Title: Session and Security Management
1Session and Security Management
2HTTP Cookies
- Cookies are a general mechanism that server-side
applications can use to both store and retrieve
long-term information on the client side - Servers send cookies in the HTTP response and
browsers are expected to save and to send the
cookie back to the Server, whenever they make
additional requests from the Server
4Cookie Transportation
Web browser
Web server
5Cookie Transportation
Web browser
Web server
An Example
6Cookie Format
- A cookie in a response header
- Set-Cookie NAMEVALUE expiresDATE pathPATH
domainDOMAIN_NAME secure - Only the NAME field is required
- A cookie in a request header
NAME3VALUE3... - This header contains all matching stored cookies
7Cookie Properties
- NAMEVALUE the content of the cookie
- should not contain semi-colons, commas or
white-spaces - expiresDATE expiration date
- default is the session life time
- pathPATH the paths for which the cookie is
valid - matches every path that begins with PATH
- domainDOMAIN_NAME the cookies domain
- matches every domain that ends with DOMAIN_NAME
- secure send only through secure channels (i.e.,
8Notes about Cookies
- A response may contain multiple cookies
- A Cookie overrides previous cookies with the same
path and name - If no path and domain are given, then they are
assumed to be those of the requested URL - The Cookie header of a request contains all
mappings that match the requested URL - A server can delete a cookie by sending a new one
with the same path and name, but with expiry date
in the past
9Session Management
10HTTP is Stateless
- HTTP is a stateless protocol
- Individual requests are treated independently
- Without external support, one cannot tell whether
an HTTP request is part of a continuing
interaction between the client and the server - BUT some Web applications have states!
- Online stores that maintain a shopping cart
- Portals that remember your name and preferences
11HTTP Sessions
- The solution Client and Server transfer some
unique data in the course of a session - A session captures the notion of a continuous
interaction between a server and a client - For example, a series of requests and responses
between IE and Tomcat with short intervals
between them - End users should be oblivious to session
management - Session management should be efficient
- Is it reasonable to send the whole shopping cart
on every request to Amazon.com?
12Session Supporting Servers
- A server that supports sessions holds
session-specific data in an internal data
structure (session object) - For example, the content of the shopping cart
- On the first request, the server initializes the
session object and sends to the client a unique
identifier for this object - During the session, the client attaches this
identifier to every request to the server
13Session Management Methods
- How is the session key shared between the client
and the server? - We will discuss two methods that Servlet
containers (i.e., Tomcat) support - Session Cookies
- URL rewriting
14Session Cookies
- In the response to the first request of a
session, the server puts a cookie, which contains
a session identifier - When the client sends subsequent requests, it
also sends the cookie - The client sends the cookie as long as the
requests are within its session bound (e.g., the
same browser process) - The server treats the cookie as a valid
identifier as long as the requests are within its
session bound (e.g., a short time period passed
since the last request)
15Session Cookies
- Session cookies are simply a special kind of
cookies - The time boundary of session cookies is based on
the session and not on an explicit date - This is the default expiration time
- Actual session data is kept on the server (while
the session cookie holds only an identifier of
the session)
16Session Cookies
Web browser 1
Web server
17Session Cookies
Web browser 2
Web server
18Session Cookies
Web browser 1
Web server
19Session Cookies
Web browser 2
Web server
21URL Rewriting
- Web browsers may refuse to save cookies
- Can you think of reasons?
- Therefore, some servers (like Servlet containers)
support session management through URL rewriting - Instead of passing the session identifier in a
cookie, the identifier is concatenated to the
request URL - All links in a page should contain the session id
- Hence, these links are dynamically created
- Session management is thus oblivious to users
22URL Rewriting
Web browser
Web server
ltHTMLgt ltA HREFservletURLsessIDid1gt lt/HTML
23URL Rewriting
Web browser 1
Web server
ltHTMLgt ltA HREFservletURLsessIDid1gt lt/HTMLgt
GET servletURLsessIDid1 HTTP/1.0
24Session Duration
- A session ends in either one of the following
cases - The server invalidates the session
- Required explicitly, e.g., a user logs out, or
- The session was inactive for a long time
- The client stops cooperating
- Session cookies have expired, e.g., the browser
runs in a new process - External links are used instead of rewritten ones
25Configuring Sessions in Tomcat
- In Tomcat (and other Servlet containers), you can
specify the session timeout (in minutes) in the
application's web.xml - If the timeout is 0 or negative, then sessions
never end (on the server side)
26Security Management in Web Applications
27We all know this page...
28Would we want all to know this page?
- Want to restrict access to certain Web pages
- Must answer the following questions
- Which pages should be restricted?
- Who should access restricted pages?
- How should users be authenticated?
- Should authentication data be encrypted?
30Authentication Methods
- Several authentication methods are used
- Declarative Security
- HTTP-level mechanisms
- Basic authentication scheme
- Digest access authentication scheme
- Server-level mechanisms
- Programmatic Security
31HTTP Basic Mechanism
- In the basic authentication scheme of HTTP, the
user's name and password need to be sent with
each request for a protected resource - When the server gets a request to a protected
resource, it checks whether that request has the
HTTP header - Authorization Basic usernamepassword
- If the name and password are accepted by the
server (i.e., are those of a user that has the
privilege to get the page), then the requested
page is returned
32HTTP Basic Mechanism
- If the request does not have the authorization
header or the name and password are not accepted,
then the server replies with 401 (unauthorized) - An 401 response can have the header
- WWW-Authenticate Basic realm"realm-name"
- That is, "in order to get this resource, you will
have to authenticate using the basic method" - Tell the user to supply authentication for pages
in realm-name
33Declarative Security BASIC
Realm A
Realm B
34Declarative Security BASIC
Realm A
Realm B
35Declarative Security BASIC
Realm A
Realm B
36Declarative Security BASIC
Realm A
Realm B
37Browser Cooperation
- Throughout the session, the browser stores the
username and password and automatically sends the
authorization header in either one of the
following cases - The requested resource is under the directory of
the originally authenticated resource - The browser received 401 from the Web server and
the WWW-Authenticate header has the same realm as
the previous protected resource
38Digest Access Scheme
- The most serious security flaw in the basic
scheme is that the name and password are sent
unencrypted, and hence everyone on the network
path can read it - If an attacker snoops a request with basic
authentication, she can access to the whole
protection space of the resource - The digest access authentication scheme solves
many of the flaws of the basic schemes, such as
the one above
39Digest Operation
- Like the basic, the digest scheme requires that
authentication data is sent with each request for
a protected resource - However, passwords are not sent in clear text
- The idea is to use a one-way hash, such as MD5
- A one-way hash H is a mapping of strings that has
the following properties - It is "easy" to compute H(x), given the input x
- It is "hard" to compute x, given the mapping H(x)
40Digest Operation (cont)
- In the digest scheme, instead of sending the
password x in clear text, the client sends H(y) - y is the concatenation of the user name, the
password, an opaque generated by the server, the
request URI, and more - A server that gets digested authentication data
repeats the same encryption process and compares
its output with the given H(y) - More details can be found in RFC 2617
41Server-Level Authentication
- A Web server can use its own authentication
mechanisms rather than those of HTTP - Typically, server-level mechanisms act as follows
- The server requires authentication by redirecting
the client to a special HTML form - If authentication succeeds, then the server
stores the username in the corresponding session
object - Note that the browser and the HTTP headers are
oblivious to server-level authentication
42Programmatic Security
- In declarative security, a page is either
accessible to a user or is not - But what if we wanted a page to include some data
that will only be shown to privileged users? - E.g., the grades of the user
- In programmatic security, we enhance security
checks in dynamic pages (e.g., JSP) - Using this approach, an application can generate
different contents for different users
43Declarative Security Advantages and Disadvantages
- Advantage Application programs (i.e., JSP and
Servlets) do not have to do anything special - Advantage Security holes due to bugs are less
probable - Disadvantage Server-specific process
- Disadvantage All or nothing security
- users can or cannot see the page
- sometimes, what we really want is for the page
content to be dependent on the user
44Authentication Management in Tomcat
45Declarative Security in Tomcat
- To apply declarative security in Tomcat, we have
to do the following - Define roles and users (i.e., usernames and
passwords) - Define the restricted pages and the roles that
can access them - Define the authentication method that is used in
the Web application
46Defining Users and Roles
- Create a database that stores users and roles
- A table that stores usernames and passwords
- A table that stores usernames and roles
- Tell Tomcat how to access your tables in the file
TOMCAT_BASE/conf/server.xml - Users and roles can be dynamically added to the
47An Example
create table users ( username varchar(30) not
null primary key, pass varchar(30)
not null ) create table users_roles (
username varchar(30) not null, role
varchar(30) not null, primary key
(username,role), foreign key (username)
references users(username) )
48In server.xml
ltRealm className"org.apache.catalina.rea
lm.JDBCRealm" driverName"oracle.jdbc.dri
ver.OracleDriver" connectionURL"jdbcora
userTable"users" userNameCol"username"
49Static Users and Roles
- You can alternatively define a static set of
users and roles in - CATALINA_BASE/conf/tomcat-users.xml
lttomcat-usersgt ltrole rolename"members"/gt more
roles... ltuser username"snoopy"
password"snoopass" roles"members"/gt more
users... lt/tomcat-usersgt
50Tomcat Manager
- The default resource of users is the file
tomcat-users - If you use database users, then you need to add a
a manager for Tomcat to your tables - Otherwise, you (and Eclipse) will not be able to
log into the manager application - A manager is a user that belongs to the role
51Defining Restrictions in web.xml
- ltsecurity-constraintgt
- ltweb-resource-collectiongt
- ltweb-resource-namegtrestricted
onelt/web-resource-namegt - lturl-patterngt/restricted1/lt/url-patterngt
- lt/web-resource-collectiongt
- ltweb-resource-collectiongt
- ltweb-resource-namegtrestricted
twolt/web-resource-namegt - lturl-patterngt/restricted2/lt/url-patterngt
- lt/web-resource-collectiongt
52Defining Restrictions in web.xml
- ltauth-constraintgt
- ltrole-namegtmemberslt/role-namegt
- lt/auth-constraintgt
- lt/security-constraintgt
- ltlogin-configgt...lt/login-configgt
- ltsecurity-rolegt
- ltrole-namegtmemberslt/role-namegt
- lt/security-rolegt
53BASIC Authentication in Tomcat
- Add to the application's web.xml the login method
(BASIC) and your chosen realm name
ltlogin-configgt ltauth-methodgtBASIClt/auth-method
gt ltrealm-namegtDear Memberslt/realm-namegt lt/logi
54FORM-Based Authentication in Tomcat
- Tomcat provides a built-in form-based
authentication - In the first request to a restricted page, the
server forwards the request to a login page - Using the form in the login page, the user
submits its login and password to a special URL
of the server, and the latter stores the
information in the session object - On subsequent requests, the server checks the
session to see if it contains suitable
authentication, and if so the requested page is
55Add to web.xml
ltlogin-configgt ltauth-methodgtFORMlt/auth-methodgt
ltform-login-configgt ltform-login-pagegt/adm
in/login.html lt/form-login-pagegt
lt/form-error-pagegt lt/form-login-configgt lt/login
56Create A Login Page
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgtlttitlegtLog Inlt/titlegtlt/headgt
- ltbody style"background-coloryellow"gt
- lth2gtLog in for accessing this resource.lt/h2gt
- ltform action"j_security_check" method"post"gt
- ltpgtLogin ltinput type"text"
name"j_username"/gtlt/pgt - ltpgtPassword ltinput type"password"
name"j_password"/gtlt/pgt - ltpgtltinput type"submit" value"Log In"/gtlt/pgt
- lt/formgt
- lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
57Create A Login Page
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtLogin Failurelt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody style"background-coloryellow"gt
- lth1gtWrong username and
password!lt/h1gt - lt/bodygt
- lt/htmlgt
58Important Disable the Servlet Invoker
- When protecting certain URLs, it still might be
possible to bypass the authentication process
because the URL of the Servlet invoker is not
protected - That is, a Servlet can be accessed by
http//host/prefix/servlet/Name even if protected
URLs are mapped to that Servlet - For this reason (and others), it is OK to use the
invoker while developing, but once the
application is published the invoker should be
59SSL Connections
60Security on the Internet
- The Internet is used to transmit sensitive data
from clients to servers and vice-versa - User passwords
- Credit card numbers
- Private client data on remote servers (e.g.,
Banks) - However, data packets are read by several
computers on the way from the client to the
server (and vice-versa) - Routers, proxies, etc.
61Security on the Internet (cont)
- For secure communication, the following should be
provided - Only the server can read the client requests
- Only the client can read the server's responses
- Only the client can send requests on behalf of
itself - Only the server can send responses on behalf of
itself - In short, no one should be able to interfere in
the interaction, either by reading the
transferred data or by impersonating one of the
62Symmetric and Asymmetric Keys
- Data can be encrypted and decrypted using keys,
which are simply large numbers - Symmetric keys the same key is used for both
encoding and decoding of the message - Asymmetric keys one key is used to encode the
message, and another is used to decode it - It is considered practically impossible to decode
a message without knowing the decoding key
63The RSA Cryptography System
- RSA was developed in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi
Shamir and Leonard Adleman - It is the based on the asymmetric key mechanism
- Each participant has a private key and a public
key - The public key is known to all and the private
key is kept in secret within its owner - Asymmetric keys the public key is the encoding
key and the private key is the decoding key
64Secure Connection A Naive Approach
- Consider the following protocol
- Server and Client send their public keys to each
other - Data is encrypted using the public key of the
receiver - What is wrong with this protocol?
- Encryption methods (public keys) are known to
everyone - everyone can impersonate the
participants - A participant cannot tell whether its received
key was indeed sent by the other participant
65SSL Connections
- The SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol is used to
manage security of message transmission on the
Internet - Data encryption and decryption is based on
symmetric and asymmetric keys - The HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) protocol is actually
the HTTP protocol above SSL transportation
66SSL in the Network Layers
Email Protocols
67The SSL Handshake
1. Client gets the Server's certificate
Is this a good certificate?
68The SSL Handshake
2. Client creates a master secret and shares it
with the server
69The SSL Handshake
3. Client and server create symmetric session
keys from the master secret
70The SSL Handshake
Data is transferred using the session keys
71SSL Certificates
- To assure that the replier to the first request
is the server, the server sends a certificate - The certificate contains both the server's name
and its public key - The certificate is issued by a Certificate
Authority (CA), which is known to the client in
advance - For example VeriSign, Thawte, RSA Secure Server,
etc. - CA signs the certificate using a digital
signature, which the client can verify using a
method similar to the private-public key method
72The Server's Certificate
Public Key
Serial Number
Validity Period
Server's Name
Issuer's Name
Issuer's Digital Signature
73An Example The Certificate of bankleumi.co.il
74Authentication via SSL
- If the server needs to assure the client's
identity, the first interaction after the SSL
handshake will typically be a client
authentication - Client authentication is done using the regular
(e.g., HTTP) authentication mechanisms - What is the difference, though?
75SSL in Tomcat 5.0
- To use SSL connections in Tomcat 5.0, we need to
do the following - Acquire a certificate
- Enable the HTTPs service that listens to a
designated port - Declare the pages that require SSL connections
76Generating a Certificate
- Acquiring a certificate from a known CA costs
money - Instead, we will generate our own certificate
- Naturally, the browser will not recognize the CA
as a known one and will therefore alert the user
77Generating a Certificate (cont)
- From the command line, type the following
- keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
-keystore keyfile
78(No Transcript)
79Enable the HTTPS Service
- Add the following to CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xm
l under the Service "catalina" - Declare the redirection port for the HTTP
Connector - ltConnector port"8090" redirectPort"8443"/gt
80Declare Secured Pages
- In the application's web.xml, add the following
element under the security constraint for which
you want SSL to be used