Title: Gross anatomy, terms of direction, and sections/planes
1Gross anatomy, terms of direction, and
2Gross anatomy(See W, pp. 5-10)
3Two Major Divisions of Nervous System
4An overview of major structures of the CNS
- Brain (encephalon)
- Cerebrum (telencephalon), with basal ganglia deep
inside - Diencephalon (between brain)
- Brain stem
- Midbrain
- Pons
- Medulla oblongata
- Cerebellum
- Spinal cord
Note skull and foramen magnum
5Two types of cells make up the nervous system
- Neurons (nerve cells)
- Transmit information, usually as nerve impulses
- Communicate with each other, to transmit messages
throughout the body
- Satellite cells
- Facilitate neurons, but do not transmit nerve
6Terms of direction(See especially W, pp.10-14,
as well asWA, pp. 13-14)
This is information already introduced in your
Anatomical Bases class, so it should be familiar
to you
7Terms of Direction Overview
- Terms of direction denote relative position of
one neurological structure to another - Two systems of higher, lower, more forward, more
backward - System referenced to person standing in 3-D space
- Superior / inferior anterior / posterior
- System referenced to anatomical neuraxis, which
is straight in many animals, and curved in
humans. - Rostral / caudal ventral / dorsal
- A system of closer to the midline, farther from
the midline - Medial / lateral
- A system of how close to the point of connection
with the body - Proximal / distal
8First system of higher, lower, more forward,
more backward
- System referenced to human in anatomical position
in 3D space - Superior / inferior anterior / posterior
6- Superior 2- Inferior 1- Anterior 5- Posterior
When referring to structures of the head as
superior to other structures, the terms cranial
or cephalic are sometimes used as terms of
- Human anatomical position Body erect, hands at
side, palms facing outward
9First system of higher, lower, more forward,
more backwardExamples
- The brain is superior to the spinal cord
- The brain is cephalic to the spinal cord
- The brain is cranial to the spinal cord
- The spinal cord is inferior to the brain
- The brain stem is anterior to the cerebellum
- The cerebellum is posterior to the brain stem
10Second system of higher, lower, more forward,
more backward
System referenced to anatomical neuraxis, which
is straight in many animals, and curved in
humans. rostral/ caudal ventral / dorsal
The human anatomical neuraxis starts as a
straight tube (called the neural tube). During
development it bends/curves almost 90 degrees at
the juncture of the brainstem and diencephalon
1- early human embryo neurological system,
straight like the salamanders
2- human embryo neurological system- 3 weeks
curved neuraxis!
3-mature human major curve remains near juncture
of brainstem and diencephalon neuraxis
mushrooms out around curve
Human anatomical neuraxis brain and spinal cord
11Second system of higher, lower, more forward,
more backwardExamples
- The front part of the cerebrum is rostral to the
spinal cord - The spinal cord is caudal to the front part of
the cerebrum - The brain stem is ventral to the cerebellum the
lower part of the cerebrum is ventral to the
upper part of the cerebrum - The cerebellum is dorsal to the brainstem the
upper part of the cerebral is dorsal to the lower
part of the cerebrum
12Compare the two systems of higher, lower, more
forward, more backward
- The neuraxis bends around the junction between
the midbrain and diencephalon, so. - At the level of the spinal cord and brainstem
- Anteriorventral
- Posteriordorsal
- Superiorrostral
- Inferiorcaudal
- At the level of the diencephalon and the
telencephalon - Inferiorventral
- Superiordorsal
13System of closer to the midline, farther from
the midline
Anterior view of brain
Medial/ lateral
Lateral view of brain
Medial view of brain
14System of how close to the point of connection
with the body
Proximal nearer to the point where the structure
connects to the body vs. Distal farther from
the point where the structure connects to the body
Example The shoulder is more proximal to the
body than the fingers. The fingers are more
distal from the body than the shoulder.
Shoulders more proximal, fingers more distal
15Sections/PlanesA cut through the body, or a
part of it, is called a section the resulting
cut surface is called a plane
- First system based on slices through 3-D space
- Horizontal section/plane (A)
- Coronal section/plane (B)
- Sagittal section/plane (C)
17Sections/Planes First System (Continued)
C. Midsagittal (also called medial) C.
B. Coronal
A. Horizontal
18Sections/Planes Second system
- Second system based on slices at right angles to
longitudinal axis of the structure - Transverse section/plane
- Remember that the longitudinal neuraxis is curved
19Compare the two systems of sections/planes
- The neuraxis bends around the junction between
the midbrain and diencephalon, so. - At the level of the spinal cord and lower
brainstem - Horizontaltransverse
- Near the bend (upper brainstem and diencephalon)
- Transverse has no analog in the 3-D system of
sections/planes - Rostral to the diencephalon
- Coronal transverse and is also called a frontal