  • for a series of values of c. By giving
    different values to c, the contours of f can be
    plotted with the help of the following points.

  • For
  • For
  • For
  • For

x2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
x1 16.77 12.62 10.10 8.44 7.24 6.33 5.64
x2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
x1 13.40 10.10 8.08 6.75 5.79 5.06 4.51
x2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
x1 10.57 7.96 6.38 5.33 4.57 4 3.56
x2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
x1 8.88 6.69 5.36 4.48 3.84 3.36 2.99
  • These contours are shown in the figure below and
    it can be seen that the objective function can
    not be reduced below a value of 26.53
    (corresponding to point B) without violating some
    of the constraints. Thus, the optimum solution is
    given by point B with dx15.44 cm and
    tx20.293 cm with fmin26.53.

  • Design of civil engineering structures
  • variables width and height of member
  • constraints limit stresses, maximum and minimum
  • objective minimum cost or minimum weight
  • Analysis of statistical data and building
    empirical models from measurements
  • variables model parameters
  • Constraints physical upper and lower bounds for
    model parameters
  • Objective prediction error

Classification of optimization problems
  • Classification based on
  • Constraints
  • Constrained optimization problem
  • Unconstrained optimization problem
  • Nature of the design variables
  • Static optimization problems
  • Dynamic optimization problems

Classification of optimization problems
  • Classification based on
  • Physical structure of the problem
  • Optimal control problems
  • Non-optimal control problems
  • Nature of the equations involved
  • Nonlinear programming problem
  • Geometric programming problem
  • Quadratic programming problem
  • Linear programming problem

Classification of optimization problems
  • Classification based on
  • Permissable values of the design variables
  • Integer programming problems
  • Real valued programming problems
  • Deterministic nature of the variables
  • Stochastic programming problem
  • Deterministic programming problem

Classification of optimization problems
  • Classification based on
  • Separability of the functions
  • Separable programming problems
  • Non-separable programming problems
  • Number of the objective functions
  • Single objective programming problem
  • Multiobjective programming problem

Geometric Programming
  • A geometric programming problem (GMP) is one in
    which the objective function and constraints are
    expressed as posynomials in X.

(No Transcript)
Quadratic Programming Problem
  • A quadratic programming problem is a nonlinear
    programming problem with a quadratic objective
    function and linear constraints. It is usually
    formulated as follows
  • subject to
  • where c, qi,Qij, aij, and bj are constants.

Optimal Control Problem
  • An optimal control (OC) problem is a mathematical
    programming problem involving a number of stages,
    where each stage evolves from the preceding stage
    in a prescribed manner.
  • It is usually described by two types of
    variables the control (design) and the state
    variables. The control variables define the
    system and govern the evolution of the system
    from one stage to the next, and the state
    variables describe the behaviour or status of the
    system in any stage.

Optimal Control Problem
  • The problem is to find a set of control or design
    variables such that the total objective function
    (also known as the performance index) over all
    stages is minimized subject to a set of
    constraints on the control and state variables.
  • An OC problem can be stated as follows
  • Find X which minimizes
  • subject to the constraints
  • where xi is the ith control variable, yi is
    the ith control variable, and fi is the
    contribution of the ith stage to the total
    objective function gj, hk and qi are functions
    of xj, yk and xi and yi, respectively, and l is
    the total number of stages.

Integer Programming Problem
  • If some or all of the design variables
    x1,x2,..,xn of an optimization problem are
    restricted to take on only integer (or discrete)
    values, the problem is called an integer
    programming problem.
  • If all the design variables are permitted to take
    any real value, the optimization problem is
    called a real-valued programming problem.

Stochastic Programming Problem
  • A stochastic programming problem is an
    optimization problem in which some or all of the
    parameters (design variables and/or preassigned
    parameters) are probabilistic (nondeterministic
    or stochastic).
  • In other words, stochastic programming deals with
    the solution of the optimization problems in
    which some of the variables are described by
    probability distributions.

Separable Programming Problem
  • A function f (x) is said to be separable if it
    can be expressed as the sum of n single variable
    functions, f1(x1), f2(x2),.,fn(xn), that is,
  • A separable programming problem is one in which
    the objective function and the constraints are
    separable and can be expressed in standard form
  • Find X which minimizes
  • subject to
  • where bj is constant.

Multiobjective Programming Problem
  • A multiobjective programming problem can be
    stated as follows
  • Find X which minimizes f1 (X), f2 (X),., fk
  • subject to
  • where f1 , f2,., fk denote the objective
    functions to be minimized simultaneously.

Review of mathematics
  • Concepts from linear algebra Positive
  • Test 1 A matrix A will be positive definite if
    all its eigenvalues are positive that is, all
    the values of ? that satisfy the determinental
  • should be positive. Similarly, the matrix A
    will be negative definite if its eigenvalues are

Review of mathematics
  • Positive definiteness
  • Test 2 Another test that can be used to find the
    positive definiteness of a matrix A of order n
    involves evaluation of the determinants
  • The matrix A will be positive definite if and
    only if all the values A1, A2, A3,?An are
  • The matrix A will be negative definite if and
    only if the sign of Aj is (-1)j for j1,2,?,n
  • If some of the Aj are positive and the remaining
    Aj are zero, the matrix A will be positive

Review of mathematics
  • Negative definiteness
  • Equivalently, a matrix is negative-definite if
    all its eigenvalues are negative
  • It is positive-semidefinite if all its
    eigenvalues are all greater than or equal to zero
  • It is negative-semidefinite if all its
    eigenvalues are all less than or equal to zero

Review of mathematics
  • Concepts from linear algebra
  • Nonsingular matrix The determinant of the matrix
    is not zero.
  • Rank The rank of a matrix A is the order of the
    largest nonsingular square submatrix of A, that
    is, the largest submatrix with a determinant
    other than zero.

Review of mathematics
  • Solutions of a linear problem
  • Minimize f(x)cTx
  • Subject to g(x) Axb
  • Side constraints x 0
  • The existence of a solution to this problem
    depends on the rows of A.
  • If the rows of A are linearly independent, then
    there is a unique solution to the system of
  • If det(A) is zero, that is, matrix A is singular,
    there are either no solutions or infinite

Review of mathematics
  • Suppose
  • The new matrix A is called the augmented
    matrix- the columns of b are added to A.
    According to the theorems of linear algebra
  • If the augmented matrix A and the matrix of
    coefficients A have the same rank r which is
    less than the number of design variables n (r lt
    n), then there are many solutions.
  • If the augmented matrix A and the matrix of
    coefficients A do not have the same rank, a
    solution does not exist.
  • If the augmented matrix A and the matrix of
    coefficients A have the same rank rn, where the
    number of constraints is equal to the number of
    design variables, then there is a unique

Review of mathematics
  • In the example
  • The largest square submatrix is a 2 x 2
    matrix (since m 2 and m lt n). Taking the
    submatrix which includes the first two columns of
    A, the determinant has a value of 2 and therefore
    is nonsingular. Thus the rank of A is 2 (r 2).
    The same columns appear in A making its rank
    also 2. Since
  • r lt n, infinitely many solutions exist.

Review of mathematics
  • In the example
  • One way to determine the solutions is to
    assign ( n-r) variables arbitrary values and use
    them to determine values for the remaining r
    variables. The value n-r is often identified as
    the degree of freedom for the system of
  • In this example, the degree of freedom is 1
    (i.e., 3-2). For instance x3 can be assigned a
    value of 1 in which case x10.5 and x21.5

  • What is the solution of the system given
  • Hint Determine the rank of the matrix of the
    coefficients and the augmented matrix.

2. Classical optimization techniques Single
variable optimization
  • Useful in finding the optimum solutions of
    continuous and differentiable functions
  • These methods are analytical and make use of the
    techniques of differential calculus in locating
    the optimum points.
  • Since some of the practical problems involve
    objective functions that are not continuous
    and/or differentiable, the classical optimization
    techniques have limited scope in practical

2. Classicial optimization techniques Single
variable optimization
  • A function of one variable f (x) has a relative
    or local minimum at x x if f (x) f
    (xh) for all sufficiently small positive and
    negative values of h
  • A point x is called a relative or local maximum
    if f (x) f (xh) for all values of h
    sufficiently close to zero.

2. Classicial optimization techniques Single
variable optimization
  • A function f (x) is said to have a global or
    absolute minimum at x if f (x) f (x) for
    all x, and not just for all x close to x, in the
    domain over which f (x) is defined.
  • Similarly, a point x will be a global maximum
    of f (x) if f (x) f (x) for all x in the

Necessary condition
  • If a function f (x) is defined in the interval a
    x b and has a relative minimum at x x,
    where a lt x lt b, and if the derivative df (x) /
    dx f(x) exists as a finite number at x x,
    then f (x)0
  • The theorem does not say that the function
    necessarily will have a minimum or maximum at
    every point where the derivative is zero. e.g. f
    (x)0 at x 0 for the function shown in figure.
    However, this point is neither a minimum nor a
    maximum. In general, a point x at which f(x)0
    is called a stationary point.

Necessary condition
  • The theorem does not say what happens if a
    minimum or a maximum occurs at a point x where
    the derivative fails to exist. For example, in
    the figure
  • depending on whether h approaches zero
    through positive or negative values,
    respectively. Unless the numbers or are
  • equal, the derivative f (x) does not
    exist. If f (x) does not exist, the theorem is
    not applicable.

Sufficient condition
  • Let f(x)f(x)f (n-1)(x)0, but f(n)(x)
    ? 0. Then f(x) is
  • A minimum value of f (x) if f (n)(x) gt 0 and n
    is even
  • A maximum value of f (x) if f (n)(x) lt 0 and n
    is even
  • Neither a minimum nor a maximum if n is odd

  • Determine the maximum and minimum values of the
  • Solution Since f(x)60(x4-3x32x2)60x2(x-1)(x-2
  • f(x)0 at x0,x1, and
  • The second derivative is
  • At x1, f(x)-60 and hence x1 is a relative
    maximum. Therefore,
  • fmax f (x1)
  • At x2, f(x)240 and hence x2 is a relative
    minimum. Therefore,
  • fmin f (x2)

  • Solution contd
  • At x0, f(x)0 and hence we must investigate
    the next derivative.
  • Since at x0, x0 is neither a
    maximum nor a minimum, and it is an inflection

Multivariable optimization with no constraints
  • Definition rth Differential of f
  • If all partial derivatives of the function f
    through order r 1 exist and are continuous at a
    point X, the polynomial
  • is called the rth differential of f at X.

r summations
Multivariable optimization with no constraints
  • Example rth Differential of f
  • when r 2 and n 3, we have

r summations
Multivariable optimization with no constraints
  • Definition rth Differential of f
  • The Taylor series expansion of a function f
    (X) about a point X is given by
  • where the last term, called the remainder is
    given by

  • Find the second order Taylors series
    approximation of the function
  • about the point
  • Solution The second order Taylors series
    approximation of the function f about point
    X is given by

Example contd
  • where

Example contd
  • where

Example contd
  • Thus, the Taylors series approximation is given
  • Where h1x1-1, h2x2, and h3x32

Multivariable optimization with no constraints
  • Necessary condition
  • If f(X) has an extreme point (maximum or
    minimum) at XX and if the first partial
    derivatives of f (X) exist at X, then
  • Sufficient condition
  • A sufficient condition for a stationary point
    X to be an extreme point is that the matrix of
    second partial derivatives (Hessian matrix) of f
    (X) evaluated at X is
  • Positive definite when X is a relative minimum
  • Negative definite when X is a relative maximum

  • Figure shows two frictionless rigid bodies
    (carts) A and B connected by three linear elastic
    springs having spring constants k1, k2, and k3.
    The springs are at their natural positions when
    the applied force P is zero. Find the
    displacements x1 and x2 under the force P by
    using the principle of minimum potential energy.

  • Solution According to the principle of
    minimum potential energy, the system will be in
    equilibrium under the load P if the potential
    energy is a minimum. The potential energy of the
    system is given by
  • Potential energy (U)
  • Strain energy of springs-work done by
    external forces
  • The necessary condition for the minimum of U are

  • Solution contd The sufficiency conditions
    for the minimum at (x1,x2) can also be verified
    by testing the positive definiteness of the
    Hessian matrix of U. The Hessian matrix of U
    evaluated at (x1,x2) is
  • The determinants of the square submatrices
    of J are
  • Since the spring constants are always
    positive. Thus the matrix J is positive definite
    and hence (x1,x2) corresponds to the minimum of
    potential energy.

Semi-definite case
  • The sufficient conditions for the case when
    the Hessian matrix of the given function is
  • In case of a function of a single variable, the
    higher order derivatives in the Taylors series
    expansion are investigated

Semi-definite case
  • The sufficient conditions for a function of
    several variables for the case when the Hessian
    matrix of the given function is semidefinite
  • Let the partial derivatives of f of all orders
    up to the order k 2 be continuous in the
    neighborhood of a stationary point X, and
  • so that dk f XX is the first
    nonvanishing higher-order differential of f at
  • If k is even
  • X is a relative minimum if dk f XX is
    positive definite
  • X is a relative maximum if dk f XX is
    negative definite
  • If dk f XX is semidefinite, no general
    conclusions can be drawn
  • If k is odd, X is not an extreme point of f(X)

Saddle point
  • In the case of a function of two variables f
    (x,y), the Hessian matrix may be neither positive
    nor negative definite at a point (x,y) at which
  • In such a case, the point (x,y) is called
    a saddle point.
  • The characteristic of a saddle point is that it
    corresponds to a relative minimum or maximum of f
    (x,y) wrt one variable, say, x (the other
    variable being fixed at yy ) and a relative
    maximum or minimum of f (x,y) wrt the second
    variable y (the other variable being fixed at

Saddle point
  • Example Consider the function
  • f (x,y)x2-y2. For this function
  • These first derivatives are zero at x 0
    and y 0. The Hessian matrix of f at (x,y) is
    given by
  • Since this matrix is neither positive
    definite nor negative definite, the point ( x0,
    y0) is a saddle point.

Saddle point
  • Example contd
  • It can be seen from the figure that f (x, y)
    f (x, 0) has a relative minimum and f (x, y) f
    (0, y) has a relative maximum at the saddle point
    (x, y).

  • Find the extreme points of the function
  • Solution The necessary conditions for the
    existence of an extreme point are
  • These equations are satisfied at the points
    (0,0), (0,-8/3), (-4/3,0), and (-4/3,-8/3)

  • Solution contd To find the nature of these
    extreme points, we have to use the sufficiency
    conditions. The second order partial derivatives
    of f are given by
  • The Hessian matrix of f is given by

  • Solution contd
  • If J16x14 and
    , the values of J1 and J2 and
  • the nature of the extreme point are as
    given in the next slide

Point X Value of J1 Value of J2 Nature of J Nature of X f (X)
(0,0) 4 32 Positive definite Relative minimum 6
(0,-8/3) 4 -32 Indefinite Saddle point 418/27
(-4/3,0) -4 -32 Indefinite Saddle point 194/27
(-4/3,-8/3) -4 32 Negative definite Relative maximum 50/3
Multivariable optimization with equality
  • Problem statement
  • Minimize f f (X) subject to gj(X)0,
    j1,2,..,m where
  • Here m is less than or equal to n,
    otherwise the problem becomes overdefined and, in
    general, there will be no solution.
  • Solution
  • Solution by direct substitution
  • Solution by the method of constrained variation
  • Solution by the method of Lagrange multipliers

Solution by direct substitution
  • For a problem with n variables and m equality
  • Solve the m equality constraints and express any
    set of m variables in terms of the remaining n-m
  • Substitute these expressions into the original
    objective function, the result is a new objective
    function involving only n-m variables
  • The new objective function is not subjected to
    any constraint, and hence its optimum can be
    found by using the unconstrained optimization

Solution by direct substitution
  • Simple in theory
  • Not convenient from a practical point of view as
    the constraint equations will be nonlinear for
    most of the problems
  • Suitable only for simple problems

  • Find the dimensions of a box of largest
    volume that can be inscribed in a sphere of unit
  • Solution Let the origin of the Cartesian
    coordinate system x1, x2, x3 be at the center of
    the sphere and the sides of the box be 2x1, 2x2,
    and 2x3. The volume of the box is given by
  • Since the corners of the box lie on the
    surface of the sphere of unit radius, x1, x2 and
    x3 have to satisfy the constraint

  • This problem has three design variables and
    one equality constraint. Hence the equality
    constraint can be used to eliminate any one of
    the design variables from the objective function.
    If we choose to eliminate x3
  • Thus, the objective function becomes
  • f(x1,x2)8x1x2(1-x12-x22)1
  • which can be maximized as an unconstrained
    function in two variables.

  • The necessary conditions for the maximum of f
  • which can be simplified as
  • From which it follows that x1x21/?3 and hence
    x3 1/?3

  • This solution gives the maximum volume of the
    box as
  • To find whether the solution found
    corresponds to a maximum or minimum, we apply the
    sufficiency conditions to f (x1,x2) of the
    equation f (x1,x2)8x1x2(1-x12-x22)1/2. The
    second order partial derivatives of f at
    (x1,x2) are given by

  • The second order partial derivatives of f at
    (x1,x2) are given by

  • Since
  • the Hessian matrix of f is negative definite
    at (x1,x2). Hence the point (x1,x2)
    corresponds to the maximum of f.

Solution by constrained variation
  • Minimize f (x1,x2)
  • subject to g(x1,x2)0
  • A necessary condition for f to have a minimum at
    some point (x1,x2) is that the total derivative
    of f (x1,x2) wrt x1 must be zero at (x1,x2)
  • Since g(x1,x2)0 at the minimum point, any
    variations dx1 and dx2 taken about the point
    (x1,x2) are called admissable variations
    provided that the new point lies on the

Solution by constrained variation
  • Taylors series expansion of the function about
    the point (x1,x2)
  • Since g(x1, x2)0
  • Assuming
  • Substituting the above equation into

Solution by constrained variation
  • The expression on the left hand side is called
    the constrained variation of f
  • Since dx1 can be chosen arbitrarily
  • This equation represents a necessary condition in
    order to have (x1,x2) as an extreme point
    (minimum or maximum)


A beam of uniform rectangular cross section
is to be cut from a log having a circular cross
secion of diameter 2 a. The beam has to be used
as a cantilever beam (the length is fixed) to
carry a concentrated load at the free end. Find
the dimensions of the beam that correspond to the
maximum tensile (bending) stress carrying

Solution From elementary strength of
materials, we know that the tensile stress
induced in a rectangular beam ? at any fiber
located at a distance y from the neutral axis is
given by where M is the bending
moment acting and I is the moment of inertia of
the cross-section about the x axis. If the width
and the depth of the rectangular beam shown in
the figure are 2x and 2y, respectively, the
maximum tensile stress induced is given by
solution contd Thus for any specified
bending moment, the beam is said to have maximum
tensile stress carrying capacity if the maximum
induced stress (?max) is a minimum. Hence we need
to minimize k/xy2 or maximize Kxy2, where k3M/4
and K1/k, subject to the constraint This
problem has two variables and one constraint
hence the equation can be applied for
finding the optimum solution.
Solution Since

we have Equation
Solution that is Thus the beam of
maximum tensile stress carrying capacity has a
depth of ?2 times its breadth. The optimum values
of x and y can be obtained from the above
equation and as
Solution by constrained variation
  • Necessary conditions for a general problem
  • The procedure described can be generalized to a
    problem with n variables and m constraints.
  • In this case, each constraint equation gj(x)0,
    j1,2,..,m gives rise to a linear equation in the
    variations dxi, i1,2,,n.
  • Thus, there will be in all m linear equations in
    n variations. Hence any m variations can be
    expressed in terms of the remaining n-m
  • These expressions can be used to express the
    differential of the objective function, df, in
    terms of the n-m independent variations.
  • By letting the coefficients of the independent
    variations vanish in the equation df 0, one
    obtains the necessary conditions for the
    cnstrained optimum of the given function.

Solution by constrained variation
  • Necessary conditions for a general problem
  • These conditions can be expressed as
  • It is to be noted that the variations of the
    first m variables (dx1, dx2,.., dxm) have been
    expressed in terms of the variations of the
    remaining n-m variables (dxm1, dxm2,.., dxn) in
    deriving the above equation.

Solution by constrained variation
  • Necessary conditions for a general problem
  • This implies that the following relation is
  • The n-m equations given by the below equation
    represent the necessary conditions for the
    extremum of f(X) under the m equality
    constraints, gj(X) 0, j1,2,,m.

  • Minimize
  • subject to
  • Solution This problem can be solved by applying
    the necessary conditions given by

  • Solution contd Since n 4 and m 2, we
    have to select two variables as independent
    variables. First we show that any arbitrary set
    of variables can not be chosen as independent
    variables since the remaining (dependent)
    variables have to satisfy the condition of
  • In terms of the notation of our equations,
    let us take the independent variables as x3y3
    and x4y4 so that x1y1 and x2y2. Then the
    Jacobian becomes
  • and hence the necessary conditions can not
    be applied.

  • Solution contd Next, let us take the
    independent variables as x3y2 and x4y4 so
    that x1y1 and x2y3. Then the Jacobian
  • and hence the necessary conditions of
  • can be applied.

  • Solution contd The equation
  • give for k m13

  • Solution contd
  • For k m24
  • From the two previous equations, the
    necessary conditions for the minimum or the
    maximum of f is obtained as

  • Solution contd
  • When the equations
  • are substituted, the equations
  • take the form

  • Solution contd
  • from which the desired optimum solution can
    be obtained as

Solution by constrained variation
  • Sufficiency conditions for a general problem
  • By eliminating the first m variables, using the m
    equality constraints, the objective function can
    be made to depend only on the remaining variables
    xm1, xm2, ,xn. Then the Taylors series
    expansion of f , in terms of these variables,
    about the extreme point X gives
  • where is used to denote
    the partial derivative of f wrt xi (holding all
    the other variables xm1, xm2, ,xi-1, xi1,
    xi2,,xn constant) when x1, x2, ,xm are allowed
    to change so that the constraints gj(XdX)0,
    j1,2,,m are satisfied the second derivative
    is used to denote a similar

Solution by constrained variation
  • Example
  • Consider the problem of minimizing
  • Subject to the only constraint
  • Since n3 and m1 in this problem, one can
    think of any of the m variables, say x1, to be
    dependent and the remaining n-m variables, namely
    x2 and x3, to be independent.
  • Here the constrained partial derivative
    means the rate of change of f with
    respect to x2 (holding the other independent
    variable x3 constant) and at the same time
    allowing x1 to change about X so as to satisfy
    the constraint g1(X)0

Solution by constrained variation
  • Example
  • In the present case, this means that dx1 has to
    be chosen to satisfy the relation
  • since g1(X)0 at the optimum point and dx3 0
    (x3 is held constant.)

Solution by constrained variation
  • Example
  • Notice that (df/dxi)g has to be zero for im1,
    m2,...,n since the dxi appearing in the equation
  • are all independent. Thus, the necessary
    conditions for the existence of constrained
    optimum at X can also be expressed as

Solution by constrained variation
  • Example
  • It can be shown that the equations
  • are nothing bu the equation

Sufficiency conditions for a general problem
  • A sufficient condition for X to be a constrained
    relative minimum (maximum) is that the quadratic
    form Q defined by
  • is positive (negative) for all nonvanishing
    variations dxi and the matrix
  • has to be positive (negative) definite to
    have Q positive (negative) for all choices of dxi

Solution by constrained variation
  • The computation of the constrained derivatives in
    the sufficiency condition is difficult and may be
    prohibitive for problems with more than three
  • Simple in theory
  • Difficult to apply since the necessary conditions
    involve evaluation of determinants of order m1

Solution by Lagrange multipliers
  • Problem with two variables and one constraint
  • Minimize f (x1,x2)
  • Subject to g(x1,x2)0
  • For this problem, the necessary condition was
    found to be
  • By defining a quantity ?, called the Lagrange
    multiplier as

Solution by Lagrange multipliers
  • Problem with two variables and one constraint
  • Necessary conditions for the point (x1,x2) to
    be an extreme point
  • The problem can be rewritten as
  • In addition, the constraint equation has to be
    satisfied at the extreme point

Solution by Lagrange multipliers
  • Problem with two variables and one constraint
  • The derivation of the necessary conditions by the
    method of Lagrange multipliers requires that at
    least one of the partial derivatives of g(x1,x2)
    be nonzero at an extreme point.
  • The necessary conditions are more commonly
    generated by constructing a function L,known as
    the Lagrange function, as

Solution by Lagrange multipliers
  • Problem with two variables and one constraint
  • By treating L as a function of the three
    variables x1, x2 and ?, the necessary conditions
    for its extremum are given by

  • Example Find the solution using the Lagrange
    multiplier method.
  • Solution
  • The Lagrange function is

  • Solution contd
  • which yield

Solution by Lagrange multipliers
  • Necessary conditions for a general problem
  • Minimize f(X)
  • subject to
  • gj (X) 0, j1, 2,.,m
  • The Lagrange function, L, in this case is
    defined by introducing one Lagrange multiplier ?j
    for each constraint gj(X) as

Solution by Lagrange multipliers
  • By treating L as a function of the nm
    unknowns, x1, x2,,xn,?1, ?2,, ?m, the necessary
    conditions for the extremum of L, which also
    corresponds to the solution of the original
    problem are given by
  • The above equations represent nm equations
    in terms of the nm unknowns, xi and ?j

Solution by Lagrange multipliers
  • The solution
  • The vector X corresponds to the relative
    constrained minimum of f(X) (sufficient
    conditions are to be verified) while the vector
    ? provides the sensitivity information.

Solution by Lagrange multipliers
  • Sufficient Condition
  • A sufficient condition for f(X) to have a
    constrained relative minimum at X is that the
    quadratic Q defined by
  • evaluated at XX must be positive definite
    for all values of dX for which the constraints
    are satisfied.
  • If
  • is negative for all choices of the admissable
    variations dxi, X will be a constrained maximum
    of f(X)

Solution by Lagrange multipliers
  • A necessary condition for the quadratic form
    Q to be positive (negative) definite for all
    admissable variations dX is that each root of the
    polynomial zi, defined by the following
    determinantal equation, be positive (negative)
  • The determinantal equation, on expansion, leads
    to an (n-m)th-order polynomial in z. If some of
    the roots of this polynomial are positive while
    the others are negative, the point X is not an
    extreme point.

Example 1
  • Find the dimensions of a cylindirical tin
    (with top and bottom) made up of sheet metal to
    maximize its volume such that the total surface
    area is equal to A024?.
  • Solution
  • If x1 and x2 denote the radius of the base
    and length of the tin, respectively, the problem
    can be stated as
  • Maximize f
    (x1,x2) ?x12x2
  • subject to

Example 1
  • Solution
  • Maximize f (x1,x2) ?x12x2
  • subject to
  • The Lagrange function is
  • and the necessary conditions for the maximum of f

Example 1
  • Solution
  • that is,
  • The above equations give the desired solution as

Example 1
  • Solution
  • This gives the maximum value of f as
  • If A0 24?, the optimum solution becomes
  • To see that this solution really corresponds to
    the maximum of f, we apply the sufficiency
    condition of equation

Example 1
  • Solution
  • In this case

Example 1
  • Solution
  • Thus, equation
  • becomes

Example 1
  • Solution
  • that is,
  • This gives
  • Since the value of z is negative, the point
    (x1,x2) corresponds to the maximum of f.

Example 2
  • Find the maximum of the function f (X)
    2x1x210 subject to g (X)x122x22 3 using the
    Lagrange multiplier method. Also find the effect
    of changing the right-hand side of the constraint
    on the optimum value of f.
  • Solution
  • The Lagrange function is given by
  • The necessary conditions for the solution
    of the problem are

Example 2
  • Solution
  • The solution of the equation is
  • The application of the sufficiency condition

Example 2
  • Solution
  • Hence X will be a maximum of f with f
    f (X)16.07

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • Minimize f (X)
  • subject to
  • gj (X) 0, j1, 2,,m
  • The inequality constraints can be
    transformed to equality constraints by adding
    nonnegative slack variables, yj2, as
  • gj (X) yj2 0, j 1,2,,m
  • where the values of the slack variables are
    yet unknown.

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • Minimize f(X) subject to
  • Gj(X,Y) gj (X) yj20, j1,
  • where is the vector of slack
  • This problem can be solved by the method of
    Lagrange multipliers. For this, the Lagrange
    function L is constructed as

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • The stationary points of the Lagrange
    function can be found by solving the following
    equations (necessary conditions)
  • (n2m) equations
  • (n2m) unknowns
  • The solution gives the optimum solution
    vector X, the Lagrange multiplier vector, ?,
    and the slack variable vector, Y.

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • Equation
  • ensure that the constraints
  • are satisfied, while the equation
  • implies that either ?j0 or yj0

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • If ?j0, it means that the jth constraint is
    inactive and hence can be ignored.
  • On the other hand, if yj 0, it means that the
    constraint is active (gj 0) at the optimum
  • Consider the division of the constraints into two
    subsets, J1 and J2, where J1 J2 represent the
    total set of constraints.
  • Let the set J1 indicate the indices of those
    constraints that are active at the optimum point
    and J2 include the indices of all the inactive
  • Those constraints that are satisfied with an
    equality sign, gj 0, at the optimum point are
    called the active constraints, while those that
    are satisfied with a strict inequality sign, gjlt
    0 are termed inactive constraints.

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • Thus for j? J1, yj 0 (constraints are active),
    for j? J2, ?j0 (constraints are inactive), and
    the equation
  • can be simplified as

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • Similarly, the equation
  • can be written as
  • The equations (1) and (2) represent
    np(m-p)nm equations in the nm unknowns xi
    (i1,2,,n), ?j (j ? J1), and yj (j ? J2), where
    p denotes the number of active constraints.

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • Assuming that the first p constraints are
    active, the equation
  • can be expressed as
  • These equations can be collectively written

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • Equation
  • indicates that the negative of the gradient
    of the objective function can be expressed as a
    linear combination of the gradients of the active
    constraints at the optimum point.

Multivariable optimization with inequality
constraints-Feasible region
  • A vector S is called a feasible direction from a
    point X if at least a small step can be taken
    along S that does not immediately leave the
    feasible region.
  • Thus for problems with sufficiently smooth
    constraint surfaces, vector S satisfying the
  • can be called a feasible direction.

Multivariable optimization with inequality
constraints-Feasible region
  • On the other hand, if the constraint is either
    linear or concave, any vector satisfying the
  • can be called a feasible region.
  • The geometric interpretation of a feasible
    direction is that the vector S makes an obtuse
    angle with all the constraint normals.

Multivariable optimization with inequality
constraints-Feasible region

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • Further we can show that in the case of a
    minimization problem, the ?j values (j ? J1),
    have to be positive. For simplicity of
    illustration, suppose that only two constraints
    (p2) are active at the optimum point.
  • Then the equation
  • reduces to

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • Let S be a feasible direction at the optimum
    point. By premultiplying both sides of the
  • by ST, we obtain
  • where the superscript T denotes the
    transpose. Since S is a feasible direction, it
    should satisfy the relations

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • Thus if, ?1 gt 0 and ?2 gt 0 the quantity ST?f is
    always positive.
  • As ?f indicates the gradient direction, along
    which the value of the function increases at the
    maximum rate, ST?f represents the component of
    the increment of f along the direction S.
  • If ST?f gt 0, the function value increases, the
    function value increases as we move along the
    direction S.
  • Hence if ?1 and ?2 are positive, we will not be
    able to find any direction in the feasible domain
    along which the function value can be decreased

Multivariable optimization with inequality
  • Since the point at which the equation
  • is valid is assumed to be optimum, ?1 and
    ?2 have to be positive.
  • This reasoning can be extended to cases where
    there are more than two constraints active. By
    proceeding in a similar manner, one can show that
    the ?j values have to be negative for a
    maximization problem.

Kuhn-Tucker Conditions
  • The conditions to be satisfied at a constrained
    minimum point, X, of the problem can b
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