Title: Comparing Cookies to Courses
1Comparing Cookies to Courses
- Best Practice Session at Detroit Lakes
- Based on Quality Matters Project Resources from
the Maryland Online Consortium - Deborah Proctor, Ph.D
- Deborah.proctor_at_csu.mnscu.edu
- E-Curriculum Director for Minnesota Online
2Session Objectives
- Develop a rubric by
- Examining different brands of cookies.
- Determining the criteria for review.
- Setting the standards for the review.
- Reflect on the process of determining quality
issues and standards. - Discuss the implications for the process in
online course review.
3Quality Matters
- How do we
- identify recognize it?
- Determine the Criteria of the Reviewers?
- Develop a Rubric on Quality?
4Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- ""Even though quality cannot be defined, you know
what quality is." - Robert M. Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
5Develop a Rubric
- 1. Determine the criteria Who can review?
- People with some experience in eating.
6- 2. Examine the goods.
- Open the different bags of chocolate chip
7Developing Standards
- 3. Establish the weighted criteria of the
goods. These are your standards.
- What are the criteria?
- What weight will you give each criteria?
8Rating the Goods
- 4. Collecting data
- How did you test the cookies for quality?
- How did you record the data?
- What are your cookie ratings?
9Revisiting the Cookie Quality Criteria
- What were the deciding factors for quality in
your group? The deal breakers? - What insights to creating a rating rubric and
process can your group share? - What revisions did you make to your original
rating rubric as you compared cookies?
10The Reflection
- Did your group achieve consensus on the ratings?
How? - What were the greatest challenges to arriving at
a consensus ranking? - How comfortable would you be if you had to defend
this rating before your vice president or before
the faculty association? - Can your criteria be applied to all such similar
items? - Is this process replicable? Can you use this
process for other quality assurance activities? - Based on your cookie review what advice would you
give to quality assurance teams?
11Cookies Dont Just Happen!
- Recipe
- Ingredients
- Processes
- Packaging
- Marketing
- Seal of Approval
- How is the process for creating quality cookies
similar to quality online courses?
12AnalogyCookies to Online Course Review
13Quality Matters Project
- QM Key Outcomes
- 1) Replicable pathway for inter-institutional
quality assurance (QA) of online courses - 2) Faculty-centered, peer review-based,
consortium-wide quality matters process
- 3) Review tools that incorporate nationally
recognized standards of best practice - 4) Face to face and online training
- 5) Expanded resource sharing and increased
articulation agreements
14Connecting Outcomes to Peer Review
15What QM Peer Review is not!
- Not about an individual instructor (its about
the course) - Not about faculty evaluation (its
about course quality) - Not about winners and losers (its about
continuous improvement in a supportive
16For Maryland Online Purposes, Quality Was
Described as
- More than average more than good enough
- An attempt to capture whats expected in an
effective online course - Based on research and widely accepted standards
Higher Standard
17For Your Online Purposes, Quality Is? Discuss
- More than average more than good enough?
- An attempt to capture whats expected in an
effective online course? - Based on research and widely accepted standards?
18Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- "What he meant by Quality was obvious. They
obviously knew what it was too, and so they lost
interest in listening. Their question now was
"All right, we know what Quality is. How do we
get it?"" - Robert M. Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
19Inter-Institutional Sharing
- Minnesota Online is a statewide consortium of 32
community/ technical colleges and state
universities offering a wide variety of courses
programs available in our system and we dont
share muchyet
- Maryland Online (MOL) is a statewide consortium
of 10 Maryland community colleges and senior
institutions that share courses.
20What Are the Challenges?
- Inter-institutional agreement
- Increased articulation agreements
- Peer Review Process
- Adoption of rubric tools and/or standards
- Faculty training and buy-in
- Expanded sharing of resources
21Scaffolds Ladders
- Great news! You do not have to start at the
bottom. - Qualitymatters.org
- ITEACH Online Center
- Merlot.org
22Whats the Catch?
- Using QM Tools Resources
- Let them know you are using tools
- If you revamp or revise resources or toolsshare
the materials with them - Let them know success and challenges of projects
related to establishing QM
23Quality MattersQA Process Overview
- Review of online courses by teams of 3 faculty
members - Using Rubric tied to national standards of best
practice - Feedback provided for improvement of course
quality - Instructional design support provided to
implement recommendations - Certification of course when standards met
24Goals for Selecting Courses
- Focus on quality
- Continuous improvement
- Positive environment
- Low-risk
- Increase number of shareable courses