7 Motivational Quotes on Studying - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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7 Motivational Quotes on Studying


Today's students will be the leaders and professionals of the future. They will try to overcome the dangers looming for humanity in the near future and will also be responsible for advancing the human species as a whole. Let us motivate them to study well, comprehend the topics and apply them in real life to help society. This presentation gives 7 motivational quotes given by some of the most learned men which will ignite the fire within the students to achieve the impossible. You can also visit my associated blog to read more motivational stuff. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 7 Motivational Quotes on Studying

7 Motivational Quotes on Studying
  • 1. Studying is the process of reading and
    comprehending a topic in a way that you are aware
    of the practical applications of the subject in
    addition to its theoretical significance.
  • 2. Students need to study well so that they
    become the future professionals the world will
    need to solve the looming problems and also steer
    it forward.
  • 3. Here I'll give you 7 Motivational quotes on
    Studying stated by some of the greatest figures
    to have changed humankind forever.

The Best way to predict your future is to create
  • Abraham Lincoln (Former president of the U.S.A)
  • 1. Ever wondered what your future would look
    like? Do you imagine a successful person with
    lots of wealth and happiness ? or an average
    person clinging on to their daily life by somehow
    arranging the monthly bills and getting stressed
    now and then?
  • 2. If your vision pictures the first person then
    studying is a very important first step in that
    direction. It gives you the power to literally
    carve out your future by gaining lots of
    knowledge.  This can then be applied by you to
    practical applications thus providing value to
    the society and getting immense wealth in return.
  • 3. The more you study, the more is the value you
    can provide and the more is the reward you get in

The man who does not read books has no advantage
over the one who cannot read them
  • Mark Twain (American Humorist and Writer)
  • 1. If the thought of how boring studying is ever
    crossing your mind, think for a second about
    those who wish to study but cannot afford it. Or
    about those, who are now adults but due to so
    many reasons were not able to study in their
    childhood and are now considered illiterates.
  • 2. They are left behind in society and it becomes
    very difficult for them to assimilate in this
    world where knowledge and skills shape your job
    prospects and thus your income. 
  • 3. So leave all your excuses behind and get going
    with your studies in a disciplined manner from
    now onwards!!

An Investment in knowledge pays the best interest
  • Benjamin Franklin (American Writer, Inventor and
  • 1. This quote is one of the greatest quotes on
    studying to emphasize the importance that
    learning holds. 
  • 2. The American polymath and one of the founding
    fathers of the U.S.A summarized his life into
    this quote.
  • 3. He puts an investment into knowledge as the
    greatest investment one can make. No other
    investment can bring the yield that lots of
    knowledge put into right use can bring.
  • 4. Right now is the correct time for the students
    to increase their learning by understanding their
    subjects well. They should also make reading a
    habit as it will be highly rewarding for them in
    the future.

There is no sense in crying over spilt milk. Why
bewail what is done and cannot be recalled ?
  • Sophocles (Greek Tragedian)
  • 1. Sophocles asks "why do you keep crying over
    what has happened and cannot be undone?" Rather,
    you should learn from your bitter experiences in
    the past and ensure that you never commit the
    same mistakes again. 
  • 2. It is very important for students to not live
    in the past by continuously pondering about the
    errors they might have made in an exam or a
    mistake that they may have committed in the
  • 3. Though they do need to analyze their mistakes,
    plan how to respond to a similar
    question/situation in the future and implement
    their plan correctly when such circumstances
    develop again. 
  • 4. Learning from your past mistakes is the only
    way of utilizing your bad experiences for
    creating good ones in the future.

Education is the most powerful weapon that you
can use to change the world
  • Nelson Mandela (South African anti-apartheid
  • 1. One of those quotes on studying that displays
    the importance education has in the eyes of the
    greatest men/women to have walked on the surface
    of the earth.
  • 2. He believed that education was the most
    powerful weapon which could be used to bring
    about large scale positive changes in society. 
  • 3. Your target while studying should not only be
    on high marks and rote learning. It must be on a
    clear understanding of topics and their practical
  • 4. You should be very observant in your daily
    life. This way you can realize the issues faced
    by the common man. When combined with a good
    grasp on practical use of academics this will
    lead you to make innovations that significantly
    affect a large population. 
  • 5. This will make you rich not just in monetary
    terms but also in terms of respect that people
    have for you in their hearts.

Wake up with determination. Go to bed with
  • George Horace Lorimer (American Journalist and
  • 1. One of the crispest quotes on studying which
    is equally applicable to everyone who is working
    hard to get to their goals.
  • 2. The secret to reaching your goal is breaking
    down your aim into smaller well-defined and
    time-bounded deadlines. To achieve this you
    should wake up in the morning with full
    determination to achieve that days targets. This
    dedication must transform into the actual
    fruition of the targets each day. 
  • 3. Thus students should set a goal for their
    performance in class. Make a schedule on how
    they'll achieve their target and fulfil it with
    complete dedication and discipline.
  • 4. When you make this a habit, you will go to bed
    every night with a sense of satisfaction and
    happiness in your mind. This routine, repeated
    throughout your life will lead you to the
    completion of every milestone that you might set
    for yourself at different stages in your career.

Procrastination is the thief of time
  • Edward Young (English Poet)
  • 1. Mr. Young shared his sharp dislike for
    procrastination by referring to it as a thief who
    steals your time. The time which could have been
    utilized in doing something productive was
    completely wasted by you. 
  • 2. Life is too short to delay what is to be done.
    You should try to complete whatever job you have
    in your hands, then and there. Ill do it
    later simply leads to time wastage. Do the
    scheduled thing as soon as you get the time so
    that you can do the job with full focus and
    without any panic to meet the deadlines. 
  • 3. This is one habit that students should develop
    from the very beginning. This will ensure that
    they dont waste their time on unnecessary
    irrelevant things rather do their
    homework/studies quickly and then move on to
    other productive stimulating things like
    sports, reading and other extracurricular
    activities for their all-round development.

7 Motivational Quotes on Studying
Thank You
Hopefully this will motivate students to study
with more dedication and not just get better
grades, but also understand the practical aspects
of what they read apart from becoming good human
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