Title: Population Genetics and Natural Selection
1Population Genetics and Natural Selection
- Darwin
- Gregor Mendel
- Variation Within Populations
- Plant Populations
- Animal Populations
- Hardy Weinberg
- Natural Selection
- Evolution
- Change Due to Chance
- 1835 Charles Darwin visited the Galapagos Islands
and became convinced various populations evolved
from ancestral forms.
- 1838 After reading an essay by Thomas Malthus, he
theorized some individuals would have a
competitive advantage conferred by favorable
characteristics and that these characteristics
could be passed on to offspring.
- The concept of evolution (change through time)
had been around long before Darwin. - A mechanism for evolution was lacking.
- Darwin provided that mechanism Natural selection
6Darwins Theory of Natural Selection
- Organisms beget like organisms.
- Chance variation between individuals.
- Some are heritable.
- More offspring are produced each generation than
can survive. - Some individuals, because of physical or
behavioral traits, have a higher chance of
surviving than others in the same population.
7Darwins Theory of Natural Selection
- Darwin proposed that differential survival and
reproduction of individuals would produce changes
in species populations over time. - The environment acting on variation among
individuals would result in adaptation to the
8Darwins Theory of Natural Selection
- Part of Darwins theory involved the heritability
of traits. - Mechanism for this heritability was lacking in
Darwins time.
9Gregor Mendel
- Gregor Mendel was a monk who studied the garden
pea (Pisum sativum). - Background in math statistics
- Emphasized experimentation
- Replicates
- Looked for patterns in his data
10Gregor Mendel
- Mendel worked with several traits including
flower color. - Started with true breeding parents.
- All offspring were purple.
- Next generation white reappeared.
- 31 ratio
11Gregor Mendel
- Mendel discovered that characteristics pass from
parent to offspring in form of discrete packets
called genes. - Exist in alternate forms - alleles.
- Some prevent expression of others.
- Dominant vs. recessive
- Phenotype what the plant looks like.
- Purple or white
- Genotype which alleles are actually present.
- PP, Pp or pp
12Modern Evolutionary Theory
- The synthesis of the theory of natural selection
and genetics gave rise to modern evolutionary
13Variation Within Populations
- Phenotypic variation among individuals in a
population results from the combined effects of
genes and the environment. - Variation exists in all populations.
- Much of this variation is heritable.
14Variation Within Populations
- Variation in Plant Populations
- Many plant species differ dramatically in form
from one elevation to another. - Clausen et.al. found evidence of adaptation by
ecotypes to local environmental conditions in
Potentilla glandulosa.
15Variation Within Populations
- Sticky cinquefoil was grown at 30 m, 1400 m, and
at 3050 m. - They used clones found at low, mid, and high
elevations. - They found differences in growth indicating
genetic variation among populations. - Each population is adapted to its native
16Variation in Plant Populations
- Molecular and Morphological Information
- Hansen et. al. used randomly amplified
polymorphic DNA (RAPD) along with morphological
data to support separation of three species of
17Variation in Animal Populations
- Chuckwalla (Sauromalus obesus)
- Herbivorous lizard in desert SW.
18Variation in Animal Populations
- Variation in rainfall translates into variation
in food availability.
19Variation in Animal Populations
- Case found lizards from food-rich higher
elevations were approx 25 longer and 2x body
weight of those from lower elevations.
20Variation in Animal Populations
- Juvenile Chuckwallas from a variety of elevations
were grown together with unlimited food. - Those from high elevation populations grew to a
larger size. - Genetic component to size differences observed in
the field.
21Variation in Animal Populations
- Genetic Variation in Alpine Fish
- Movement of cold adapted aquatic species into the
headwaters of glacial valleys that lace the Alps
created clusters of geographically isolated
22Variation in Animal Populations
- Douglas and Brunner used microsatellite DNA to
conclude Coregonus populations are highly diverse
and exhibit a high level of differentiation.
23Population Genetics
- Populations have genetic variation.
- This variation is required for evolutionary
change. - Population genetics allows us to study how common
a trait is in a population, and how that may
change over time.
24Population Genetics
- Evolution involves a change in a population over
time. - Changes in the frequencies of alleles within a
25Hardy Weinberg
- Hardy Weinberg principle states that in a
population mating at random in the absence of
evolutionary forces, allele frequencies will
remain constant from generation to generation. - p q 1
- p22pqq2 1.0
- p frequency of the most common allele
- q frequency of the less common allele
26Calculating Gene Frequencies
- Harmonia, Asian lady beetles, show a great deal
of variation in color and pattern.
27Calculating Gene Frequencies
- There are more than a dozen possible alleles we
will consider only two. - 10-signata (SS) yellow with several black
spots. - Aulica (AA) black borders with large oval
yellow or orange area.
28Calculating Gene Frequencies
- SS (81) SA (18) AA (1)
- Frequency of S allele?
- SS 1/2SA 0.81 ½(0.18) 0.90
- Frequency of A allele?
- AA 1/2SA 0.01 ½(0.18) 0.1
- p q 1
- 0.90 0.10 1.00
29Calculating Gene Frequencies
- p2 2pq q2 1.0
- (0.90)2 2(0.9 x 0.1) (0.10)2 1.0
- 0.81 0.18 .01 1.0
30Conditions Necessary for Hardy Weinberg
- Random Mating
- No Mutations
- Large Population Size
- Avoid a change in allele frequencies due to
chance (genetic drift) - No Immigration
- Equitable Fitness Between All Genotypes
- No natural selection is occurring.
31Conditions Necessary for Hardy Weinberg
- It is likely that at least one of these will not
be met and allele frequencies will change. - Potential for evolutionary change in natural
populations is very great.
32Change Due To Chance
- Random processes such as genetic drift can change
gene frequencies in populations, especially in
small populations. - Major concern of habitat fragmentation is
reducing habitat availability to the point where
genetic drift will reduce genetic diversity
within natural populations.
33Natural Selection
- Some individuals in a population, because of
their phenotypic characteristics, produce more
offspring that themselves live to reproduce. - Natural selection can favor, disfavor, or
conserve the genetic make-up of a population.
34Stabilizing Selection
- Stabilizing selection acts to impede changes in a
population by acting against extreme phenotypes
and favoring average phenotypes.
35Directional Selection
- Directional selection leads to changes in
phenotypes by favoring an extreme phenotype over
other phenotypes in the population.
36Disruptive Selection
- Disruptive selection creates bimodal
distributions by favoring two or more extreme
phenotypes over the average phenotype in a
37Evolution by Natural Selection
- Natural selection, which changes genotypic and
phenotypic frequencies in populations, can result
in adaptation to the environment.
38Evolution by Natural Selection
- Depends on heritability of trait.
- h2 VG / (VG VE)
- VG Genetic variance
- VE Environmental variance
- VP Phenotypic variance
- Natural selection only works on heritable traits.
39Adaptive Change in Colonizing Lizards
- Losos et al. worked with the genus Anolis
- Great diversity of species includes large amount
of variation in size and body proportions.
40Adaptive Change in Colonizing Lizards
- Length of hind limbs appears to reflect selection
for effective use of vegetation. - Diameter of perching surfaces seems to be the
most significant feature of the vegetation. - Hind limb length appears to be the result of a
trade-off between selection for maximum speed
(longer limbs run faster) and selection for
moving efficiently on narrow branches (shorter
limbs are more efficient).
41Adaptive Change in Colonizing Lizards
- Vegetation on the source area (Staniel Cay) was
up to 10 m tall. - Experimental island populations had vegetation
1-3 m tall and no native lizard populations. - Lizards from the source area were released on
each small island. - After 10-14 years they returned to measure lizard
42Adaptive Change in Colonizing Lizards
- Positive correlation between the difference in
vegetative height on experimental islands
compared to Staniel Cay and the degree to which
introduced lizards diverged from the ancestral
43Adaptive Change in Colonizing Lizards
- The hind limb length in the lizard populations
was positively correlated with the average perch
diameter the lizards used on each island.
44Rapid Adaptation by Soapberry Bugs
- Carroll and Boyd studied the soapberry bug
(Jadera haematoloma) which feeds on seeds from
family Sapindaceae. - Slender beaks to pierce fruit walls.
- Found close relationship between fruit radius and
beak length.
45Rapid Adaptation by Soapberry Bugs
- Distance from outside fruit wall to seeds varies
widely - beak length should be under selection.
46Rapid Adaptation by Soapberry Bugs
- The results show a close correlation between beak
length in the bugs and the radius of fruits. - Juveniles from various populations were reared on
alternative host plants. - Shows genetic basis for the change.
47Change Due to Chance
- Random processes, such as genetic drift, can
change gene frequencies in populations,
especially in small populations.
48Evidence of Genetic Drift in Chihuahua Spruce
- Picea chihuahuana now restricted to peaks of
Sierra Madre Occidental in N. Mexico. - Ledig et.al. examined populations to determine if
the species has lost genetic diversity as a
consequence of reduced population size.
49Evidence of Genetic Drift in Chihuahua Spruce
- Found significant positive correlation between
population size and genetic diversity of study
50Genetic Variation In Island Populations
- In general, genetic variation is lower in
isolated and generally smaller, island
populations. - Reduced genetic variation indicates a lower
potential for a population to evolve. - Increased probability of extinction.
51Genetic Variation In Island Populations
- Endemic populations show much less variation than
mainland populations.
52Genetic Diversity and Butterfly Extinctions
- Saccheri conducted genetic studies on populations
of Glanville fritillary butterflies (Melitacea
cinxia). - Populations with highest levels of inbreeding had
highest probabilities of extinction.
53Genetic Diversity and Butterfly Extinctions
- Frankham and Ralls point out inbreeding may be a
contributor to higher extinction rates in small
populations. - Reduced fecundity, depressed juvenile survival,
shortened life-span.