Title: Vitamins
- Goals
- -To give students information about vitamins so
they can eat healthy foods - -For students to know which foods have a lot of
2- Objectives
- By the end of the lesson students should be able
to - name the vitamins A, B, C, D
- talk about which vitamins are contained in
different healthy foods - answer the questions given at the end of the
lesson accurately in their journals - talk about which vitamins are in their own diet
- Pictures of food items, vegetables, fruits
- Text about vitamins
- Diagram about vitamins, where they are found,
what they are useful for, how they are used and
what happens when someone is deficient. - Letter cards spelling out the word vitamins
4Activity I Warm up Ask students to come to
the teacher. Teacher gives them letters (
V,I,T,A,M,I,N,S)Their task is to make a word.
Please, make it quick. Vitamins.
5- Activity II Wh questions? Two s-s ask
questions? What is this? Is this a juice? What
kind of vegetables do you know? What do you know
about vitamin D? - Students will answer Yes/ No questions.
6Activity III Vocabulary
- Presentations
- Deficiency -???????
- Smooth - ???????
- Fatigue - ?????????
- Nerve damage -???????
??????????? - Sensitive skin - ?????? ????
- Osteoporosis ??????????
- Swollen gum - ??????? ?????
- Vitamin - ???????
????? - Reproduction - ???????????
7- B12
- Anemia
- Fatigue
- A smooth tongue
- Sensitive skin
- Damage
- A
- Dry skin
- Poor growth
- Problem with reproduction
- D
- Osteoporosis
- Rickets
- C
- Loose teeth
- Bleeding
- Swollen gums
8Practice Text Vitamins
- Students read the text, than in small group they
will discuss about USEAGE, DEFICIENCIES, FOUND
in, USED for. Make notes for your self. - Write and read about their own diet breakfast,
lunch and dinner then share with your pair. - Write a Cinquaine poem Vitamins.
- Vitamins play a very important role in human
health. Over dosage of some vitamins may be
harmful, so people must take normal doses of
vitamins. - When the winter months come your food becomes
rather poor of vitamins. - Winter is the time for virus infections, colds
and flu and your resistance is especially jow.
Take vitamins A, D, C every day. - They are often called winter vitamins.
10Cinquaine poem
- Line 1 noun
- Line 2 2 adjectives that describe the noun
- Line 3 3 verbs that describe the noun
- Line 4 One complete, related sentence
- Line 5 Noun-synonym of the noun in line 1.
- Vitamins
- Useful, soluble
- Help, protect, keep
- It is impotant for heath
- Meals
Over dosage harmful
Normal dose
Take vitamin A, D, C every day in food
Winter vitamins.
A. Carrots, milk, butter, eggs, oil, green vegetables
B12. Yeast, whole meal bread nuts, pease, beans, meat
C. Oranges, lemons, tomatoes, black, currents, green vegetables
D. liver, butter, cheese
A. Keeping skin and vision healthy
B12. Help the body to release energy from food growth
C. Keeping blood, gums and teeth healthy, protect against cold.
D. Keeping bones and teeth strong and healthy, important in childhood.
B12. Anemia, smooth tongue, fatigue nerve damage sensitive skin
D. Osteoporosis, Rickets
C. Loose teeth, Bleeding, swollen gum, night blindness
A. Dry skin, poor growth, problem with reproduction
12Home assignment