Title: Motivational Goal Quotes
1Motivational Goal Quotes Compiled by Laura
Candler www.LauraCandler.com
2Motivational Goal Quotes
Motivational Goal Quotes is a collection of ten
stunning nature photos with famous quotes about
goal setting and motivation. These quotes were
originally compiled as a part of my Classroom
Goal Setting ebook available from Teaching
Resources. You can use the images to spark
discussion about the importance of setting goals
and creating action plans. You may display them
one after another in this PowerPoint show, or
display one image at a time using the set of
images that accompanies this presentation.
Laura Candler About the Images Motivational Goal
Quotes has been a collaborative family project.
About half the photos were taken by me, and the
others were taken by my sister, Sheila Colby. The
quotes were overlaid onto the images using
Photoshop by my daughter, Amy Candler. We hope
you are inspired by both the words and
images! Goal-Setting Resources Visit Teaching
Resources to download your free copy of
Motivational Goal Quotes or to purchase the
Classroom Goal Setting ebook. www.lauracandler.com
Laura Candler
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